Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Julie picked me up and we drove to town for the BCNN lunch at Finney's. We parked down on the Promenade next to the ocean and walked there--maybe three quarters of a mile and it felt good in the sun. Had a good time with about twenty attendees and the Caesar salad and IPA. Bridgette came over to us after and jabbered--she's a jabberer with a German accent--about how she found a terrific cheese display at Smart 'n' Final. We walked her to her car and Julie, intrigued by the cheese info, asked if I wanted to go down to S 'n' F and see if we liked it. Sure thing, and we did. I did like it and I bought pme to give Louis at his birthday party on Saturday. Sharon doesn't want gifts, but this is just a token and I know he likes cheese:                                                                                        

I also some picked up some cod, which I haven't had for a while, but frozen, not fresh. Had it for dinner and it was so-so, and some beautiful blueberries. Didn't get home until after 3:00.

Called Primary Medical to see what gives with my new insurance. Yes, it's finally approved and there seem to be no more obstacles to my endocrinology appointment. However, I was told I'll be put on the cancellation list, as Dr. Ficks is booked for the next month--damn! I said to have Dr. Ficks call me--oh, no, heaven forfend, doctors doesn't call anybody except to tell them bad news I was told her bookie (the one who books her appointments) will. I want to know what this appointment entails. If she'll simply talk to me, we can do that over the phone. Of course, I haven't heard back from the bookie yet.  

Got a text from Mike that they'll be coming tomorrow to Ventura, their last day in California; Violet wants to go to Barnes & Noble---great! I'll be picked up and meet them there. I have a gift card for Chaucer's in Santa Barbara, so probably will not buy at B & N, but it's good to be there.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...