Monday, April 11, 2022


I skipped breakfast, since I was meeting LaVonne for brunch at 11:00. Showered, dressed, and took off for the Hill Street CafĂ©. It's a scant mile via the overpass and I was early, but LaVonne came a short time later. It's always jammed for their Sunday brunch and yesterday was no exception. However, they have some two-person booths and we were lucky enough to get one right away. I couldn't resist the bottomless champagne glass; it comes with a carafe of orange juice, so you make your own orange blossom(s) and oh, yum, was it good. I also had eggs Benedict and yoicks, my bill came to thirty-eight bucks! But so what, we had a good time talking. 

Said goodbye to LaVonne and walked home, but immediately caught the 6 bus. I was headed to Trader Joe's for leeks (got the recipe from Greg), but impulsively got off at the big flea market at the college. It was jammed and fun to be there. I walked all around for a half hour or so and enjoyed it, but bought only a half dozen tangerines. Continued on to the mall and bought the leeks. 

When I got home, I was in a crazy cookin' mood, so made up a large portion of my ground turkey stir-fry. I had already chopped three large onions, which I browned before adding the meat and garlic. I put in a little red wine, which I must remember to do more often. Had some for dinner and froze the rest for later. 

I also prepared the leeks, which entailed cleaning and boiling them before dressing with olive oil, red wine vinegar, garlic, and Dijon mustard. They're then marinate for an hour at room temperature. Greg had served them as appetizers, but I had some with dinner and they were delish. 

Stopped in at Suzanne's to give her a rose in the vase she had last given me a rose in, and we talked a bit about Vickie's adventure with Bennie.  LaVonne called in the evening and we chatted. I wrote out a response to James re Vickie possibly getting involved in some way with Bennie's future care--she can't possibly take anything else on--and sent it to her for approval.  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...