Sunday, March 31, 2024


I finally tackled cleaning the floors, my least favorite household task. I vacuumed the carpets, then dust-and wet-mopped the hard floors, using the Bona method, as I always do. At the same time, I washed the bathroom rugs and cover.  It went pretty fast and looks good. I then swept the front walk--it's been windy and greens blow there--and did a regular load of wash. Called the Access Van to take me to Ellen's today for Easter; I should be there about noon. 

Michelle, my tax accountant, texted me to say she was meeting with Jim on Tuesday, to see if his tax return, done by the free service, was correct. I was surprised, as he had asked me about this last year. Michelle is ready to retire and said she really doesn't need any more referrals, I had no idea Jim would get in touch with her and I'm a little annoyed he didn't mention it, but oh, well. 

Called El herself with a tale of woe: this laptop suddenly informed me that my battery was low and I had to connect to the computer. What? It was connected and I was hazy about that, anyway. Called Ellen, who has the same laptop I have (which she never uses, as she has a Tablet) and she walked me through it. I just had to plug something in. She was so wonderfully patient with my histrionics (I'm the annoying excitable type--everything's a disaster--you'd like to strangle) and her calm and clear  direction reassured me the world wasn't going to end. Well, I guess that's because she's been dealing with nine-year-old for thirty years and I fit right in.  

I've got a slew of calls to make tomorrow, including to the gas and electric companies for my house, Little Egg Township to be sure they got my paperwork, my R.E. agent, Kim, to see if there's anything else I have to do, and a few others.

It rained on and off all day, but I took a chance and went over to Von's for veggies at 4:30 when it was still dry. Wouldn't you know, it was raining when I came out and I got a little wet. However, it was a half-hearted California rain and no harm don't, It's supposed to be a rainy Easter today, too--and yep, it's raining now, but I don't care as I'll be with those I love. 

Saturday, March 30, 2024


Was up a pound at home to 124.6 and a tad (.07) at T.O.P.S. TO 125.1, but no prob. The meeting meandered on, as usual, but it was okay. On the way home, Cheryl and I wondered why Sharon has gained weight after a considerable loss. Maybe she was off the diabetes medication for a time.

Had breakfast after 10:00, then got my cart and took off. Walked the mile and a bit to Telephone Road, then got the 11 bus to Grocery Outlet. I hadn't had time on Thursday to get what I wanted there (I'm particularly interested in their vegan choices), so it was good I was free yesterday. Got minneolas, three pounds of apples (I'm on this baked apples kick), and a big container of strawberries (this is the season here).  Also picked up some cauliflower shrimp burgers--can't wait to try them!--and other vegan veggie treats. Took the 11 to Victoria Avenue, but decided not to wait for the 6 or 21 home, so walked. As I went through the middle area, I saw Lorraine; she often sits and reads out there in the afternoon. Chatted with her for a half hour or so, then continued on. 

By the time I had lunch, it was after 2:00, then then actually watched television for a half hour (naughty Mimi!). For some reason, though, it went off (no doubt to punish me) and I'll call Yandoo Communications today.  

Did an hour or so of fruit prep: washed, cored, and treated (Splenda and cinnamon) sixteen apples, popped them in the oven, then separated them into several containers, which I put in the freezer. I'll be able to enjoy them for quite a while:

I then washed, trimmed, and cut the pound of strawberries (it's the season here) and put them in the freezer, too. Eventually, I'll make something with them--maybe strawberry shortcake when I have dinner guests.

Mike, out on his daily early-morning biking run, videoed me for a quick hello. He'll be in Cupertino, Cal., on business at the end of April, but only for a few days and won't have time to come down here. He will be here in July to bring Violet to camp, then will come back to get her in August. Not sure if he'll be able to get here for my brother's memorial.

Friday, March 29, 2024


Up and at 'em after a pretty good sleep. Didn't do a whole lot in the morning besides making my lunch. Left about 10:30 to meet Diane at noon, as I wanted to stop at the bank first to order checks, as I'm out.. I use them so seldom, I didn't realize that. Sent Michelle her fee via a check from SO-FI, the very entity that owns this apartment complex.*  

After dealing with all that finance crapola, I took the 11 bus to Diane's area. Stopped first in the supermarket there--they have some good buys and some items different from the usual, including a lot of vegan selections. I decided to pick up some things there after I left Diane, so walked down to the park across from her place. There she was, early as ever, and we settled down to one of our long, discussion-filled lunches. She's going (on-line) to a new guru, who assures her that her neuropathy is the result of a traumatic childhood event, which Diane said never happened. Such incredible hogwash--it's hard to believe people actually pay money for this. Anyway, it was interesting in a horrible kind of way.

We talked for two hours, then said goodbye and I went back to the supermarket. I had just walked in when Ellen called.  Could she borrow my crockpot and a casserole dish? Sure, and I cut short my grocery buying--just got three pounds of apples and some crackers. I might go back today, as I wanted to pick up some ahi tuna steaks and a few other things.

Got home and about twenty minutes later, I buzzed Ellen in. We had a nice little visit--she didn't want to go to dinner, as she was tired after a long day with nine-year-olds. She's off now for spring break--happy day--and I'll see her on Sunday.

*A year or so ago, just on a whim, I opened an account there with five hundred bucks.  I actually forgot all about the SO-FI account until I realized I had no more BOA checks. I guess I could have paid Michelle on-line, but I want to get rid of the other account, so used that.  Just as a test, I deposited a hundred in my BOA account via a SO-FI check, too. I'll just close that out, I guess

Thursday, March 28, 2024


It was quite an enjoyable day after all the must-do-this, can't-find-that of the last few.  Changed the bed, washed the sheets, and jumped in the shower before breakfast. Washed my hair, which looks good, but is too long; I may or may not look for a hairdresser other than Maria, as I haven't been entirely satisfied with the look lately.

Walked over to the shopping center and met Stella at the new Thai restaurant for lunch. I was anxious to see if I could finally hear her with the new aids and yes, I mostly could. There were still some fuzzy spots, but I think that's just the way she talks. 

