Sunday, June 30, 2024


Left at 9:30, bused to the mall, then walked the mile to the hospital to meet Diane at 11:00 for early lunch at the hospital. We settled into a table, she bought her meal (but accompanied it with her apple juice bottle of white wine, of course) and I unpacked mine. We remarked on how strange it was that this large dining/lunch room was so sparsely filled; I'm not sure where all the employees eat. Anyway, we settled in and were there for three hours--we never seem to run out of discussion topics. We walked back together to the transit center and caught our respective buses home. I'll see her again on Wednesday when she, Ellen, and I meet at the Urban Café.  

I didn't feel like doing much when I got home, so guiltily watched the rest of Loving Elvis on Prime. That made me sleepy and I lay down for a half-hour nap. Little else of note went on, aside from cooking up a pound of broccoli, having some for dinner, and stowing the rest in the freezer for later. 

I forgot to mention yesterday that, while I was at T.O.P.S., I got a (AI spoken) text message from Suzanne, sent to Vickie and me that, she has COVID. (These messages come through my hearing aids.) Of course, V. and I texted her back, asking if we can do anything. I hope it's a mild case. 

The debate: I still haven't steeled enough myself to watch a re-run, so haven't seen it. Maybe I will today. The thought crossed my mind that there may be some kind of collusion between the two parties. Maybe they made deals or trade off or something. How could that possibly be so? Because politics is show biz, folks and there's a lot going on behind the curtain.   

No particular plans for today; maybe I'll stick my nose to the grindstone and do some cleaning. 

Or maybe not. 

Saturday, June 29, 2024


Unfortunately, the weight report is--well, weighty. I was up 2.8 at home and 2.3 at T.O.P.S., so 127 and 127.6, respectively. I know why, but am not too worried; at least, I'm still in my comfort zone. (Hmm, that sounds familiar--maybe I've said it before?) Anyway, Lora picked me up and besides us, there were Lennie, Sharen, and Bev. We had one of our therapy sessions, even veering into politics and the current idiocy: Trump is the devil incarnate and Biden is a good guy doing his best. That got my pacifist juices flowing and I even used some naughty language. Including the F word? Of course. 

Didn't get breakfast until 10:30; after, I did a color wash, than had lunch before busing to town. Stopped at the post office for overseas stamps and waited in line for twenty minutes, then decided the hell with it, I'll get them later. I do like the main Ventura P.O., though; it was built the same year I was born, (practically the middle ages for California) and has some wonderful murals:

Went from there to the library and browsed around, then stopped in a few shops. It was a nice day and pleasant to be there. 

Took the bus back to the mall/transit center and went to Target for blueberries (I like to have a good amount in the freezer) and paper towels. Home, I put together the meal my older sister had told me about years ago. You just cook up a pound of pasta (I used shells), add a can of peas, and a can of tuna fish in oil. Mix and you have it. I guess you could eat it cold, but I prefer it as a hot dish. Ate half and froze the rest for later. 

Jim called to say that, thanks to me and directing him into CNN on his computer, he had seen the debate and it was "sad" and "terrible." I thought I'd look at the re-run, but lost interest. Maybe I still will, not sure. 

I'm almost afraid to mention this, but it's so good, I will: I've been sleeping well the last few nights. I've been getting in more walking and trying to stay up later. Will continue.

Early lunch at the hospital with Diane today.

Friday, June 28, 2024


Quite an enjoyable day. I walked the footbridge to the back of the library and met Diane at our usual noon. We then proceeded to eat, talk, and laugh for three hours. I told Diane that Ellen wanted to meet us for lunch on July 3; she'd pick us both up, then treat us for lunch. Diane was pleased to accept and asked if we could go to the Urbane Café. The idea is for them to share their thoughts and ideas about the supernatural; should be interesting, although I will probably not contribute. After, I'll stay over at Ellen's and maybe we'll go to the Fourth of July parade in Ojai. I'll also be meeting Diane for lunch at the hospital tomorrow, as she has a doctor's appointment nearby.

Instead of going directly home, I to took the 11 bus to the transit center, then the 6. Stopped at Von's and got broccoli, carrots, and lettuce. When I got home, I washed and trimmed the carrots, added cut-up tangerines, skin and all, plus cinnamon, and set it to simmer in the slow cooker. Also cored and seasoned an apple and cooked it in the microwave. All yum.

Mike Facetimed me after dinner; he and his friend has stopped for breakfast after biking twelve miles, a mere nothing for them. We had a nice chat covering Vivian's internship at Cornell and intrepid Violet's Mongolian experience. 

Aside from T.O.P.S., I have no firm plans for today, so I guess I'll have to scare up some excitement...


Thanks to teaming up with the FCC, I won my battle with Verizon! Got a call from a rep that they now realize I returned the damn box and would have my credit score revised:

Good news: Your Credit Rating has changed from Good to Exceptional!
Good news: Your FICO® Score has increased by 122 points!

Thursday, June 27, 2024


My brother, Larry, called from Florida in the morning and it was fun talking to him. Here's a pic of some of his children, grands, and great-grands on one of their many excursions. Where are they this time? In Peru: 

Having been alerted to a good buy for fresh salmon at Smart 'n' Final (as I've mentioned before, the dumbest name for a supermarket ever), I walked the mile and a quarter there and found the shippers are in strike, so the fish didn't come in. Damn, I then walked the mile and a quarter back, fuming. However, it then occurred to me that the exercise is good for me, so it was stupid to be annoyed and I got over it. 

Home, I did little of consequence until Ellen came about 4:00. We sat and talked and talked girl talk until we went over to Chili Basil, the Thai restaurant right across the street and when we approached it, we ran into my old walking buddy from Kimball Park, Diane, and we introduced our daughters and chatted for a bit. Ellen and I then went in and I treated her to celebrate her retirement. We continued our chatter while we had our Pad Something, of course. 
Ellen suggested I ask Diane if we three could meet next Wednesday; she'll treat for lunch. That's the day before the fourth and El thought she could then drive back to her place and I could stay over. Sounds good to me and I'll check with Diane when I see her today for our Lib Lunch.

So the beat goes...It would probably bore anybody else, but it's my beat and I'm comfortable living with the rhythm.  

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


 'Twas a pretty productive day. I did two loads of wash in the morning--white and rugs on the hard floors--then, galvanized, I dusted and mopped the latter. 

Wonder of wonders, I got a call from Verizon. They will correct their errors about the "box" and also have my credit rating restored to exceptional. I said I wanted all that in writing and yes, they sent it.   

