Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Easter Sunday And Monday

Had a good and fun Easter holiday. The Access Van dropped me at Ellen's in Ojai on Sunday at noon and I sat down with her and Greg for lunch. Greg had made stuffed peppers, but not the traditional kind. His were filled with ground turkey combined with a number of difference seasonings, and "worked" so it was soft and fit easily into quartered sweet peppers. This was served with a salad and made a  delicious lunch. I asked for and got the recipe, of course.  

Greg had to work from 2 to 10, so he went off and El and I sat in the yard with Margarita--ha, ha, I mean , MargaritaS and they were yummy, of course. It had been overcast and a bit chilly in Ventura, but was lovely and sunny in Ojai.  As is clear from the following pics, we didn't dress up the way we used to in other days, but so what? We had a great time, anyway.*

After our Margaritas in the yard, we went for a walk around the neighborhood. Ojai--and particularly the Meiners Oaks section where Ellen lives--is a wonderfully interesting community. When it comes to styles of architecture and layouts, you see anything but cookie-cutter development homes; every one seems unique. Many, as Ellen's was, were build as small, single-room houses in the twenties and thirties, then were added to. That makes for quirky, but charming differences. There are a lot of low stone walls, flowered trellises, and other features that add to the ambiance. They look fairly modest, but the prices are anything but: On Sunday, the Ventura Star listed the median price of homes in Ojai as $1,150,000.00. 
Yesterday, we lazed around a bit, said goodbye to Greg, got my costume out of El's shed, then drove to my place. El had brought her squeegee and a bucket and, while I made lunch, she cleaned my sliding glass door. She then looked at the TV (I had a minor problem, but it seems to be resolved). We ate, after which I walked her to her car and off she went. 
In another hour, I left for Stone Fire Grille and the Soaring Spirits dinner gathering. There were only six of us, including two newbies, Steve and Scott. They both told harrowing stories of losing their wives: Steve, four years ago, of cancer, Scott, just three months ago, of COVID combined with a blood disorder. We all listened and bonded and were there with each other. I left about 7:30 and bused home. By the time I got in, it was full dark, but no prob.      

* There seems to be a new trend--a step up to illiteracy, it seems to me--of putting an "s" on "anyway." I've heard this several times on YouTube videos and it drives me BONKERS!  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...