Thursday, March 06, 2025


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn't feel like going to lunch after. 

The program was actually pretty good. I'm no animal lover and the theme was "Saving The Endangered Channel Island Fox" which didn't thrill me, but it turned out to be very interesting. One of the scientists presented a slide presentation and talk about this particular breed of fox, which lives only on the Channel Islands off the coast here. Here, she's holding up some fox furs (my mother had a fox fur coat!):

Below, her assistants are holding a cutout that illustrates the size of a golden eagle, which prey on the foxes. I never dreamed eagles could be that huge:
Anyway, it was a good program. I'll see both Julie and Regina on Saturday, when we go to the memorial luncheon for Lora's son.

Home, I had lunch, then put in a bleach wash. I had intended to continue clearing out and cleaning up my kitchen drawers, but did I? Well, uh, I was going to, but it wasn't my fault I just didn't get around...I was so busy with ah...I just couldn't... No, I didn't, damn it, and I'm not apologizing to myself, either, so there! 

What I did do, on my ever-expanding chore list, was call Dr. Fixx (I'd go to her just for the name), my endocrinologist. Why? Because I had read in, of all places, "Hints From Heloise," that eating certain foods were not good for osteoporosis because they contain oxalates, which make it hard for calcium to be absorbed. There were several foods listed, including grapefruit, oranges, and spinach.  Oh, great, I eat either a half-grapefruit or a Sumo orange every single day, and spinach probably several times a week. I had never been told this, by the way. Gave the message to her assistant and she said she or Dr. Fixx will get back to m. 

Aside from that, I still have to make several calls on the list, including to the public guardian, re Jim's situation and Dr. Sui, my dermatologist--I know I have more spots on my nose.  

Wednesday, March 05, 2025


 Called HEARX to see if I could get my hearing aids done (wax removal) without waiting a month. Happily, Amanda said I could come in at 11:15, so I got my coat and cart and went off to the bus stop. Got there a little late, but that was okay and they were cleaned while I waited. 

From there, I walked to the Market for tissues and a few other items, then to the transit center to get the bus home. By that time, it was almost 2:00 and I made and packed my lunch, then walked over to CVS to pick up my medication. After that, I had lunch at my preferred place when I'm home, the middle of our complex, neat the pool. However, it was cooler than I like and a little too breezy, so I ate fast and went home.

When I did, I called cousin, Sally's son, Duane, whom I had visited in Encinitas in January. I had spoken to Sally and just wanted to see how he and Ani were doing after his brother's death. They're fine and they enjoyed the "name verse" and pickleball Christmas ornament I sent as a thank-you. We talked for a half hour or so, which was so enjoyable.

Got a communication from management about personal liability insurance and some other hogwash, such as a "damage waiver program," whatever the hell that means. Guess I'll have to call  my insurance agent in Jersey to get it explained. 

BCNN meeting today and Julie will pick me up at 9:00, then Regina. I can't remember what the program will be and we'll probably go to lunch after.

Tuesday, March 04, 2025


Got the 6 bus to Telephone Road and the 11 from there, but darn it, I somehow missed my stop, so got off about a half mile after I should have and had to walk back. Actually, I shouldn't whine about it, as the exercise was good for me. 

Enjoyed the time with my Soaring Spirits gang at Stone Fire Grille; Vera and Susan were there, of course, as well as Renee, Grendel, and ??. (The latter comes to both lunch and dinner, but I can never remember her name, which also starts with a "G" and is also unusual.) Anyway, we had a good time and some good talk, which ranged over abortion, religion, taking one's own life, and turtles. Yes, it's serious stuff and some had differing opinions, but none of us tout our own ideas as superior to others and we all listen respectfully.

Left a little after 2:00 and bused to the transit center, then home. I didn't feel like doing anything productive, so I actually turned on the television. I watched a 60 Minutes show from Australia about a woman who pretended to have a malignant brain tumor that was being cured by certain foods. She had thousands of Instagram followers and made money by selling a cookbook. Must watch the rest later.

After that, I cleaned out one of the kitchen drawers that hold my knives, potato mashers, peelers, scoops, and so on; I'll tackle the others today (maybe! 😁). I then cooked up the big kabocha squash I bought at Ralph's and had most of it for dinner--oh, so good.

Puzzles Note:  Yesterday, I got Wordle in TWO tries (it was "spear"). Today, I got the word, but it took me all the way to six. Could my brain be spongier on Tuesdays or what?

Monday, March 03, 2025


Did the Sunday stuff--crossword was somewhat obscure, but I got most--then David Wappler called and we settled into a long talk. David is the ornithologist who lives in a building across the way and he's very much concerned with the tree-trimming and felling going on here. It's nesting season or almost, and his knowledge of, interest in, and love for birds goes without saying. David said he had asked at the office why this is being done and was told because the new owners were told by the insurance company it was required because limbs might fall off the trees and hit someone! Idiotic and stupid, sez I, and of course, David agrees. He's considering moving, but I don't think too seriously. Anyway, it was good to talk to him.

