Thursday, December 17, 2020


Still scurrying around, but things are winding down. I spent the entire morning (several hours) making and finishing up my Christmas card list. When I looked up, I saw it was almost 1:00 and I had to rush to make my sandwich, get my lunch packed, and go out to meet Jim.

It was so pleasant outside: sunny and about 70, with just a gentle breeze. I was a bit annoyed that a workman was using a million-decibel blower to clear leaves near us, but he left before too long. Poor Jim is having a terrible time with his intro to logic class. He has to boil down an 18 meeting class to 8 meetings and is so ignorant of the Internet, it's terribly difficult for him. He does have until March, but the systems support is so inadequate at the college, it's incredible. He had to leave at 2:00 because the person he needs to consult on this is available only from 2:00 to 3:00 for certain disciplines. I'll call him in a few days to see how he made out.

After, I bussed into town for the first time in what seems like weeks. It was depressing to see the difference from last time I was there. Two of my favorite restaurants, Lure Fish House and Finney's Craft place, and all the other restaurants which had been thriving with their outside dining, can no longer could serve there. They have takeout and delivery, but that's all. Even on this lovely day, there were very few people walking on Main Street. I stopped in a few places and bought two more DVDs, walked my mile or so, then left.

Called Betty's daughter to see if I could visit Betty on Friday or Saturday. I asked her to decide and let me know. Either way will be fine with me; I know she's very nervous about the virus, so if it would make her uncomfortable, I definitely do understand and won't go.

Betty herself called to say she had gotten my Christmas card (personalized with a rhyme). Carolyn had told me she had also got a cortisone shot in her knee, but Betty didn't mention it. I'm glad it's helping.

Suzanne left me a card at the door. It's a picture of a poinsettia made by a fellow Sister and, same as last year, she didn't write on either it or the envelope, so I could "use it again." This may seem odd, but I think it's rather endearing. Last year, she gave me a kind of "constructed" card that was very attractive and this year, I did, indeed, send it. I save cards for a few years; I cut up the picture on one from 2017 for Steve and Robyn's card. Anyway, I like the idea.

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