I had my favorite pad Thai and it was good, but oddly, it seemed nothing like the same dish at Jasmine Thai. For one thing, instead of peanut sauce, it contained ground peanuts on the top. I like both versions--maybe J.T.'s a little better--so what the hey (as my Ewing neighbor used to say). 

We had a good, superficial conversation (you don't discuss weighty matters with Stella), plus a zesty IPA for me. Happily, when we said goodbye, I just had to stroll across the street to get home. Took a short nap when I did.

My income tax document package was already in my mailbox, thanks to efficient Michelle, but damn, I have no checks left to send her fee. I could have swore I had ordered some, but they're not here, that I can see. Think I'll walk to the bank today and get some, plus a cashiers check for Michelle.   

I was happy to receive pictures from the Tokyo Trio, including one showing my grandson (ten years old and growing by leaps and bounds) looking at a machine at the train station:

Here's the explanation from my son after an accident delayed the train: "This machine dispenses explanations that can be turned in to schools, offices, and the like to show that the tardiness was not the bearer's fault."

Trust the Japanese to come up with something this ingenious! 

Wednesday, March 27, 2024


Sent a welcome e-mail to my new tenants, mother and daughter, Laura and Prudence. I must remember to check to see if I need to send anything else to the township. Paid a few bills and tidied up a few other business-y stuff. 

Texted Stella to firm up our plans for lunch today at the new Thai restaurant. It's right across the street from my apartment complex so, for once, I don't have to bus somewhere.

Packed my lunch and bused again to HEARX to report I can't handle the newly-formed left ear aid. I didn't see Amanda, the audiologist, as I didn't have an appointment, but spoke to Amanda, the technician after a wait. We discussed the problem and I told her I wanted the old one back. She gave it to me, but suggested I could try another molded, which is softer and more flexible. Okay by me, but for now, I'm using the earlier one. Still can't get it in the ear canal, but it's at least closer.

Headed to the mall after that. Ate my lunch in the middle, then stopped at Target for bread, blueberries, and printer paper. Home, I called my Florida brother, Larry, now 92, and we had a long talk. I told him about the traveling memorial (see below) for Frank and he filled me in on the doings of his humongous family. I was surprised to hear that his grandson, Vic, was leaving WJAX TV and will work at some sheriff's office--not sure in what capacity. It seems he was reporting, writing, producing, anchor-ing, and so on for the station and it had just gotten to be too much. Here's Vic, whom they call "little Vic" because his Dad is "big Vic." "Little Vic" is six foot five: 

Vic Micolucci

       I-Team reporter, anchor


Note: I forgot to mention that, a few days ago, I contacted my niece, Maureen, about whether she and her siblings had planned a memorial for my brother, Frank. I received this reply a few days ago:

While we are still finalizing the details, we are taking dad's memorial on the road. The four of us will be taking a road trip up the coast, visiting places and people who were special to Mom and Dad. You are one of the primary people on our list. Once we finalize dates (Tentatively July 25-30) we will make arrangements to host something in Santa Barbara with you and all the cousins. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Monday--Ears, Eyes, Jim, And Sleep

Talk about busy. In the morning, I dug up the Vanguard documents I had neglected to give Michelle and she stopped over to pick them up at 11:30. Happy day, all is well with the IRS and I'm getting a nice piece of change back rom both the feds and Cali--nuttin' from Joisey, though. After that, I walked the mile and a half to the cleaners to tell them I didn't want the alteration. I apologized and the woman was very nice about it. I wonder if I can get any compensation for the skirt that burned at the other cleaners...

From there, I bused to HEARX to get my new left-ear aid. I saw a new person, who said she was a technician; funnily, her name is Amanda, the same as the audiologist's. Unfortunately, I am not happy with this one at all. It seems impossible to get it in right and it's even making my ear a little sore. I called after hours and told them it was utterly unsatisfactory; guess I'll hear back from them today.  

From there, I went to Miramar Eye to get my new glasses. Incredibly, I can actually see very well with them, both up close and far away. Well, one success, anyway.

That took me near Jim's and, since I had packed my lunch, I took a chance and rang his bell. He was home, invited me in, and I ate my lunch there, although it was 3:00 already. We had quite a pleasant conversation, discussing the books we were reading and so on. Jim asked if I noticed anything different in the living room and it did seem to me a little--well, cleaner and less dusty. He said "a woman" had come over and cleaned; I assumed she was from the Agency on Aging and it pleases me that I had set in motion this and other assistance for him a year or so ago. 

I asked Jim about some of the artifacts around the room and we discussed them. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them are worth something, especially the Oriental ones from his great-grandmother. Asked if I could take some pictures and he agreed. When I have a chance, I'll see if I can get some info on whether any have value. They include several carved chairs and a table:

...a cabinet with painted ivory (or something) insets:
...two carved wooden firgures and some scrimshaw: 
...and my favorite, a antique bell in a carved surround: 
(The statue may be contemporary--not sure.)

On my way home, I stopped at Great Clips to see when Maria will be in: not until Thursday and I really want to get my hair cut before that.  Hmm...I'll think about someplace else. Also, thinking about whether Stella and I still have a lunch date on Thursday; will get in touch with her.

Unfortunately, my "sleeping well phase" seems to be over for now. A wakeful pattern has set in, which goes like this: light out about 9:30, wake for the usual between 1:00 and 3:00; toss, turn, and worry for an hour or more, wake with the alarm at 6:30. I don't like getting up that late (yes, I know somebody reading this might be saying  "LATE?!," but she stays up until ungodly hours😁), so I hope I can soon ease back into my usual routine.

Monday, March 25, 2024


No paper today, dammit. When I called the "didn't get my paper" number, the recording said that "because of production problems, your paper will be two to three hours late."  But it wasn't--it was twenty-four hours late; didn't come until this morning.

