Friday, December 11, 2020


(Still busy, busy, busy, and I hope a lull starts now.)

 Before I left to meet the Access Van outside, I wrapped the gifts for Tokyo, addressed the big envelope, and filled out the customs form. 

Got to Oxnard on time for my 11:00 appointment and after the usual paper work, I was x-rayed, taken to an examining room, and Dr. K. came in. This was simply a consultation at no charge, for which I was thankful, and happily, I'm more optimistic at this point than I have been since January. I don't want to go into detail, but there's light at the end of the molar now, I think. 

I was favorably impressed with the dentist, Dr. Keiheni (Key-hahni). He went to UCLA School of Dentistry and is perfectly fluid in English, with a slight accent. I looked up the name and found it's Iranian. That pleases me, being appalled by the relentless insistence of the U.S. government that it could be a good idea to bomb Iran. Anyway, the upshot was, we talked for some time and I might be able to live with a less expensive plan. Dr. K. will come up with possibilities and we'll go from there.   

I hadn't asked the Access Van to take me back to Ventura, figuring there had to be a bus stop nearby. There were several, in fact, but I had to ask somebody which direction. Got back after 2:00, stopped at Von's for romaine, had lunch, then rushed off to the P.O. to mail the package to Japan. I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't quite thirty bucks; I expected more.

From there, I hopped a bus to the mall and stopped in to see Angie at Johnson Dental. I just wanted to thank her for helping me get my $4780 refund on my credit card before interest was charged. Walked down to Target to get Christmas presents for the Ojai grandcats, but didn't see any I liked.  

Stopped at CVS for something called Bacitracin to put on my wound. Home, dinner, and a wonderful shower (I wasn't allowed to get the stitches wet for two days). As instructed, I took off the bandage and put the ointment on, then a Band-Aid. How does it's look? I dunno, just like I had stitches two days ago, I guess; that's the extent of my medical savvy. 

My pal, Jim, called about 8:00 to see how I made out, and we had a good talk. I'll call Ellen to report this evening after 5:00.


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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...