El came over at 1:00, as scheduled, bringing her lunch and we ate together, then took of to Oxnard to visit Jim. He was--again--in bed, but awake and alert and actually, we had a good visit. It was such a pleasure to have Ellen there, as she engaged Jim in lively conversation, plus showed him pictures of when he was at her place last New Year's Day. Mike, Paula, their girls, and Greg were there, too, and Jim enjoyed seeing the pics. Speaking of which, here we are: 

We stayed about an hour, then said goodbye. 

Stopped at Ralph's (supermarket) on the way home, where El got what she needed and so did I, prominently luscious Sumo oranges. She helped me in with my items, then departed about 4:00.

Julie called shortly after to ask if I wanted to go to the BCNN meeting on Wednesday. Yes, I do, and this time, I won't forget. She'll pick up Regina, too, and this time, I'll also remember the twenty bucks I owe her.

Soaring Spirits lunch today.

Sunday, March 02, 2025


A pretty good day. My brother, Larry, called from Florida and we had a good talk. I was concerned, though, when he said he had had some dizziness and that his balance had worsened. I know several other people my age and his age who have had vertigo, also. I don't know why that happens. Even so, Larry's in pretty good shape at the age of 92. He told me one of his daughter's may move in with him, which would be a help to him, but also, she had lost her lease. However, he doesn't want her 26-year-old son, who now lives with his mother, to come, too. The guy seems to have some problems going out; he works at home, doesn't drive, and will often ask his mother to pick him up from wherever. I'm surprised he doesn't see a a therapist, considering there are so many doctors and nurses in Larry's family.

After our talk, I made lunch and bused to Target to return a bra I had bought--it's too small and I couldn't find another. Went from there to town, where I happily strolled Main; it's been a long time--well, a few weeks, since I've been there and I greatly enjoyed it. Bought a purse, , some washcloths, and a nice little clock for my desk: 

I then happily had my lunch at my spot across from the mission. 

The weather was lovely at first, sunny and close to 70 with little wind. Later in the afternoon, though, it clouded over and got cooler, so I bused home. In at 4:00, I transferred my crapola from my old purse to the new. 

Ellen called and we talked about whether I should go there or she come here today on our Sunday together. She'll come here, will bring her lunch, then we plan to go to Oxnard and see Jim. Annoying, when I tried to call where he lives now, I got a message saying, "You are not allowed to make dialed carrier calls." I can't understand what that's supposed to mean and why it would be, but I wonder if it involves my carrier from hell, Cricket Wireless. I guess we'll go anyway--I'll talk to El about it.

Saturday, March 01, 2025


Weight: Up a smidgen both at home (+.02 to 127.8) and at T.O.P.S. (+.03 to 128.7), but no prob. I tol that others that Lora and Todd will be back from Arizona shortly to host a memorial luncheon for their son, Seth. It will be on Saturday, March 8, and she put an invitation on Facebook; most of us from T.O.P.S. are going and Cheryl will pick me up.

Home at 10:00 and put in a color wash before breakfast, then ate, showered, and sat down to continue my infuriating contact with Cricket. I'm hoping against hope it's settled now, but I'm not confident. 

Considering I was having dinner with Suzanne and Vickie at 5:30, I probably shouldn't have, but by the time I got off the phone, I was hungry, so had a tuna sandwich. Interestingly, I had put this in the freezer a few weeks ago, when I changed my mind about what I wanted. Not sure if it would be any good at all--it was frozen solid--but thought I'd try, so I wrapped it in a dampened paper towel and microwaved it on "defrost" for six or so minutes. Surprisingly, it turned out quite good. 

After that, I just more or less futzed around  until it was time to stroll over to Vickie's at 5:30. Suzanne came shortly and we went to Danny's Deli for dinner. I had looked at the menu on-line earlier and decided on a breaded eggplant marinara. That's what I ordered and it was very good, plus I took some home for dinner tonight. Suzanne got beef stroganoff and Vickie--well, I don't remember what she got, but she shared some little games she had brought, including this: 

The idea is to pick a card, read one side, then turn the other side for the "answer." My first side was something like "The past is past" and the other was something to the effect that we must move on. For some reason and to my own surprise, I actually started to cry. I imagine it hit some usually-hidden deep phycological chord with me, but I was with such good friends, I wasn't embarrassed. 

Considering I didn't get my usual quota of exercise yesterday, I slept wonderfully well. Just got up at 6:15 and feel good. Think I'll go into town today.



Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...