Aside from that frustration, it was an enjoyable day that included a drive into town, a stop at Office Depot, a visit to  my tax accountant, Michelle, and a brisk walk on The Promenade during a coolish and extremely windy day.  The ocean was wild:

...but the parasailers were out--intrepid souls that they are: 
The Promenade includes a kind of memorial garden of stones, commemorating the deceased, animal and human:

There is also a dragon on the beach!
Anyway, it was much fun and the last stop was a nod to my IRS defender, Michelle. Gave her my info, but wouldn't you know, there was something from Vanguard (investment firm) I forgot. Found it when I got home, called her, and she'll stop to pick it at today.

Nothing much else new and exciting except that I put in a bleach wash when I got home. Yowsah! Today, I want to go the cleaners/seamstress and get back the skirt I had left. I found the other one and will try it with the rest of the Dudley House costume. If it looks reasonably suitable for the eighteen-nineties, I'll wear that. Otherwise, I'll go thrifting again and will donate the ruffled one to Dudley House. 

Sunday, March 24, 2024


Suzanne stopped in about 10:00. She had had her friend, Sister Beatrice over for lunch the other day and brought me a piece of key lime pie. We had a nice chat and I enjoyed it. In fact, that was the high point of the day, because virtually all of the rest of it, I spent on pulling together my income tax info. Every year, I promise myself I'll do it early and every year, I...uh huh. 

Anyway, it took me a lot of the day and I didn't do much else except a load of wash. I didn't go anywhere, which was just as well, as the wind was absolutely ferocious. When I went out to get the mail, I was actually nervous I'd be hit by a tree branch or, worse, a whole tree.

Loraine called and we talked for fifteen or so. One of these days, she and I will take lunch to the middle, but it's been a little too chilly for that lately. 

I messaged my niece, Maureen, to see if any plan's have been made for my brother, Frank's, memorial He died several months ago, and I'm not sure if they're waiting until summer or even if they'll have one.

A more agreeable message was one from Mike telling me that granddaughter, Vivian, has secured a research internship at Cornell. This will be in the summer and includes travel and living expenses, plus a stipend! Wow, what a great thing for her--I'm thrilled. Sent her an email of congratulations. I mentioned that I might be in Jersey in the summer and possibly, we could meet between there and Cornell, which is in Ithaca, N.Y. That darling girl immediately sent me back a loving note: "Thank you so much! I would love to get together in the summer, that would be great. I am really excited about this internship. I love you!" 

Saturday, March 23, 2024


Lost a mere pittance of .02 (to 123.6) at home yesterday, but incredibly, I was the biggest loser at T.O.P.S.-- down 2.4 to 124.4. Wowee, I won the cash ante--a big five bucks! We had a new member, Mary Ann, who seems very nice and a good fit for our group. Bobbi is still out with her surgery and Bev with her vertigo, I'm sorry to say. leader Lennie brought in a bottle (non-alcoholic, natch) and we toasted Lora, who became an official K.O.P.S. Here's Lennie, setting up:                                              

And here's my pal, Lora, taking a picture of Lennie. Cheryl, on the left, looks somber, which isn't her personna at all:

Home at 10:15, changed, had a quick breakfast, then took off for town. Met Noreen at Dargan's and we had a good lunch and a long talk, covering such topics as guilt, struggles with feelings of inadequacy, abortion, and so on. Not exactly upbeat, but very satisfying. Noreen's one those with whom I can disagree and still respect her opinion. After we parted, I looked in a few thrift shops for a docent skirt (I"m sure as hell not paying full price for it), found nothing, and may wear another one I have at home. Damn, I somehow lost another pair of sunglasses! I'm down to one pair, so may want to buy a spare.

Miramar called to tell me my glasses are in. Think I'll go on Monday and pick up my new hearing aid piece, too. The person from the cleaners called and agreed to give me until Tuesday to decide if I want the skirt altered (to the tune of fifty bucks, as I've mentioned) or not. Since I think I can use the one I have, I may take her up on it and go get it back today. I'll then donate the damn thing to GoodWill.

Mike videoed me last night with exciting news: Vivian has gotten a summer internship at Cornell University! It comes with room and board, travel expenses and a stipend--wow! That's a far cry from those long-ago days when I handled the internship program at Rider. Because her major is botonny, I suppose she'll be out in the fields with nature.  So proud of her!

Friday, March 22, 2024


Whew, what a day. I made a list of all the large and small things I wanted to get done and did most of them, but it took all day. They included making an appointment with Primary Medical because I have some rough spots on my nose; contacting my niece about possible plans for a memorial for my brother; asking Vickie to find a particular piece of legislature we've discussed; paying Wayfair and Target bills; and at least starting to get my income tax info organized for Michelle. The  only thing hanging is that I want to ask R.E. agent Kim for the email addresses of my new tenants so I can send them a note of welcome.

Besides that, I took my underskirt to be altered--at a different cleaners than the one that burned down, of course--which took more than a half-hour because the seamstress was doing a lot of altering for somebody before me. The waist needed to be fixed, too. I finally got it on, it was pinned and so on, then I was informed it would cost fifty bucks! Damn, first the burned skirt and now this?  Told the seamstress not to do it, then changed my mind. Later, I emailed docent director Lynn and she said they have an "inventory" and I could try on some black skirts. Called the cleaner and left a message not to do the skirt. Changed my mind and called back to reverse--AAGH! Now I'm just going to bite the bullet and pay the damn thing. It's really not the fifty dollars, but my indecisiveness that worries me.

Noreen called and we decided on Dargan's for lunch today. I'll tell her my tale of woe and, and hope I can just quit agonizing over it. One of my major faults, I know, is overthinking and finding it hard to just let things go, so quit it, Mimi.

Mike just Messaged me a pic of himself after an evening bike run. (It's 9:30 pm there.) He's into exercise and is getting very fit and healthy:   

Isn't this better than fifty bucks? 💝

Thursday, March 21, 2024


Met Diane for one of our library lunches and, as ever, we talked and talked and talked. Said goodbye about 2:30 and I walked to the bank to get check registers, then to The Market. I'm beginning to wonder if The Market is going out of business: It's been poorly stocked for some time and I didn't even buy anything yesterday. 