Jim called and I was alarmed at his backwardness. He doesn't have a television and wants to watch the presidential debate (why anybody would want to is beyond me), so asked if I could show him how to get on his computer. I tried to walk him through it via YouTube, but it took a good fifteen minutes. Jim had no idea that you could ask the search engine questions such as "do I have to have a television to watch the debate?" He also had no idea how to get into YouTube. Anyway, while we were on the phone, I sent him the link to CNN and I'm quite sure he can use it to see the show. I told him to call me about 5:30 on Thursday (the "debate" is at 6:00 EST) and I'll walk him through it again.  

After that ordeal, I walked to the pleasant fountain area near Ralph's Supermarket and had my lunch. I had a hankering for cabbage, so bought on there, along with a big apple. I had intended to do the slow cooker thing, but then switched to cabbage fritters when I got home. The cabbage has to be thinly shredded and I had just finished that step when Suzanne stopped in to show me pictures of her recent trip to Colorado (anniversary party for her cousin). We chatted for a bit, then I made the batter for the fritters, fried them up, and stowed must in the freezer. I had three for dinner, dipped in tartar sauce, and enjoyed them. I'm not entirely sure if anyone else in the universe would like them, though. 

I was going to take Ellen to the Thai place tomorrow to mark her retirement, but she asked to switch to today because she wants to see the debate--incredible! Diane and I had planned a lib lunch today, but she was okay with changing to tomorrow. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Nothing much of note going on: Getting back to the usual, I packed my lunch and bused to the mall and Target to replenish my blueberry and grapefruit supply. Ate in the middle there, went in a few stores, then bused back. I've had trouble sleeping--staying asleep, that is--so took a short nap. I then stripped the bed and washed and re-made it. Dead-headed the geraniums (they're thriving) and otherwise neatened up the patio a bit. My garden, though, can't hold a candle to Suzanne's. When I stand in a certain place in my kitchen, here's the view I get of some of her roses:

And here are the backs of Suzanne's and my adjoining patios: 

Hers is on the left and note how ugly management's trimming of her big fiscus tree turned out. Mine looks great, I think, and that's thanks to Suzanne. She has a hose connected to the water supply (I don't) and she waters my fiscus when she does her own. Ellen gave me the tree as a apartment-warming gift when I moved here eight years ago.   

The social calendar: E-mailed Diane and we made a date for a lib lunch tomorrow. Talked to Ellen and we'll meet at the Thai place for dinner on Thursday. Suzanne is home from her trip to Denver to attend her cousin's sixtieth anniversary party. Lora texted me that she's back from Portugal. Unfortunately, she had to leave earlier than planned, as the aunt for whom she has power of attorney, was sinking. Lora got home in time to see her for a last time, though. 

I Messaged Mike to tell him he has a second cousin who works in the same place he does, but here in California. He sent her a text or something, but so far, hasn't heard back.  

Monday, June 24, 2024


The Sunday paper didn't get here, which had me gnashing my teeth. Called and the recording said they were having "production difficulties," but the paper would come. It did--this morning. Did something or other in the morning, then was picked up, as arranged, by Linda and Kevin. 

We got to Ellen's about 12:30 and were welcomed into the air conditioning. Good thing, as the outside temp in Ojai was a not-so-balmy 93 degrees. We sat in the living room for an hour or so over iced tea and El got to know her first cousin once removed and his wife. Here she is and I am with them:

 They got along great and we had a fine time. Lunch was served and El had pulled together  good summer meal  of sandwiches on small rolls, some ham and some chicken; potato salad; Cole slaw she made herself; olive, tomatoes, and beans; and a few other sides. 

After, El drove us up and around the hills and we took pictures of the landscape:                                                                                               

The outcropping in the middle above is imagined to depict a native American face.

We then went to the Rainbow Bridge and El bought a few tangerines (their prices are outrageous). By that time, it was after 6:00 and our companions from afar were ready to drive back, as they're leaving this morning to go back to Turlock, a five-hour drive. I enjoyed having them, but I was with them for three days straight, all day, and am ready to get back to my everyday life. 

+Just for the record: The Sunday paper didn't get here, which had me gnashing my teeth. Called and the recording said they were having "production difficulties," but the paper would come. It did--this morning, Monday, and that's the way they operate, damnit.+

Sunday, June 23, 2024


Did a color wash during breakfast, then dressed for the day. Kevin and Linda picked me up and we went to Office Depot. Left off the ancestry book--Kevin asked to have two copies made--then drove toward town. I directed Linda to the museum parking lot, which is closest to the mission and the closed off section of Main Street, but it was completely full. Took them to a few other parking buildings and lots and it was the same story. I finally decided we'd skip the mission and go to The Promenade on the water and Aloha for lunch. We did that, we all had hamburgers and had a good time talking. After, we strolled along the walk for a bit and that was okay. It's noticeable, though, that both Linda and Kevin have difficulty walking. They walk very slowly and it seems uncomfortable for both. We didn't leave there until after 5:00, drove around town a bit, then went back to Office Max to pick up the copies. We went from there to my place, where I put Kevin's copy in a binder, then we sat and talked. They left again at 7:30. Today, we go to Ojai and Ellen's for lunch and whatever else.

I took some selfies, but the ones with me were just hideous, so here are Kevin and Linda:

We're lunching at Ellen's in Ojai today and they leave tomorrow. 


Here's Violet front row, second from right) and 17 other kids from grades 9 & 10 from both UWC campuses across Singapore. They have arrived in Mongolia and will be there for almost two weeks. The group will have no electricity, water, toilets or prepared foods as they navigate their way through the forests and plains.
They will prepare their own food, sleep in tents (and one night a yurt 🛖) and dig their own toilets.


Dig their own toilets?--AAGH!!!


My intrepid granddaughter, on her way:


Saturday, June 22, 2024


I was out front waiting when Linda drove up a bit after twelve. Kevin jumped out of the front seat and ushered me in and off we went. With me as tour guide, we got to the harbor, found The Greek and went in for lunch. We were there for more than two hours and I got to know my cousin and his wife.  I like them both and here's a quick sketch: Kevin is 80, Linda 74; they had two sons and a daughter, lost one son, the other is going through a divorce and has their only grandchild; daughter unmarried, but lives with her boyfriend; they have a big house in Turlock. I had mistakenly believed they were old-time Catholics, which is why I had scheduled the Mission for today, but I was mistaken. Linda was brought up Baptist; not sure if they still attend anything. Kevin has a variety of ailments, including glaucoma and, as is unfortunately evident, Parkinson's. 

