Saturday, December 19, 2020

T.O.P.S. And Target

 Home: 125.8, so I'm down by .04; T.O.P.S.; 126.9, so down .02. I was up a tad last week, but no worries, as I think these are just normal variations.  Only the four of us were there again. There was some suggestion about meeting next Friday--on Christmas Day? Come on! However, we will meet on New Year's Day, which is fine by me;  I haven't gone out for riotous times in decades.

After breakfast--which, as always on Fridays because of T.O.P.S., I didn't get until almost ten--I was on the Internet and the phone for the boring reasons listed below. Cleaned up the Christmas stuff a bit--a little bit--and otherwise occupied myself. Nephew Jim texted that he had sent the disk of my Dad at Villanova via Fed Ex and included a photo of the receipt, so I'll get that shortly.

Lunched, then loaded a number of books into my cart and walked the footpath to the park. I left off the books, acquiared some new ones, then walked to Ralph's for blueberries. Bused home, but deviated to Von's for shredded cheese and grapes. Ellen called while I was still in the shopping center and we talked about today, when she'll guide me through the Sunday Zoom call. Also mentioned Monday, my birthday, when she'll come here and bring lunch.


(Note: Below I'm recording some boring business stuff, so I can look it up later if I need to.)

 I called Yandoo Communications and upgraded my Internet connection from 10 megabytes to 25. It's only an additional $13.50 and change and I can revert back when I want to. Doesn't seem to me there's any change in speed, but it seem okay before, too.

Also dealt with that web site from Hell, Target's. I've always had great difficulty in maneuvering in it and yesterday was no exception. There was a seven-minute wait the first two times I called, but will try later. All I want to do is pay my bill! Finally got somebody and he guided me and, believe it or not, he agreed it's a lousy web site. You'd think when you click on "My Account," you would see what was on your account, but no--you have to go to "manage red card," which isn't even very prominent. Anyway, I'm putting here in case I need to refer to it another time.

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