Bused home and realized I hadn't yet done anything with the three pounds of baby yellow potatoes I had bought at WinCo. I looked on line an found a good and very simple recipe. Cut them in half, season with garlic powder, thyme, oregano, salt, and pepper, drizzle in olive oil, roast on parchment paper and oh, mama, were they good.  Had enough left for several more servings, so stowed some in the freezer and will have some tonight,

Suzanne invited Vickie and me for happy hour either today or Sunday, but Vickie's in a billiards tournament, so we decided to postpone until April. 

Called Noreen and told her I really wasn't anxiou to go to Comic Potential a second time, so we decided to meet for lunch tomorrow--Friday--instead.   

Darn, I slept poorly last night, after a good run for several weeks (this seems to be a pattern for me). Maybe I'll take a nap later today.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024


Went to WinCo with Suzanne in the morning and stocked on a lot of large and/or heavy items. Put them away and did a few other chores, then packed my lunch and bused to town. Stopped in a few shops,but didn't buy anything. Ate at my usual place across from the mission, then stopped at the library to pick up the Columbine book I had requested. However, it's at the Oakview branch and won't be in until Thursday. Maybe I'll reread Mrs. Klebold's book. As I mentioned before, what happened holds a horrified fascination for me. 

Maria from the audiologist called to say my ear canal mold is in. Haven't yet heard from Miramar about my new glasses.

I had a number of limes and lemons in the freezer--not bought ones, but given by friends or Ellen. Juiced all of them and will use some with the salmon I'll have for dinner tonight. The rest? Dunno. 

I spent an incredible amount of time on the phone with Wayfair and Citibank. It's infuriating not to be able to get a person and when I did, they directed me to the robots again. Too long and involved to explain the whole thing, but AAGH!!!

Stella got back to me and said she'll be back at her rental house a week from today. We'll lunch at the new restaurant then. Lib Lunch with Diane today.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024


Having disgracefully neglected my housewifely duties for the last three days, I spent four hours yesterday morning on the following: 

Stripped bed, washed sheets, put on again; did a bleach wash💥; seasoned and oven-roasted eight chicken thighs, using my favorite recipe (easy to do and I've never had chicken so tender 💥; oven-roasted a dozen apples, which I had, then seasoned with Splenda and cinnamon 💥; halved and sectioned off a gorgeous grapefruit 💥; prepared a big acorn squash and readied it for cooking later 💥. I was so virtuous! (And now I'll go back to my real self--ha! 😈.)  

Friends section: Suzanne texted me to ask if I wanted to go to Winco today. Yes, and I'll be at her door at 8:45. I called Lorraine to see if she wanted to meet in the middle and chat for a bit before I got ready to go to the Stone Fire Grille. No answer, though, and her message machine seems to be off.  Stella called to see if I could meet for dinner, as she was at her for-rent house in east Ventura. Told her I had plans, but we'll get together later in the week. Must call Noreen, too, to discuss whether to go to Comic Potential again on Friday or just meet for lunch. 

Vera picked me up for dinner at the Stone Fire Grille. There were ten of us and we had a good, congenial session. Home a bit before 8:00. 

Philosophical Note: I'm watching two documentaries about the Columbine shootings, which took place 25 years ago next month, on April 20, 1999. (I have, and have read, the book by the mother of one of the shooters.) Mass killings are so hard to understand. I can grasp revenge on an individual who has harmed you in some way, but those who just happen to be in the vicinity?  And what about those who agree to kill strangers on command?  We celebrate them as "heroes," but how does that differ? It's a knotty question that I've been puzzling over for years.   

Monday, March 18, 2024

Simply Spendid Sunday

I bused to Ojai and got there at 11:00. We waited until Ellen "did" her hair--which means using a kind of revolving brush/dryer to coax the lovely curls out. (Darn! What I would have given to have such hair!) We set off for Lake Casitas' about noon, stopping first to look at a house, as Ellen might be interested in moving after she retires.

Lake Casitas was beautiful as ever and this is just a taste of the sun-dappled water, the hills and trees, and overall lovely setting that Ellen lives near. 

We had lunch at the restaurant overlooking the lake. I had a "breakfast burrito," since I had seen the lunch size and it was enough to feed three people.  They have draft beer, too, and I took the server's suggestion to try the locally-brewed Transition IPA.  He gave me a sample and yes, indeed, it was right down my alley--windpipe, that is.

After, we roamed the lake area, taking in the scenery, boaters, and picnickers enjoying the lovely area--pictures don't do it justice. Left about 4:00 and I was taken home after stopping at Target for provisions. 

Soaring Spirits for dinner today, then I have some free days. Must call Noreen, as we've discussed lunch and also Comic Potential. Can't decide if I want to go again or not. Also, Stella called about meeting for lunch, which I want to do, as she's the gold standard when I comes to testing the hearing aids. 

Hmm: It's now 6:45 am (I slept late) and I just got a call from an r.e. agent, asking if I want to sell my house in Jersey. Mike is constantly getting these calls for his house in Florida, so I guess the market is hot all over.   

Note: Although my companions wore green (I forgot) and I had sent the kids St. P. day cards, we really weren't into it yesterday. We talked about the fact that, although it's observed in a way on the west coast, it isn't nearly the thing it is across country.  The history of immigration makes clear why Cinco de Mayo celebrations are much more exuberant. 

Sunday, March 17, 2024


Another life celebration and this was a wonderful experience, also. Vickie and I met up with James and Benny (in the box) about noon:

...boarded "The Dreamer" with the others and went out into the harbor. There were twenty of us,plus the captain and mate:
It was a perfect day: just warm enough, only slightly breezy, with blue skies and lovely sun. On the way out, which took about twenty minutes, we sang to Bob Marley and others, talked and laughed, got to know each other, and enjoyed the scenery and the little appetizer buffet (there's Benny over on the right, in the basket):
 A few random shots:

When we got out to what I assumed is the dedicated scattering area, the basket was brought over to the cutout by James and his sister. Benny's urn was in the middle, covered with rose petals: 
I was surprised to see that, rather than ashes being thrown to the wind, the whole basket was lowered down to the water. While it sank, the pedals floated gently on the surface:
Then, each person was given a flower sprig to drop in, after which the captain maneuvered the boat so the flowers circled around the pedals. It was a lovely and moving ceremony and when I dropped my flowers on the water, I surprised myself by starting to cry. I was thinking of my brother, Frank. 