Because Kevin had forgotten his eye medication, I took them to Kaiser after we left the harbor and Linda went in to get a replacement. That isn't far from my place and I invited them in. We shared pictures and talked and talked. 

I had copied a number of pictures of our grandparents and other antecedents for Kevin and showed him my ancestry book. This isn't what you get from a business, but something one of our other cousins worked up several years ago. Kevin spent a lot of time reading it and asked if he could get a copy. We had planned to go to the mission today, then have lunch in town, so I suggested we stop at Office Max first.  Ellen called and we'll be seeing her at her place tomorrow. Naughty me, I'm looking forward to  bringing up the subject of Trump, as they're both absolutely positive he's the devil incarnate.   

My company didn't leave until 7:00 and I'll see them two more days. Not knowing them in person before, I had misjudged them--there's a moral in there somewhere--and I enjoyed their company. Looking forward to seeing them again today and tomorrow. 

Ellen called to say a high of 93 was predicted for Ojai tomorrow, so maybe we should re-think the idea of going to the Kristimurdi Center.  Bobbi texted to ask about the T.O.P.S. meeting, but since I didn't go, couldn't tell her anything. 

Note: Missed T.O.P.S., but at home, weighed in at 124.2 for an insignificant .04 gain.

Friday, June 21, 2024


Finally got the mountainous pile of filing done. Paid a few bills and otherwise kept my nose to the grindstone. After that, I put together my ground turkey, chopped peppers, julienned onions, and seasonings for one of my three portion stir-fries. Stored two in the freezer, and had the other for lunch.  

Took my cart and walked to Telephone Road, then took the 11 bus to Office Max. I bought a "cable management box" to corral and conceal these: 

Previously, I had had a bookcase in front of these, so they were hidden. I moved it and now there's this unsightly mess. However, on closer inspection, I realized that the white one isn't attached to anything, and nor is the black plug on the beige one! I removed them and now it's better looking. However, I still wanted to get one of the boxes and did so. Now that I look at it, though, I think it's too big and bulky. I think I can slip the remaining item next to the bookcase, so will try that. 

Went to Aldi after and just got oatmeal and plant (almond) milk. Bused home and sat outside on the patio with a book and a small glass of white wine. I went to get the mail and ran into Michelle, who seems nuttier than ever. Incredibly, when I mentioned I would be visiting Jersey soon, she asked if it was part of New York. I questioned her, thinking she was kidding, but no, she wasn't. I was flabbergasted. 

I got a Message from my daughter-in-law asking that I hold her mail (I've been sending it, as I do Mike's) until she moves into her new place on July 15. Wrote back that I'll be glad to. Mike will be moving into his new place on the twelfth.
Today is my 66th wedding anniversary. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024


Since Capote and I are over (for now, anyway), I returned In Cold Blood before meeting Diane at our Lib Lunch spot at noon. We had our usual enjoyable gabfest, filling each other in on how superior the two of us are to the rest of the world 😁. 

Diane leaves tomorrow for Santa Monica and I have to say how much I admire her. With the fast-advancing neuropathy always a concern, she'll be taking Uber to the train station, disembarking in Burbank, boarding another train, then walking to her hotel. I was alarmed to hear she plans to leave her rollator (a kind of elongated walker) home and just use a cane. I think that's dangerous, but I know how self-conscious she is about her looks; appearances are very important to her. Anyway, we had a good time.

I bused from there to the mall, went to Target to replenish my supply of blueberries and was horrified to discover they had only the six-ounce size--heavens!  I had to break out my last sixteen-ounce and let's hope they get more in soon.

I had planned to put together one of my turkey stir-fries when I got home, but instead gave in to temptation and continued watching a documentary on the Kitty Genovese murder of sixty years ago.  It was made in 2015 and follows her brother, who is a double amputee (Vietnam), as he tries to unravel what really happened. It seems a lot of the newspaper and T.V. coverage was skewed, not on the basic facts, but other items. The NY Times, in particular, was instrumental in shading and embellishment, which is, of course, what they do with political "news" even more blatantly today. On that very topic, here's a fascinating piece about how we're manipulated by the "news" industry. It's by one of my favorites, the Australians journalist, Caitlin Johnstone, read by her American husband:

Took a nap, then went over to Von's for this and that. Today, I have no lunch dates or other obligations, which is just as well. Think I'll get some office-type stuff done and complete gathering family lore for cousin Kevin, whom I'll see tomorrow.

I saw this on Facebook and thought it very funny when read properly:


Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Called Linda, my cousin's wife, in the morning and we had a pleasant conversation. This was our first voice-to-voice contact (we've texted and Messaged), and so far, she seem to be of the quiet, retiring type.  I know she and Kevin are orthodox Catholics, so we may not exactly be soulmates, but I like to know people with a variety of ideas and beliefs, and I'm looking forward to seeing them on Friday. They'll pick me up at noon, I'll take them to The Greek restaurant at the harbor, then maybe we'll stroll around there. To fill out the weekend, I suggested we go into town on Saturday and see the Mission, City Hall, and other areas of interest, then lunch at Ellen's on Sunday.

Bused to the transit center, then walked to Yolanda's to meet Noreen for her eighty-ninth birthday lunch. She had been to the doctor about her tachycardia and was told that he could do a surgical procedure that would--I think I got this right--"burn off" the area that causes the fast heartbeat. Curiously, he had prescribed medication for it, too, so why not just go with that? Noreen mentioned that the operation might be a good option, because if you died during it, you would go without pain or fear. That seemed a bit of an odd way to look at it, but each to her own.

I'm not a big fan of Mexican food, but I like burritos and had a gigantic "wet" one, along with all the trimmings. Could barely eat half and took the rest home for dinner. I accompanied it with an IPA  and Noreen had a chicken salad and champagne. We sat and talked, naturally, for almost three hours, then said goodbye. She drove back to west Ventura and her three large dogs(!) and I walked back to the transit center and the 6 bus home.

Lib lunch with Diane today.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


I sent a card and a joint birthday gift to my boy and his girl in Japan. Heard from my cousin's wife, Linda, about their visit on Friday/. They'll stay at the Best Western and suggested they come pick me up, then we'll go to lunch somewhere. Maybe I'll take them to the harbor after that; another day, we'll go to the Mission and also, to Ellen's in Ojai. Here are Kevin and Linda on one of their many trips or cruises:

Packed lunch and bused to town. Stopped at the library and took out the book on Johnny Carson by his lawyer, which I've read before. He was a real pistol, it seems, but I still look at him on YouTube. I don't think his wit, intelligence, and savvy interviewing skills have ever been matched. In life, however, he seems to have been a real SOB.

