Saturday, April 16, 2022


 I was down a tad in weight: .08 at home for a weight of 127 and about the same at T.O.P.S. There were only four of us at the meeting and, as ever, it was mostly just a social hour after Lennie read an article about keeping positive thoughts and similar boring, new-agey crapola. We somehow got into aging and at one point, I mentioned how infuriating it is to be addressed as "honey," "dear," or similar intimate terms by cashiers, servers, and other people you don't know from Adam. It's demeaning and trivializing, sez I, and even worse is to be called "cute." This prompted a lively discussion, pro and con, which was at least more stimulating than positive thoughts. 

Late breakfast, as usual, then I tidied up and bused/walked to Aloha on the beach. It was a bit cool, but wonderfully sunny on the beach. Met Noreen and we settled in for a good, long lunch and heart-to-heart talk. She and I can talk frankly to each other, being almost the same age (she's a year older) and with some--not all--similar ideas and thoughts about life in general.

We said goodbye and I strolled around town for some time. Stopped at the library, then at a few shops; by the time I got home, it was after 5:00. I cooked up some chopped onions and tomatoes together, added it to the pasta/tuna/peas mix I had in the freezer and had it for dinner.

Jim called, as ever, at 7:00 and, as ever, will be over for lunch today. I asked him to take me afterward to Green Thumb to get some tomato and pepper plants. Wow--I guess finding the vegetable and herb soil awakened the farmerette in me. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...