We circled around for maybe ten minutes, then headed back to shore for the luncheon. It was at the yacht club (where BCNN used to meet) and by that time, it was after two and we were starved. At each place, there was a program and an angel and remembrance keepsake: 
There was also, I was happy to see, a champagne bucket on each table. A server came around asking if we wanted a dry or a sweet. We got the dry and it was so good. We toasted Benny, then people were asked to cite their relationship to Bennie, then we ate. Some artifacts around the room:

Above: Some of the citations he received after forty years in Ventura County Behavioral Health:

Above: Some items from on his retirement party; Vickie had been there.

Above: Vickie seated on the left, James; his niece, and I standing; two other Crayton relatives seated.

The luncheon was good--I ate too much--and we lingered over dessert before leaving about 4:00. When we got home, Vickie and I sat in the car for a good 45 minutes talking over our ideas and beliefs. Our concentration was on subjects of good and evil, sexual orientation, truths and fallacies, and the feelings of guilt that seems to be instilled in so many, often, thanks to the influence of religion. 

After the past two days, it occurred to me how much I enjoy the variety of people I know, not as servants and underlings, but as friends and acquaintances. Black, white, Latino, Asian, gay, young and old, sick and well, I want them all in my life. 

Of course, I love most of all having my family in my life. Today, I'm looking forward to lunch at Lake Casitas with two of them.   

Saturday, March 16, 2024


Well, it was a long and very interesting day. Gayle picked me up at 9:30 and we drove into town for Anne's funeral. I was surprised that the funeral home was so large--it featured a viewing room as big as some churches and lots of other areas. Anne was laid out old-fashioned style--actually whole and in a coffin, rather then being in an urn.  It didn't look like her--naturally, as it wasn't "her." The "her" she had been was gone as of February 22.


As is customary now, this was termed "A Celebration of Life" and pictures of Anne and family were shown on screens flanking the coffin: 

As for immediate family, Anne had three sons and several grandchildren, although she was only 60. Her birth family, mother, father, siblings, and their spouses and offspring were all there. How many brothers and sisters did she have? Incredibly, fifteen. Yes, she was one of 16 children and when she was five,  her father "walked away," although he came to the funeral, according to Mary, Anne's mother, whom I found remarkably upbeat and cheery. She is 85, lives in Simi Valley, and seems in good health. Of course, so did Anne until she died. How she died is still not known; an autopsy was performed, but the results have not yet been told to the family.  

The funeral was conducted by a minister, which seems odd, considering that on Thursday, a Catholic mass was held at the Church of the Assumption, but maybe that's standard nowadays. The program yesterday included songs by one of Anne's sisters, who has a beautiful voice, and reminisences s by other siblings. All in all, it was quite an enjoyable, if poignant, occasion.

A reception in Santa Paula was held after and I enjoyed talking and getting to know some of the relatives. Refreshments included a number of traditional Mexican foods, plus soda and other (non-alcoholic) drinks, and an incredibly large and diverse array of desserts. Here's the venue, pretty clearly decorated for a wedding reception:

Now, here's a little addition to the "interesting" category of the day: 
On our way to Santa Paula, I had asked Gayle to stop at the dry cleaners to pick up my docent skirt. When we stopped, I saw that the facade was covered with dry wall and the door bolted. What--what had happened to the shop? A woman passing by told me it had burnt to the ground on Thursday night! AAGH--my skirt was gone! I had gotten it from a costume shop in L.A. six or seven years ago and it was fairly expensive. Well, I'll have to replace it, as I'm scheduled to do the tour on the first Sunday in April.

Got home, had a bite, Suzanne came over to chat, and then it was hot tub time. That was pleasant, although I just sat on the side and put my legs in. Plans were made to go to the Ojai restaurant for breakfast tomorrow and I'm looking forward to that. James C. called to be sure Vickie and I had all the information to witness the scattering of Benny's ashes. Yes, we do, and we'll board the boat at 11:00 today.  

Friday, March 15, 2024


Ran over to Von's in the morning and got chicken thighs, grapefruit soda, low-cal popsicles, and a dozen and a half eggs. I was accompanied by ferocious winds, which convinced me decide not to venture too far later in the day. Instead, I rearranged some things in the bedroom and otherwise tidied up. Did a color wash and some kitchen counter cleaning. I looked up how to freeze eggs (you break them and scramble them together first) and put four in the freezer. Paid Community Memorial and a few other electronic bills. 

Called Muckie and we had a--get this--almost two hour visit. How I enjoy talking to her and how I'll miss that when I no longer can. Gayle called to confirm that she'll pick me up this morning and we'll go to Anne's funeral. She'll take me to the cleaners afterwards to pick up my docent skirt.

I was just about to start dinner when my pal, David, the birdman, texted me. He said he was outside at my patio gate, looking at my ficus tree. I went out and we discuses the tree, plus what he considers the too-enthusiastic tree trimmers. We then went over to the outside of his apartment and he showed me the tree in the patio of his downstairs neighbor,which shades his balcony above; it's quite beautiful. I asked how he was emotionally and, of course, he has his ups and downs. His ex-wife (yes, but he still loved her; I don't know why they divorced) died two years ago and misses her terribly. Life is so hard sometimes.  

Thursday, March 14, 2024


I'm still chipping away at items on my to-do list. At 10:00, I set out for the dry cleaners at the  Smart 'n' Final shopping center, about a mile and a half down Telegraph Road.  When I turned onto Hill Street, which borders my apartment complex, I saw this on the Campbell Farm:                                                                                                        

I asked a guy what was happening and he said the city had rented that section from Mr. Campbell because pipes on the road are being replaced. He also said Campbell was removing all the lemon trees and putting in avocados, as they're more profitable. Interesting...