Ate at my usual spot across from the Mission (one of the places I'll take Kevin and Linda), strolled around a bit, then bused home. Ellen called and we had a good chat; her cold, I was glad to hear, is somewhat better. Also, she went to physical therapy and will exercise to help her knee.

After that, I finally tackled replacing the small chest of drawers in my bedroom with the white bookcase I had had there before. It took quite a while to remove the items from the drawers and put them in decorative boxes on the bookcase. I did it, though, and in the process, discarded a lot of stuff I never should have saved in the first place. It took me a long time to take the chest and drawers to the trash place, but I did it with the aid of my cart.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Sunday--Party Time!

Access van got me to El's an hour and a half early and we got to the party in Santa Barbara early, too, but that was okay. Here are some shots:

The backyard, which looked great...

Boy Dana greeting girl Dana and her husband... 
Dana and Carolyn making a little speech...

Ellen, Carolyn, and my finger...

A random shot of El and somebody; nephew Steve in front of random guy...
Finn, the college grad...

Claire, the high school grad.
We had a good time, but unfortunately, on the way home, I started feeling sick. I had just had a catered sandwich and a piece of chocolate cake, but I doubt it was the food. I don't think the one beer I had would have done it either. Hmm...could it be the wine I sipped a little too freely? Nah... Anyway, I recovered after El stopped at a gas station. Got home about 7:30, fell on the bed without even taking my shoes off and slept until 9:00. I felt fine when I got up to watch a Twilight Zone episode, then turned in and slept well. Felt fine when I got up.      

Sunday, June 16, 2024


Jim got here at 12:30 and I served a Voila! garlic chicken dish (frozen, but not bad) along with my baked apples for dessert. After, as we've done before, we sat on the couch and solved a crossword puzzle together--that is, Jim gives me the clues and I answer. Occasionally, he'll chime in, but not often. He had asked me about the Grocery Outlet supermarket, which I had mentioned to him, and he said he wanted to go there. I decided to go with him and got sweet peppers, grapefruit, salmon, and a few other things. Jim got exactly nothing; he had said he wanted "oats" (meaning oatmeal), but for some reason, didn't buy any. I'm afraid he's getting more and more slow and confused, but I think in his everyday life, he can cope.  When he dropped me off, it was almost 5:00 and I cleaned up from lunch and did a color wash. 

I was so relieved to get an email from my tenant, Lori, to the effect that the electric company problem regarding the solar panels is resolved. Instead of a bill for two hundred and something, she got one for fifteen dollars--hey, a lot easier to take.

Here's a pic of the second grad in my niece's family, Finn from UCSB, and his parents: 

I'm looking forward to the party today. The Access Van will pick me up and take me to Ellen's; we'll go from there and she'll take me home after. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024


Weight: At home, I was down .06 to 123.8 and at T.O.P.S, I was down nothin' to nothin'. What? That means we didn't get weighed at T.O.P.S. because Trinity Lutheran was closed up. The nursery school which they operate there was on break and so were those in the office. Only Sharon, Bev, Cheryl, and I showed up, anyway, but it was annoying. You'd think leader Lennie, who's a member of the church and whose husband is actually the pastor emeritus, could have informed us, but oh, well, at least I got breakfast earlier than usual on Friday. I told the others I wasn't going next week; that's the day my cousin and his wife come in and I want to be free in the morning, too.

I called Jeff and left a voicemail message telling him I won't be taking the part in the show. I just can't commit to the time and effort rehearsals take. I need to be free to address the various obligations I have here, plus to travel, especially to Jersey. I was reluctant to turn him down, but I know it was the right thing to do. Got back a lovely message and maybe next time, when the smoke clears...  

Packed my lunch and bused to the transit center. I had looked in a little shop across the street on Saturday when I met Diane for lunch, saw a top I liked, but hadn't had time to try it on. I went back yesterday, tried it, and bought it to wear to the double graduation party tomorrow. Here's a pic of Claire the high school grad, Finn, the UCSB grad, and their parents, my dear twin's family. I feel, in some minor, inadequate way, I'm standing in for her: 

Walked from the shop to the hospital again, this time lunching on the veranda. Walked back, bused home, watched T.V. for a bit,  took a nap, then washed, seasoned, and roasted two pounds of apples. Had a casual dinner (leftover pizza and mixed veggies), then impulsively called Jim and invited him for lunch today. I haven't seen him for a few weeks, so I guess I can stand it. 

Friday, June 14, 2024


Did some chores consisting of a white wash and cleaning the bathroom sink and tub, and the double kitchen sink with baking soda and vinegar. 

Called Noreen and left a message saying I wanted to take her to lunch for her birthday. It's on Monday, but we can go any day she chooses if I'm free. She called me back after dinner and said the reason she hadn't gotten back to me sooner was because she was in the hospital overnight after an attack of tachycardia. She had had some before, but this time, she actually passed out.  Luckily, she had been with her daughter and son-in-law at Aloha for lunch. They called an ambulance her doctor changed her medication. Anyway, we decided on Yolanda's for lunch on Tuesday.

Went back and forth via email with Diane about our date at the hospital cafeteria, which we'll keep someday in the coming week. Got a text from Lisa G. of Fractured Actors (she and were both in last year's show), asking if I had auditioned for the one coming up. I told her no, I just have to much going on this summer (but see later). We agreed we'd meet for lunch one day. Ditto with Susan Stratton, whom I ran into at Von's. She had been in my BCNN acting group and one of the better ones. 

Thought I'd eat lunch in front of the T.V., but I lost interest in whatever I was watching. My problem is I really don't know to search for things of interest. I much prefer documentaries, but can't seem to bring them up. Maybe one of these days I'll get the hang of it. 

Ellen called on her way home after the conclusion--YAY!--of her very last day of work.. Several of her colleagues had taken her to lunch at the harbor and they were there for three hours. Too bad she has a terrible cold and cough (not COVID, which she's had twice), but she sounds better than she had. We had a long talk and I told her I want to take her to dinner--we'll probably go next week and I'll see her on Sunday when we go to Santa Barbara for great-nephew Finn's college graduation cookout. She said Greg wants to take her out for a celebratory dinner, too.   

