Thursday, January 04, 2024


Wrapped grandson Joel's birthday present and walked to the p.o. to mail. Stopped at Von's on the way back for fish cakes, veggies, and blueberries. Home, I sorted and filed the piles of paper I constantly accumulate and otherwise did this and that. Got a call to the effect that we'll go to Santa Barbara after The Townehouse today to be with Mike and family--yay!   

Guess I idled away the rest of the day. (That could be a song--"I idled away/The rest of the day?And all I can say/Is...oh, the hell with it.) As proof of idling, I present this jigsaw--ho hum: 

In truth, I wasn't exactly idle: I spent a lot of time compiling a list of questions and concern to discuss with Harvey at The Townehouse today. I am so grateful to my pal, fellow HSHS-er, and fellow blogger, Pat Rodgers, who suggested some excellent topics to discuss with Harvey at The Townehouse. Several important ones never would have entered my head and I added them to my list. Will report back here the salient points of our meeting. 

Ellen called and we had a good talk. She's going to a "Law Of Attraction" conference in San Diego on Saturday. I looked it up on YouTube, saw a video on it, found it interesting. I'll ask her about it when she gets back.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...