Continued on my way and took my docent costume--the skirt, that is-- to the dry cleaners. The seamstress had me put the skirt on, she pinned it, and it will be hemmed, cleaned, and ready on Friday. Stopped into Smart 'n' Final and got four orange sweet peppers and a nice pumpkin squash.

When I turned back into Hill Road, I ran into my pal, David, the ornithologist. He was on his bike, about to ride up in the hills, but stopped to chat and we settled into a half-hour of complaining about management's nefarious ways. That's always fun.

It was a wonderfully warm and sunny day, so I made a sandwich, and took it and a beer, and my book, to the middle and ate my lunch there. It was so quiet and pleasant, my neighbors at work, the kids in school, the gardeners elsewhere. 

Back inside, I chopped the peppers and put them in the freezer to be ready for my next stir-fry. Did some computer stuff, took a 20 minute nap, then called Ellen and we had a good talk. She's winding down her teacher-life with just three months to go--YAY! 

Wednesday, March 13, 2024


Got a fair amount done yesterday. Left about 9:30 and had plenty of time to go to the hospital billing department. Pled my case about the emergency room charges--why should getting the stitches out cost as much as getting them in? However, I didn't persuade the billing person, so the hell with it, I'll pay it and forget it. 

I had plenty of time after CMH to go to Miramar, pick out some frames, and pay for my glasses, which should be done in a week or so. I then kept my appointment with Amanda, the audiologist, about the problem with getting the left aid in. I was there for quite a while and in her presence, tried to insert it, but I just couldn't do it. She conceded that I have a small and twisty ear canal and then injected pink plastic into my ear, let it harden, took it out. She'll send it away to have a new tip made and, hopefully, I'll be able to handle it.

Walked back to the transit center/mall and went to Target for oatmeal, grapefruit, tartar sauce, and blueberries. Bused home, had lunch, and called Noreen. Tenttively, we'll go to Comic Potential on the 23rd and before that, will meet for lunch sometime next week. 

Suzanne texted Vickie and me to see if we could go over to her place for one of our get togethers on Friday or Saturday. However, V. and I are going to the scattering of Bennie's ashes on Saturday and we both have commitments on Friday, so Suzanne will postpone until later. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2024


This laptop has been very slow, so I packed it up and took it over to Asurion, right next to Von's. The guy told me it was old. things were wearing out, so I should probably get a new one. Went from there to the post office for a few things, then back home. 

I had planned to keep my appointment with the audiologist at 2:30, then go to Miramar (eye) to get the RX filled, then to Community Memorial to negotiate about the $90 charges. However, I scrapped all that when Rick for Yondoo Communications called to say he was on-campus and could he stop to look at my devices? Switched the ear appointment for 11:30 today and will fit in the other stops I want to make, which are in the same general area.

Rick was here for an hour and he changed my modem, then--incredibly--restored my Firestick. He may have even fixed it so I can get cable, took, but once he left, I didn't remember how. I don't care, though, as I prefer what's on the paid stuff. I actually sat down in daylight and watched Super Size Me, which came out twenty years ago. I have the book Fast Food Nation, published in 2001, which follows a similar theme: the danger of the crappy fast-food that seems to still have such a hold on this country. 

Went over to Von's for goodies--i.e. apples, spinach, and broccoli. Scrubbed and trimmed the two pounds of carrots I had bought the other day and popped them in the slow cooker with white wine and Italian seasoning. Prepared the broccoli and along with leftover chicken and kidney beans, had that for yummy dinner.

Monday, March 11, 2024


Crossword was challenging, but I was pleased to get most of it. I pleased about something else I got: a bill from Community Memorial for $90 and that's for only my first visit of three to the emergency room. This was on January 14, two months ago when I hurt my foot, which means I'll have two more coming. Damn, if I had known SCAN didn't cover all of it, I would have waited to get the stitches out until I could get to Primary Medical. Oh, SCAN did cover most of it, as the full charge was $2,287! I'm going to fight this. 

Aside from all that, Noreen called to say she couldn't go to the show last night, but that was okay. I had two others coming. One of them came over at 2:30 for the 5:00 performance and after visiting for a bit, we went to Blaze Pizza for an early dinner (or late lunch). Then it was off to see:

Lynn joined us in the front row and it was an absorbing show. The title, it seems to me, is somewhat misleading at first glance, as it was more a satiric look at AI and what is human. It was a good-sized cast--twelve, some of them playing two roles--and I knew and had performed with ten of them. After the bows, they came into the audience and I was pleased to be greeted and hugged by those I know.

But horrors: wine and beer is no longer served, as we found when we went to get some at intermission, What? How come?  Not sure, but I'm willing to bet they never did have a liquor license and somebody decided it wasn't a good idea. Tentatively, Noreen and I had discussed going to another performance and if we do, maybe we'll bring our own.   

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Saturday And Some Kinfolk

After breakfast I was happy to hear from Noreen. We had a good talk and I invited her to come with me and two others to Comic Potential today. She accepted the invitation and will join us there, as will Lynn.

I then got my cart and bused to the transit center and from there, walked to Community Memorial. I had to wait only fifteen minutes, then got the stitches ("sutures") out, and that was it. I was told to keep the sutures dry, but I don't remember for how long. Annoyingly, the printed instructions I was given didn't mention it. I really want to wash my hair as soon as I finish breakfast, but I don't want my arm to fall off or something.

I've been hankerin' for cabbage fritters, so stopped at The Market on the way back to the transit center. I usually buy a whole cabbage and fine-shred it myself, but that's such a chore, Insteaad, I took Diane's advice and bought the kind shredded for cole slaw. Went to Target and got blueberries and Almond Breeze plant-based milk, then bused home.

Didn't get lunch until after 2:00, but that was okay. Lora texted that she was mad at me because I hadn't asked her to take me last Saturday to the hospital. Little did she know I had just gotten back from busing there to get the stitches out. She's a lovely young (well, it's relative--she's 68). 

