Monday, April 04, 2022


A good day, starting with the crossword, which was punny and funny. Got all but two answers before I put it aside. I mentioned yesterday that I had wanted to resume transcribing my Dad's work diary. After breakfast, I sat down for an hour of it, and boy, this is going to take a while. I'm only on February 17 (1945) and it goes through the year. Okay, a few days at a time.   

Before lunch, I swabbed my gums for the Gene Match Alzheimer's Study I'm in. You can't eat or brush your teeth for an hour beforehand, so that was the right time. Followed the instructions for packaging and mailing and I'll drop the box off at the post office today.

I definitely didn't want to sit at the laptop all day, so got my cart, put in the Amanda Knox book I had finished and walked over the footbridge to the Little Lending Library in the park. Picked up two books from there, then thought I'd take the bus and maybe go to the mall. Went out to wait and saw a woman I've didn't know, but have often seen on the bus. We fell into conversation and like me, she hasn't driven for a year or so. I was sure she was a lot younger than I am, but no--she's actually six months older and will be 86 in June. We got on the bus, exchanged names--hers is LaVonne--I gave her my card, we chatted, then both got off when we saw an outdoor event going on at a Telephone Avenue complex. It was actually and kind of combination of antique cars and various booths. We greatly enjoyed talking to the vendors and LaVonne got a taco. This was one of the attractions:

I thought she was adorable, so took her picture. She was part of the show for Industry Horror, which has a shop downtown; I often pass it. 
Anyway, it was fun to be there. After, LaVonne accompanied me over the footpath to my place. I invited her in and she stayed for fifteen or so for a glass of water and a chat. I then took her out to Telegraph and Victoria, where she could get a bus home. Julie called and will pick me up for lunch with Soaring Spirits at 11:45. This is the first time we've met for months and I can't wait to see my friends.

Just stripped the bed and will put in a wash before breakfast. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...