Friday, April 01, 2022


 After the previous busy days, I had a quiet one. Slept well, getting up only once, then back to sleep until 6:30. After breakfast, I cored and quartered the four pounds of apples I had bought at Smart 'n' Final, cut up a big naval orange, added cinnamon, and set them to simmer in the slow cooker.  

I then went over to Von's for the heavy cream and Sensodyne I had forgotten on Wednesday. As I was coming back, I ran into Michelle, my neighbor, who is the most talkative person I've ever met and I mean that sincerely. She simply never stops and she has this up and down delivery that's enough to curdle my blood. This time, she went on and on about her mother and how mean she is--I've heard this many times before--and how her mother doesn't understand how much Michelle misses her father, who recently died. Michelle is about fifty, by the way, and the mother is 87. Michelle asked if I'd walk with her to the DVD some day next week, roughly four miles away. I'm not so sure I want to go that far in one stretch, so I'll think about it. 

Made up the Molloy's Irish Crème (it's fun to use the spelling with the accent mark, even though that's French, not Irish) and happily, it fit perfectly in the container I had bought for it. I'll bring it this morning to the T.O.P.S. meeting. Also worked up a short--very short--program, which I had promised to do. Here's the first question: 

1. What state has the highest percentage of obesity? a. Mississippi  b. Florida  c. California d. New Jersey. Answer tomorrow!  

I spent some time deciding how I'll get the crème, glasses, and crackers to the meeting and finally decided on a kind of heavy canvas carryall I have. I don't know why I go to such lengths (and spend the amount of time and money I do) on things that are just whims of mine. I think it's because I sometimes get restless and bored--I just don't have enough to do. I'm considering joining Friends of the Library and maybe some other kind of volunteer work, but do I really want to? Not sure.

After lunch, I lay down for a nap--only an hour--and felt better when I woke up. I don't want to get in the habit of napping every day, though. For me, I don't think it's a good idea. I was re-invigorated enough to do some work in the patio: deadheaded the geraniums and cut back the daisies. Looks nice.

Anyway, after the crème had been in the fridge for several hours, I sampled some. Oh, mama, is that good!    

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...