Last night, I was flabbergasted to get a text from Jeff, director of F.A. (Fractured Actors), asking why I hadn't auditioned for the show in August. He said there was a "meaty" part he'd like to tell me about and could he call me? Yes, and he, Shannon, and I talked. I told them of my heavily booked summer plans, but said I'd look at the script, A Stitch in Time, which Jeff immediately emailed me. It's reminiscent of the first F.A. play I did five years ago, Welcome Home, a kind a sentimental, shmaltzy piece with an old lady reminiscing  about her youth. After I read it, I came to my senses: not only is there a lot of monologue to memorize, but with the reason I didn't audition in the first place, I just don't feel I can take on this commitment. Will call Jeff and tell him.    

Welcome Home (2019)   

Thursday, June 13, 2024


Stripped the bed, washed the sheets, and remade before breakfast. Called Yandoo early on and was pleased to have the guy come for the T.V. by 10:00. He fixed the problem, which had something to do with the firestick and the cable remotes so now I can again get Netflix and the others.

I spent a remarkable amount of time assembling and inscribing those cards I bought at Hallmark. They totaled eight: three for Father's Day, two for birthdays, two for graduations, and one for retirement. I also wrote out checks for some of them.  

 Packed lunch and took off for town rather late; didn't get there and have lunch until almost 3:00.Stopped at a few shops and bought a pretty garden flower container. Wednesday afternoons tend to be pretty quiet, especially since it was (as usual, damnit) cloudy and cool. However, it was plesant having lunch at my usual spot across from the mission near Pierano's. It's hard to see here, but their purple flower are so vibrant, I enjoyed them on my table, so to speak:

I called Nancy while I was lazing there and we had a chat. I was sorry to hear she's been ailing with arthritis and and has difficulty in walking. She's also been very fatigued; happily, her daughter from Massachusetts has come to help out; not sure how long she's staying. Nancy has stopped driving and sold her car; I hope she gets used to either the bus (that's unlikely) or the Access Van, but she isn't anxious to try either.

Called Ellen after that; she still has that damn cold and was just finishing up at school. Yesterday was the last for the kids and today is her very last one as a working woman--wow!

Bused home and got in by 5:00. Had that vegan pizza for dinner, along with a veggie medley--pretty good. Sat down for my hour of T.V. at 8:30--humph, now that I have it, I didn't find much I wanted to see. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


And the beat goes on: I called MJR solar panels and was told I had to call Atlantic City Electric to address the problem that AC doesn't' realize my house has solar panels. Did so and was told I couldn't get any information because my name isn't on the bill--my tenant has to do it. Sent an email to that effect to my tenant, Lori. 

The Yandoo guy came, seemingly corrected my T.V. settings and it's back on. However, , when I sat down to watch last night, I could get only one show only something called "SmartTV," with only one show on it--no Netflix, Prime, Plato, or any of the others I pay for. Will call again today.

Got the turmeric I ordered from Amazon already and happily, it's the right stuff and now I know where I can to get it. I checked CVS and others around here and none carry it.

I was mistaken about Finn's graduation. It's actually on Saturday and El and I are going to the party on Sunday. I wouldn't mind going to the graduation, too, but El texted back she's fighting that bad cold--she sounded terrible the other day--and doesn't feel up to it. Darn, wouldn't you know, when today is her last day with the kids and tomorrow is the last day she'll be employed. Actually, it's the first day--of the rest of her life--YAY! 

Walked over to Hallmark to get cards for the family occasions coming up. I got cards only, mind you, and I'll be adding gifts--good grief, I spent $43!  After lunch, I walked to Smart 'n' Final; saw some  vegetable crust pizza in the vegan frozen food section and bought it. Think I'll have it tonight. Also bought a "family sized Viola garlic chicken casserole. One of these days, I'll have Jim over again and will serve that.  


Wonders will never cease: I got a call from "Casey" at Verizon, saying he was working on my "case" and it would be resolved within 48 hours. Amazingly, he spoke actual, unaccented English and sounded as though he might even have read a book or two. I know that sounds mean and snobbish and prejudiced and racist and every damn else thing, but I don't care. I've spent so much time and effort--and emotional wherewithal--dealing with people who are either 1. incompetent, 2. nasty, or 3. indifferent, that this was a relief. He followed up with an email and will get back to me with--I'm keeping my fingers crossed--what he indicated was complete vindication. 

Jeez, is that all the good news in my life? No, there's something else: I'm alive and in reasonably good shape, so I should quit complaining. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


Yesterday was just a round of business crapola, plus housework, which I'll skim over:

1. Email from FCC, asking if besides my "formal complaint" about Verizon, did I want to submit an informal one? Sure, why not, so I more or less duplicated my formal one and sent it off;

2. Called Yondoo about the "no signal" signal on the T.V., followed instructions, they didn't work, and somebody will come out this morning between 8:00 am and noon;

3. I'm almost out of the turmeric curcumin the doctor said to take (I think for my bones) and couldn't remember where I had gotten it. Finally ordered some via Amazon;

4. I got an email from my tenant, Lori, about the electric bill she got, which is just ridiculous, since there are solar panels on the house. There must be some mistake and I'll call them today.  

5. Got a letter from Groendyke Insurance to the effect that the policy on my house will expire on August 3, so a new policy must be written. I'll soon get a replacement quote. This is puzzling and I'll call Maureen at Groendyke today for an explanation.

5. Scrubbed the tub and installed the new tub mat. It's a little shorter than the other one, so I may boy another and use both.

Aside from all that, I went out to get the mail, saw a package at Suzanne's door and rang her bell to give it to her. She invited me in to see what the package contained. wonderful old family photos from her cousin, including her grandparents' wedding pictures. Interestingly, Suzanne's father and his brother married sisters, so she's sort of double-related to her cousin.  

Niece Carolyn invited Ellen and me to Finn's UCSB graduation, which is the day after tomorrow. We're already going to the party for him on Sunday and I'd love to go to the graduation, but I'm not so sure Ellen would want to. Maybe I'll look up the bus schedule, but then they'd have to pick me up, etc.  Hmm... We'll see. 

Monday, June 10, 2024


 Did the Sunday things (crossword was annoyingly obscure), then packed lunch, walked to Telephone Road, then bused to the WinCo shopping center. I didn't go in there, but went to some smaller stores nearby. Got Fathers Day cards for the three of my descendent who are fathers. I ate on a bench in a little nook near the movie theatre, which was pleasant. 

Bused from there to the mall (I'm beginning to think I should buy stock in Target) and got produce,  frozen salmon, and low-cal popsicles. Finally got a tub mat--hope it's the right size. My left knee has been bothering me (it's that mean guy, Arthur, of course), but only sporadically and I didn't take anything. 

