Saturday, April 09, 2022

Weight, The Pool, And Graham Greene

I gained a pound, consistent both at home (127.8) and at T.O.P.S. (128.7). That's okay, but I want to stop this in its tracks. Five of us were at the meeting, including Sharon, who was the big loser with ten pounds. That wasn't, of course, one week's loss: She hadn't been there for four weeks and had been sick. She keeps track, as I do, and showed me that she's now under three hundred--yay! I felt for Lora, who picked me up, who had been sure she'd break the two hundred pound mark. Disappointingly, she didn't, but we all encouraged her that she will next week. I told her I clearly remember doing exactly that when I was at that weight--looking for the big break-through into the one hundreds.

Late breakfast, as ever on Fridays, then I walked to the P.O. to send Mr. K. the little gift. I had paid three bucks for it and when I found it would cost $17.90 to send, I took it home. I might ask Mike to take that and the sweat shirt I got for K's birthday back to Singapore and send it from there.

I was pleased that Jim called about 11;00 to say he had gotten a plumber and had the drain unclogged. Jim never calls during the day (if I don't call him Friday evening, he calls me), so this was an innovation. He has to pay the plumber himself, being worried the landlord would raise his rent otherwise, but I guess he's able. Happy day, he sounded so much better, relieved and light-hearted--well, light-hearted for Jim, which may seem somber if it were anybody else. Of course, he'll be over for lunch today--it's Saturday. 

I then did something truly radical: I went to the pool! It was almost as hot--lower nineties--as it had been on Thursday* and that first (and only) dip was just heavenly. I got out and started eating my lunch, which I had brought with me: a sandwich and a bottle of Heineken. Of course, it's forbidden to bring 1. glass and 2. alcohol to the pool, but ask me if I care. 

I was pleased to see Suzanne come in; she had swum her daily laps earlier, but had left her watch and was there to retrieve it. She sat down for a half hour to chat, always a pleasure. Contemplating retirement, she had informally notified her boss, who asked her to stay on until June to train the new hire. Suzanne, however, was firm in saying she would finish after her "next event" (her presentation on health education scheduled for the middle of May) and good for her. Home, showered, then went over to Von's for lunchmeat and yogurt. 

I've started re-reading A Burnt-Out Case, by Graham Greene. I had forgotten what an incredibly wonderful writer he was. He had been called the best living (when he was living, which is no longer the case-- he died in 1991). The book is not the usual fiction stuff: It's about a man who has lost his interest in life, along with his (Catholic) faith, and then moves to a leprosy colony in Africa, operated by priests. I've only completed the third chapter, but it's even better that what I remember. This is no action adventure, nor is it anything like a "man finds God again" tract or, for that matter, "man loses God and finds something else." I'll say no more, except that it's just a marvel of intelligent thought.   

*Crazy weather: When I got up a half hour ago, it was 55 degrees and it's predicted not to get higher than the upper sixties all week.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...