Made the fritters, had some for dinner, and they slightly different from cabbage only, but good. Had some for dinner, froze the rest, and will continue to enjoy them for some time. I like to use tartar sauce as a dip for them and have some of the bought kind, but thought I'd try to make it myself. I was surprised how simple it is--mayo and chopped dill pickles, plus some seasonings.   

Two of my relatives just came out with books, including nephew Dave Wessel with his novel featuring his father, my brother-in-law, Carl. The title, Choosing Sides, refers to his parents' dilemma at the approach of World War II. Should they remain in their native Germany, or settle to the U.S., where they had lived for a time? I dislike fictionalized history, but I'm looking forward to this. Here's Dave with his first shipment:                                                                


My cousin, Marifran Korb, daughter of my father's brother, just brought out non-fiction book about the problems depression can cause in a marriage. Here's Marifran and the cover:        

                                            I ordered both of them from Amazon yesterday.


Saturday, March 09, 2024


Home--weight stable at 123.8; T.O.P.S. up 0.9 to 125.5, well within my zone, so okay. I had completely forgotten that Lennie had asked me to conduct the meeting, as she wasn't going to be there, so I just fabricated something on the spot. Worked fine, especially as there were only four of us: Cheryl, Sharon, Lora, and me. You can be sure it was brief. That meant I have to wait to see if the hearing aid can handle soft-spoken Lennie, but not for another two weeks, as I'll miss next time. That should make for a cheery weekend: Anne's funeral on Friday and the scattering of Bennie's ashes on Saturday--sigh.

After breakfast, I called Bobbi and learned about her accident. She said she was told it was a bad break: her ankle and some of her leg are involved, for which she'll have surgery next Friday. Unfortunately, she'll be out of commision for a minimum of six weeks--won't be able to drive, so can't get to T.O.P.S. 

Made and packed my lunch and set off at to keep our (Lunch at the Library) date with Diane. It was later than usual--1:00--as Diane had her meditation group at The Townhomes first. We talked and talked, as ever, solving the problems of the world (at length!) and I didn't get home until almost 4:00.

Got a Messenger message and picture from Mike, on his early-morning, marathon bike rides (46 miles). He asked about the hearing ads and I told him right was all right, but left was not, and I'll see the audiologist on Monday. 

Today is free of appointments, commitments, obligations, and all that jazz, so I think I'll see what I can scare up.

Friday, March 08, 2024


I electronically signed the lease for the Sweetwater house (well, it's the only one I have) and sent it back to agent Kim. I'll let my friends on the street know that a mother and daughter will be living there, and from all I can see from their backgrounds and know from Kim, will be good neighbors.  

I put the hearing aids in right after breakfast, which I think will be my routine, and they're working well. I'm still having a problem with inserting the left one all the way in the ear canal, but it's not a total blank. I'm experimenting (read "playing around") with the phone controls and enjoying it. I made an appointment with Amanda for Monday afternoon, so she can guide me further with the left one.

Cleaned up a bit, then walked first to the P.O. to mail St. Patrick's Day cards, then Von's for Cabernet Sauvignon for Jim. I had bought a frozen Pad Thai at Costco when we were there a few weeks ago, so decided to serve that and just put out soft rolls, too. Actually, it turned out to be pretty good. Didn't make a dessert, but had some strawberry yogurt and gave him that.

I was thrilled that I was able to hear his infuriatingly soft-spoken voice and hardly had to ask him to repeat at all. After lunch, we sat on the couch and again, did a crossword puzzle together. I'm so glad I thought of this last year or so,because it's so difficult to have a conversation with Jim. He almost never initiates a conversation simply doesn't talk. Once I run out of questions to ask him, it's just me babbling and I get sick of listening to myself (he probably does, too). I was glad to hear, though, that, besides being visited by a nurse, "somebody" is coming to clean his apartment. He doesn't know where they're from--I assume the Agency on Aging--and seems to have no curiosity about that.    

Jim didn't leave until almost 4:00 and after I cleaned up, I talked on the phone, then called HEARUSA and made an appointment with Amanda for Monday afternoon. I'll cancel if I can get the left aid in and I'll keep trying. 

Another big test for the aid will be today at T.O.P.S. Our leader, Lennie, has a very soft and unprojected voice (oddly, as she sings in a choir) and I'm hoping I won't have to keep asking her to speak up. 

Thursday, March 07, 2024


More rain, just the drippy-drip kind that didn't start until 10:00,but continued all day. Before it started, I rearranged a few things on the patio and did some other minor tasks. Right after breakfast, I started on the hearing aid procedure. The right ear was fine--slipped in easily, but left continues to be problematic. It's hard to believe that the ear canal isn't just a straight shot, but seems to twist and turns very slightly, so is hard to get the functional part of the aid in--I'll persist, though. What I like is the fact that I can turn volume up or down so easily on my phone. There are controls on the aids themselves, but they're tiny, of course, and it's a lot easier on the phone. 

The important thing will be, though, whether I hear people in conversation face-to-face. The ultimate test? Of course--Jim!  I called him and he accepted my invitation to lunch today. Chatting, he told me that the person from Ventura Behavioral Health "complained" that he was too thin (that's how he put it,  anyway), but he doesn't know how to gain weight. I told him to go on-line, but I know he won't, so I found and printed out a number of advisories on that topic. He also said "somebody" came into to clean his apartment yesterday. I'm assuming he's now getting this assistance from the Agency on Aging, but he really doesn't know himself. Just angels from heaven, I guess.

I continue to be frustrated with the T.V. thing. Called a guy to cme fix and, since I can get cable, he said it wasn't the T.V., it was the Firestick. It seems impossible to get to Firestick, though--I've tried. 

Didn't do a lot else except julianne three big onions and store them in the freezer so they're available for stir-fry.   

Wednesday, March 06, 2024


Did mucho work on the patio and a lot was accomplished: weeding and clearing out; the removal of several plants; alive and artificial; selecting pots, shelving, and other gardening items for removal; washing the others; and a multitude of other tasks.

That was finished by 2:00 and then it was off to COSTCO for my sixty dollar membership refund. Stopped at the post office, but it was so jammed (why on Tuesday afternoon? Dunno), I left. Went back later in the day and it still was, so I'll walk over there this morning.