I t was only 5:00 when I got home, but for some reason, I was famished. Got my jumbo shrimp (raw and plain, of course, I never buy the  cooked or breaded) out of the freezer, defrosted and fried it up. Rounded out my meal with a small amount of leftover pasta and two cabbage fritters. I was already finished by 6:00, which is when I usually start to think about dinner. 

My T.V. still says "no signal" and I haven't heard back from Yandoo. Will call again, but in the meantime, I've been looking at YouTube stuff.  Must walk over to Hallmark for birthday and graduation cards. 

Saturday, June 08, 2024


I left at 10 and bused to the transit center, then walked the mile or so to Community Memorial Hospital. Why, was I sick? No, I had suggested to Diane that we bring our lunches there and eat on their attractive veranda after her early dentist appointment nearby. However, it had drizzled in the morning and the seats and tables were wet; happily, I discovered that next to their cafeteria was a separate table and chair area. It has a microwave and other amenities, presumably so employees could bring their meals if they preferred, and it was ideal with us. 

We met at noon and, incredibly, sat and talked until after 3:00, then walked together back to the transit center. Luckily, her bus, the 11, was there just long enough for her to board. I sat down to wait for one of mine, but then decided to go to good ol' Target for grapefruit and olive oil. Did so and was able to get the 10 back. On the bus, I had a nice chat with a woman riding to The Townhomes and I told her my involvement with it. She had just moved there and I gave her my card and asked her to look me up some time. Her name is Florence O'Brien and I hope she does.

Called Stella to find out how her case went. She's getting more and more vague, so I'm not absolutely sure about it, but I think the upshot was that she and her former tenant had gone the arbitrator route and she shelled out a thousand.  

Home and I had some good fish for dinner, along with another (large) portion of roasted cauliflower. After, I finished the Ventura Star crossword puzzle and cryptogram I had started in the morning. I then got so sleepy, I simply had to lie down. Set the alarm for a half-hour, arose, and felt much revived. 

Darn, Friday night, when I turned on the television, it displayed the "no signal" signal. I reported it to Yandoo Tech yesterday, but still haven't heard back from them. Will call again, but it may very well be something other than Yandoo. So annoying.    


Weight: 124.4 at home, a gain of 1.4, but at T.O.P.S., I recorded 125.3, which according to my records, is a loss of 1.4. I don't think that's accurate, though; either weight recorder Cheryl made a mistake or I did, but the hell with it; I'm still in my comfort zone. Sharon called me at 7:00 am to say she wasn't going and neither was Bobbi; S. is having problems after her recent surgery, and with her broken leg, B.'s husband has to drive her and he' ailing himself and she doesn't want him to have to get up that early. So only Cheryl, Lennie, and I were there for the meeting, as members. Who else? Cheryl brought her visiting sister to the meeting, too. Lennie will be gone the next two weeks and asked me to do the program. I said I would, but maybe I can foist the second one off on somebody else.

No breakfast until 10-:30 and after that, I forced myself to do my increasingly problematic paperwork or business work--whatever. I had received a notice from management to the effect I needed to renew my rental insurance. It was actually sent in error--I just renewed in May, but it necessitated me going over to the office, then calling the damn company--what a pain./

After that, I tackled the FCC complaint about Verizon. I was able to lay it out pretty clearly, I think, although I didn't make it as long as what I sent to the collection agency. Emailed it off and we'll see what happens.

I had a sudden urge to feed one of my addictions (cauliflower), so I went over to Von's and got one, along with a bumpy tangerine, came back home and did the roasted with mayo and parm covering. Had some for dinner and it was yum.

Suzanne is back from her latest sojourn to Idaho and said somebody had given her tickets to an improv show in Santa Paula for last night. She invited Vickie and me to go and what a terrific evening! This was way, way beyond the kind of "pick a topic out of the box and talk about it for one minute" improv I do in my acting classes. It was complete improvisation, with topics thrown out by the audience, resulting in little playlets by two to five of the players. They ran for four or five minutes and there were variations that were absolutely hilarious. The players were clearly experienced actors and have surely appeared on the regular stage. The venue was comfortable, but like Fractured Actors, is in a kind of a remodeled office suite. All the seats (it's very small) were taken, but I took these during intermission, so it doesn't look like it.  We were in the second row and unfortunately, there was a tall person in front of me, so these pics are not very good, but oh, well:

Below, that's Vickie in the second row:

Incredibly for me, we didn't get home until close to eleven, but I slept pretty well and didn't get up until noon...well, my noon, meaning 6:30.

Meeting Diane for lunch again today. We'll bring our lunches, of course, and eat on the hospital veranda.  

Friday, June 07, 2024


Left at 10:30 and bused to east Ventura. I had meant to drop some donations off to Goodwill, but didn't feel like going through things, so just stopped at the grocery store next to it for tomatoes and tangerines. As I was leaving, niece Carolyn called and we had a nice chat; Ellen and I will see her and her family next week at the graduation party. We made a tentative date for the following week when I want to get up and see Betty, who is now in a wheel chair and I hate that.

Diane and I had a good, long talk, as always. Regardless of our diametrically opposed ideas about the supernatural, she's one of the friends with whom I feel most comfortable. I greatly admire her courage in dealing with her neuropathy, as she's been doing for years. She has talked before about moving to Santa Monica for a variety of reasons and she has now arranged to visit there for two days this month. Anyway, we enjoyed ourselves and also made a date for tomorrow. She has a dentist appointment near the hospital and we've been wanting to eat there on the veranda.

Home at 3:00 and I watched an episode of my old favorite Forensic Files, then took a short nap. Ellen called and, happy day, she's managed to get rid of the closets in her classroom, full of third-grade items. She invited her colleagues to take what they wanted and will donate or discard the rest. In six days, next Thursday, she'll walk out of school for the last time and her new life will begin--happy day!


It seems the horror story written by Verizon will never end. On Friday, I got a text from a collection agency to call. Did so and after wrangling with somebody, got the "Verizon dispute" email address. I then spent a considerably amount of time writing writing chapter and verse about my on-going ordeal. I included confirmation numbers, names of representatives, and pictures of documents, including the one that certified the box was received in Fort Worth. Yesterday, I got an email from Experian to the effect that my credit rating has gone from "exceptional" down to "good." Stunned, I looked for the reason and found the Verizon has caused my score to drop 122 points. I called the Consumer Protection Agency and got the advice to detail the problem with the FCC at FCC Complaints. I'll do that today. 

