Sunday, November 02, 2008

November 1 yesterday and it felt like high summer. Very warm, but I didn't go out much, aside from my morning walk and the supermarket. Made Pat a beef stew for dinner, but he ate very little. He is sleeping a lot now. Standard time is better for me, as we "gain" an hour. That means I'm not over-sleeping (which for me is waking as late as 6:30). Susan will be back from Canada today, so I'll have my walking companion back tomorrow morning.
Talked to Frank. He and Marybeth will be here tomorrow and will go to Pat's doctor's appointment with us--if Pat can go, that is. He was in distress yesterday, so short of breath he could barely function.
A. called. We'll be following her progress in the New York Marathon today. She said she was assigned number 34,ooo and something--there are 40 thousand running. (That's more than the population of the town where I grew up.)
Here's some food for political thought:
"I hear constantly now about (the president as) 'our commander in chief.' The word has become a synonym for “president.” It is said that we “elect a commander in chief.” It is asked whether this or that candidate is 'worthy to be our commander in chief.'...But the president is not our commander in chief. He certainly is not mine. I am not in the Army." (Garry Mills)
Wills emphasizes that the president is not c of c of civilians. The U.S. constitution makes that clear (but God help us if we rely on politicians to uphold the constitution.
This militarization of the highest elected office in the land is important--and ominous. Biden recently referred to the populace being on the verge of electing Obama as "commander in chief." NO! We don't elect anybody to that office; he'll be c in c only of those in the armed forces.


Jim Wetzel said...

Hear, hear!

I'm afraid, though, that your typical countryman is pantingly eager to have a "commander." It goes along with his inappropriate enthusiasm for an elected "leader." I'm also afraid that the demand for "strong leadership" will only increase in the years immediately ahead of us, as the economic catastrophe continues to blossom. An American who can no longer be certain of finding the shelves at Wal-mart laden with cheap Chinese-made goods is an American who will demand that the Great Man do whatever it takes to make the trains run on time.

As for myself, the only commander I recognize is the Dance Commander:

" You must obey the Dance Commander
Giving out the order for fun ... "

Mimi said...

Hey Jim, save the next waltz for me...


 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...