The high point of the day: I kept my 3:00 hearing aid appointment and got them. Amanda walked me through the whole thing, the  most troublesome being insertion, but I'm going to keep at it until it works. After, it was dinner at the new Thai place right across at the Von't shopping center. It was so good.

Home, then a lot of time spent on the right way to insert the aids. It's so frustrating, as I've my fingers have gotten so clumsy, but I'll keep with it. Overall, I'm very pleased with them, especially as I'm able to regulate sound and other factors via my phone. Also, wonderfully helpful is that they don't have batteries, but a charger, so I don't have to fumble around trying to insert the tiny things.  

Julie called to say she has a cold and isn't going to the BCNN meeting today. Just as well for me, because I've mentioned before, I find the meetings so-so; what I enjoy most is the lunch after. I want to do some minor modification of the patio, anyway, plus maybe finally get to Ralph's.

Confession time: Something happened this past Saturday, that I didn't want to mention, but I've changed my mind. While I was emptying my newspaper waste into the recycle bin (the lid of which you have to hold up), I cut my lower arm on a piece of particle board. Thought I should get a tetanus shot, so bused to the hospital, went to the emergency room, was there two hours, got the shot and four stitches, then bused home. I've been following instructions as to treating it and, luckily, there's no sign of infection. I go back on Sunday to get the stitches out. Must go early, as friends and I are attending Comic Potential at 5:00.   


Re the pictures yesterday of the Soaring Spirits gang. Our leader and my dear friend, Vera, took them, so wasn't shown and I didn't want to leave her out. Not yet fifty and having just lived through a breast cancer scare, she's thrilled and overjoyed to be alive--and it shows: 

Tuesday, March 05, 2024


I had postponed the sacred Sunday ritual--The Changing of the Bedclothes!--and did it yesterday after showering and washing my hair. Took off about 10:30, walked to Telephone Road, and hopped on the 11 bus to meet the Soaring Spirits gang Stone Fire Grille. I was early, as ever, so strolled around Kohl's and Sprouts until 11:30.

Vera was there already, along with Susan, Gayle, and several others. We all hugged and congratulated Vera on her "all clear" breast cancer scare. I wanted to buy her lunch, but Gayle beat me to it, and already had; I'll do it next time. Gayle also offered to take me to Anne's funeral. I was pleased to see my old friend, Barbara, who had retired as CEO of the Ventura Fairgrounds, and there were a number, including four men, which is unusual. Two had been with us before and one had lost his (male) partner just a month ago. Anyway, it was a good group and we had a convivial time: 

Above, I'm third from the left, Gayle to my left, Barbara across from her, Susan to her left.

From there, I bused to the transit center, thinking I might continue on to town, but changed my mind and continued home. 

Lorraine called to ask if I'd meet her in the middle (of the complex), where we often had, and bring her a copy of management's letter about certain rules about our patios and balconies. Incredibly, she doesn't have a computer (although she does have a cell phone) and she has emails sent to her daughter in L.A. Why in the world she doesn't have management send or put in her mail slot, a print copy, too, is beyond me. Obviously the daughter doesn't always bother to inform her mother of what she gets--incredible. Anyway, we met in the middle and I gave her the copy. She seems to think this is an outrageous action on management's part and doesn't realize they have the right to do it. Anyway, we sat and talked for an hour or so in the warm sunshine. Lorraine's main complaint is how high the rent is. Okay, why doesn't she move? Because the rents in other places are just as high or higher, of course.

As for the rules and regs re patios: Today is cleanup, then I go to HEARX for my  hearing aid. 

Monday, March 04, 2024

Sunday--A Downright Draggy Day

True the high point was doing a load of whites in the morning--big whoops, as the kids used to say. Nothing much else went on, aside from a short sojourn to Hallmark to get Valentine cards, including for those in their fifties and beyond.

I decided to walk to Ralph's for several things I saw the other day when I went with Lora. As I was leaving via the back gate, I ran into Leah, my upstairs neighbor, who's in her thirties and works in the coroner's office. We chatted a bit, then I started off. After less than a block, I was stopped in my tracks by the Santa Ana winds that come off the mountains  and are intense. I thought no, sir, I'm not walking a total of three miles in this, and turned back.

At loose ends, I succumbed to temptation and, I'm embarrassed to reveal, watch television for three hours. Since I still can't get Netflix back, it was cable with lots of commercial. That was okay, as they were considerably more interesting than the programs.   

After that, I walked over to Von's for bread and animal crackers. Okay, I just happened to see them and they're relatively low in calories, so I bought them. Wish I hadn't, as I over-indulged last night.

Today should be more enjoyable--Soaring Spirits lunch with Vera and our chums.

Sunday, March 03, 2024


Yet more rain! Nevertheless, Lynn picked me up at 8:45, and we drove to the home of fellow Dudley House-ers, Jan and Bruce. It's very large and is surrounded by beautiful tropical foliage, including a number of the orchids that Jan grows and will be entering in a tropical plant exhibit in Santa Barbara next week. I was surprised to hear we four were the only ones who had signed up for the Oxnard Farm tour, and after chatting for a half-hour or so and seeing no letup to the rain, we decided to scratch the trip. Jan will rearrange it for a less-iffy time.

Lynn is a non-stop talker and somewhat flighty. When we drove into my complex, she mentioned that she had been here a short time before. She's a member of Caregivers--volunteers for senior citizens--and  she was delivering Valentines. The intended recipient lived here, but when she went to deliver the Valentine, Lynn found she had died. When? In December of 2022. Her name? Mary. Her partner, with whom she lived? Vickie. Yes, Lynn was referring to my friends, Vickie and Mary. Must tell Vickie.  

So I got back home at 10:00 while the rain went on. I took out my ground turkey and chopped onions, defrosted them and combined with the usual additions and favoriings, stir-fried two portions, one of which I had for dinner. Took a short nap, otherwise, hung out and did this, that, and the other.

(Note to myself: See document and picture entitled "Sunday 3-2-24.")


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...