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Wednesday And Multiple Murder in Kansas

Changed the beds, washed the sheets, and remade. After my oatmeal  citrus and coffee, which I've had for breakfast seven days a week for years now (I like to try new things, but not at seven am), I tidied up a bit. then made my lunch, packed it, and walked over the footbridge to Wal-Mart on a quest for shoelaces.

I sometimes wonder if the world has gone nuttier than usual. Here's the situation: I have two pair of what we used to call "sneakers" or "tennis shoes" that are so old I don't remember if they're Nikes or what. I know they cost a bundle when new and they are the most comfortable food coverings I've every owned. However, the laces get shabby and recently, I've tried to buy new and have been confronted with the fact that nobody has shoelaces.  At Target, I bought the only one they had left and yesterday, at Wal-Mart, I could find none. I finally asked someone and he guided to me to a locked--yes, locked--display case where they were hanging. I had to get a clerk to open it and finally got my three-dollar shoelaces. What a world! Ate my lunch at the pleasant, sort-of mini-park, between office buildings on Ralston Avenue, and enjoyed it. 


Bused home and got the urge to watch Cold Blooded on T.V. There's a story behind this and here it is: I happen to know a lot about the Clutter murders. They took place sixty-five years ago in the little town of Holcomb, Kansas when a pillar of the community, prosperous farmer Herb Clutter, his wife, Bonnie, and their two younger children, high school students Kenyon and Nancy, were murdered by Richard Hickock and Perry Smith.* The perpetrators had met in prison and had been told--erroneously--by a fellow inmate thst Mr. Clutter had large sums of money at his home. Truman Capote wrote a book about it, In Cold Blood, which was a sensation when it came out in 1965. 

I've always had a fascination with murder and I was enthralled by the book.  The movie that followed was excellent, too. A short time ago, I watched the movie Capote, and that reignited my interest. Got the book out of the library and am in the middle of it again; it reminds me what an excellent writer Capote was. That led me to the recent movie, Cold Blooded on Netflix. The movie made from it with the same title was excellent, too. So-o-o, when I saw that Netflix was showing the version made five years ago, Cold-Blooded, I was curious and started watching...

AAGH!  I have a multitude of annoyed objections to this thing, a major one being the miscasting of the killers. Both are first, much too old and second, bear no resemblance to the actual perps. Robert Blake was perfectly cast in the 1967 movie (ironically, in real life, he was on trial for the murder of his wife a few years late). In this version, the characters come across as stereotypes (from Kansas? Okay, let's make 'em all rubes). The exception was the actor playing Herb Clutter, who did a credible job, although he was written as pretty one-dimensional, too. I won't enumerate the other problems I saw with the movie, but suffice it to say, I quit watching.

* There were two older daughters, one in nursing school, the other married and living in Illinois, so they escaped the carnage.  


Wednesday, June 05, 2024


Left at 10:30 and bused first to the mall and good ol' Target for--what else? Blueberries. Ran into Amy Brooks, Ken's daughter-in-law (Fractured Actors), but we said only a quick hello, as she was "on duty"; along with another person, she was accompanying a mentally-challenged group. I then re-boarded the bus and rode to town. I couldn't quite remember which street Lure is on, but asked somebody and was directed a few blocks away. As I walked there, who did I see by Brigitte and we greeted each other with hugs.

Brigitte is a friend of Julie's and an acquaintance of mine. She was born and brought up in Germany and came here as an adult; Julie usually picks her up for the BCNN meetings, as she does me. She's 79, quite attractive, and dresses very stylishly. She has some kind a eye condition, and is a bit of a character, but I enjoyed talking to her or rather, listening to her. Like so many others I know, she never stops talking. She accompanied me as I walked toward Lure, then I went to meet Noreen.

We sat outside as, happily, it had gotten warm, although it was still overcast. I go to Lure fairly often and keep getting the sand dabs, which I really like, but I was determined to try something else this time. Chose the trout almandine, which was very good, but I still like the sand dabs better. Of course, we both had our drinks of choice: an IPA for yours truly and for Noreen, champagne.

We talked and talked for two hours on  a number of topics, including, as ever, family and present activities which in Noreen's case, includes interest in the supernatural. She belongs to something called the Emerging Spirits Church, which I guess follows a variety of new-age-y philosophy. Unlike Diane, however, she doesn't insist that I take it seriously.  

We said goodbye about 3:00, going in opposite directions and I stroll down Main. Stopped at a shop and bought a light top, then walked up Ventura Avenue and got the bus home. As I walked in the front gate, I met up with Vickie and her friend, Katie. Poor Vick--she's now using a cane, as the problem with her hip (nebula or something?) has worsened, along with her other ills. Considering she's still in her sixties, she's really had the book thrown at her. Once Suzanne is back from her trip, I'll have them over for one of our social sessions. 

Emailed Diane to see if she could meet for a "park lunch" across from her place, as I have some errands in that area. She's booked today, so we'll do it tomorrow. 

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Monday And Soaring Spirits

Enjoyable day. I bused to the Stone Fire Grille to meet the Soaring Spirits gang for lunch at noon. We had a good crowd--ten, including four guys, which is a lot for us. I had the yummy miniature pizza and, of course, a good cold IPA, along with lots of good talk and laughs. I was able to more or less privately ask Vera about the situation among the Fractured Actors group. As I suspected, there are some undercurrents going on and, to some extent, that has influenced my decision not to audition for the next show.*

The other reason: Auditions are scheduled for the end of next week on the ninth, tenth, and eleventh and the show will open in August. That means rehearsals over the summer months and coming up, I have the graduation barbeque at niece, Carolyn's; my cousins' visit from June 21st to 24th; my brothers' children and the "traveling memorial in July; and Violet arriving for camp, also in July. Mike might get here, too, and I will certainly be visiting Jersey, maybe for an extended stay. In other words, I already have a pretty crowded calendar and I don't want to miss what else might be coming up. At the same time, I don't want to audition, be cast, then have to withdraw.

Went over to Von's for coffee and stuff, and ran into Lorraine on the way back. She was her usual kooky self, but I kind of enjoyed her chatter. Got home and sat down to complete my dispute email to Verizon and sent it off with a sign of relief. I'm not hopeful at all it will get them off my back, but if not, I'm going to pursue further steps, i.e., contacting whatever government agency is appropriate. 

Noreen called and we'll meet at Lure at 12:30. As ever, I'm looking forward to seeing her.

*Note to You-Know-Who: I asked Vera, Susan, and Gayle, my closest S.S. pals, how they pronounced "lilacs" and yes, they all said "li-lacks," not "li-locks." V. was born and brought up in Oregon, S. and G. are native Californians. 

