Friday, January 12, 2024


Had breakfast, then Primary Medical got me on video messenger with Dr. Ficks at the agreed time of 8:30. I'm always startled when I see her, as she looks like a cute little, blonde sophomore, but I assume she has a medical degree. 😉 

Cute little doc had good news: My latest tests show that not only are my bones stable, but they have improved. Not sure if I put that right, but Dr. F. was pleased and so was I. I don't have to see her again for another year, so that's good--I'll just keep taking the alendronate once a week and eating my broccoli. 

The rest of the day wasn't so agreeable. I spent hours--and I mean that literally--on the phone straightening out the SCAN new insurance questions, including the dental and vision part. As I mentioned, I was disappointed in "losing" Dr. Babbitt (teeth), but I did sign up for Zak Dental, which is right across from the transit center, so that should work out okay. I even made an appointment for my first visit: 8:10 am on the 24th. Also, called Uber and arranged for transportation to get there. No return trip, as I'll visit the mall after and bus home. At least, I was happy to learn I can still go to Maramar with my eyes. 

In between all the crapola, I made two dates: Diane and I will do our "lunch at the library" thing on Sunday and Noreen will treat me to my birthday lunch on Tuesday. As mentioned before, Julie and Lora will do the same next Friday, when we go to Santa Barbara. I still have Jim's birthday lunch to arrange and I'm trying to think of a relatively inexpensive place. The ones that are really "inexpensive"? I'd rather starve. 

Strolled over to Von's for ground turkey and some nice honeycrisp apples. That galvanized me to do a considerable amount of food prep. Before dinner, I made roasted cauliflower, turkey stir-fry, and baked apples (they look like doughnuts, but I swear, they're not)!

 I had some of the stir-fry and cauliflower for dinner and an apple for a later-night treat.

T.O.P.S this morning and this time, I know I've gained. In addition, I have a busy, food-filled week coming up: Saturday, birthday party for Louis;
Sunday, library lunch with Diane;
Monday, dinner with Soaring Spirits;
Wednesday, I think, but am not sure, BCNN Happy Hour;
Thursday, Santa Barbara, Betty, and birthday lunch, courtesy of Julie and Lora.
AAGH!! but also, YAY!!

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Busy day. Got my train tickets for Encinitas on line. Finished most of my packing and tidied up a bit. After that, it was a walk to BOA to g...