Monday, June 03, 2024

Sunday At Dudley House

Did the crossword (it was good) and took my pill, but didn't feel like changing the bed, so I'll do it tomorrow. Started my dispute email to Verizon and it seems pretty strong, as I'm writing chapter and verse, detailing the whole saga, and adding copies of documents. Called the Access Van manager and left a message asking him or her to call me so I can register my complaint about Saturday's driver. 

I wasn't really looking forward to my docent stint at Dudley House, but since I had promised Lynne I would, I went. Was picked up at noon, which meant I got there forty-five minutes early--damn! Even Lynne wasn't there yet, but luckily, Charlie was. He's the horticulturist, who was setting up for the talk he does on the grounds on various--well, horticulture. Yesterday, it was growing plumeria, which I would have liked to attend myself, if I hadn't been tour-guiding.  

I wasn't looking forward to it, being in a bit of an enthusiasm slump, but it turned out to be a good day. We had a lot of people, so I wasn't just sitting on the porch chatting with the greeter, Deb. I took the first group, Lynne the next, and we were both busy the whole day. I do only the first floor and some day, as I told Lynne, I'd like to actually take the second floor tour--I haven't been up there for several years. As ever, thanks to Jan, the place was neat and clean:

And here's Lynne as we were leaving:
She took me home and I got in about 5:00. Had a quick bite and took a half-hour nap. Woke up to find several calls and texts from Ellen--oops, I had forgotten to turn my phone back on. Called her and we had a nice catch-up talk. She had dinner with Greg again on Saturday night and, coming into the retirement homestretch, she's continuing to ready things in the classroom. 

I started watching a documentary last night called Take Me Out Feet First. It was made by the daughter in a family in Marin Count (California) and concerns the decision by her elderly mother to end her life (terminal cancer). I didn't know how one actually does that legally and was fascinated. It showed how the family gathered around and helped by taking the meds out of containers and so on. It did not show the actual act--I think that legally, it isn't permitted. Marin County is a wealthy (average income $188,770) area up near San Francisco and clearly, the woman, her husband, and the family fit right in. Would those of more modest income have a similar experience? Maybe not. More to the point, if I was in intractable pain and there was no possibility of effective treatment, would I pursue the same path? I'll watch the rest of the program and provide the answer after.

Sunday, June 02, 2024


The Access Van was late picking me up and what's more, I'm going to file a complaint about the driver when the place opens this morning at 8:00. He was incredibly rude and actually asked me if I knew how to get to Karyn's! I didn't and he must have a GPS, as I pointed out. Anyway, I won't go into details now, but stayed tuned.

I hadn't been sure if I wanted to go to the party, but then decided I would, as I wanted to see my fellow members of Fractured Actors. The party was supposed to run from noon to 6:00, but when I got there about 1:15, only Martha White was there from F.A., along with other friends of the Murphys, whom I didn't know. Bryan, wasn't there and I didn't have a chance to ask why. I got myself a meal (with lemonade, no alcohol was served) and chatted with a few people. Later, Spence and Caitlin came and, just as I was leaving, Meredith and Kevin walked in. I thought it was odd that Jeff and Shannon weren't there, nor were Ben, Alphonse and Lindsay, and others from F.A. Tomorrow, I'll see Vera at the Soaring Spirits lunch and will ask is there's some back story there. I did enjoy hearing Spence and Karyn discuss their Shakespearian experiences--both have been in several of the plays, as has Mike--and I asked Spence which were his favorite roles. He mentioned several, including Puck in A Midsummer Night's Dream--I'll bet he was perfect in that one--and others. 

I decided not to wait for the Access Van to go home, as it was supposed to come at 3:30. I cancelled, then said my goodbyes to Mike and Karyn, who are moving back to Sacramento, where they were born and brought up.  Here they are, two bright young people with little Logan--glad I got to know them:                                                               

I had to ask somebody how to get out of the large complex, then walked the mile or so to Telephone Road, and took the 11 bus home. Decided to make cabbage fritters, but was out of eggs, so walked over to Von's. Ran into Lorraine on the way and she asked me what I was doing today. Told her Dudley House and she said she might go. Made the fritters and had three for dinner. 

Today is the seventy-fourth anniversary of my father's death, the day that changed my life forever. 

 Note: What I didn't mention on Friday is that incredibly, a collection agency called me regarding the Verizon thing. They still say I owe them $251.50--unbelievable. After I screamed and cursed, he gave me the email address for filing disputes. I haven't gotten to them yet, but will try to get to it today.

Saturday, June 01, 2024


A full day, but a good one. Incredibly, I was the big loser at T.O.P.S., with a loss of 1.7; at home, I was down a pound to 123.8. The meeting was--as they're getting to be--a kind of therapy session, but not bad. Didn't get breakfast until 10:30, then did a load of wash, and took care of a few business things. 

My tenant, Lori, sent the rent via Zelle, which is fine. As I had asked her to do, she included her portion (two months of three) of the water bill. Subsequently, I'll be sending her the bill itself, as for some reason, the water company won't put tenants' names on it. 

Called the Access Van to take me to the going away party for Mike, Noel, and little Logan. It was suggested that everybody bring a dish (but they'll have hamburgers, hot dogs, and other things, too), so I looked around for an idea. I saw that I had several pounds of apples, so decided on homemade applesauce. Cored, pared, and cut the apples, added a dash of cinnamon and let 'er rip in the slow cooker. 

Made lunch and bused to town about 2:00, went to the library to pick up Capote's In Cold Blood, which I had requested. That's non-fiction, but my eye fell on Stephen King's latest, Holly, so I pick that up, too. Browsed around, strolled Main Street, ate my lunch at my spot across from the mission. It was very quiet and serene, not many strollers and, much as I like the hustle and bustle other days, I enjoyed that:

Before I got home, I stopped at CVS and Hallmark, looking for Fathers Day cards and a card for M., N., and L., but didn't see any I liked. Will look at Von's today or more carefully, at Hallmark. As for a gift, I may go Amazon, but am debating possible alternatives. The applesauce (with apples and a dash if cinnamon only, I never add sugar) was nicely done when I got home, but now I'm not sure how I can get it there. I don't really want to bring my cart and can a manage with a large, breakable bowl? Will think about it.  

I've been wanting to have dinner later and last evening, I did. Didn't eat until 7:00, which was good. I'm hoping if I can stay up later, I can sleep better. Along with more walking, that usually does the trick. However, I didn't really achieve that last night, but maybe I was mulling over the applesauce. Will persevere. 


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...