Sunday, January 21, 2024


A great event: It rained! Okay, it was a half-hearted drizzle, but it was wet. I braved the deluge to walk over to the mail place and get mine, now being able to put on my shoe. Speaking of: After my mail sojourn, I stayed in the rest of the day, trading my shoes for snuggly high socks, as it was chilly: 

Did I say chilly? No, it was frigid--got down to 55 degrees!

I received a nice note from my tenant in response to my email about the rent increase and providing proof of age to the management company.  She accepted both and added: "Thank you for always being considerate.  We surely do love living here." I responded, "You love living there? I love having you there."

Returned the call of former neighbor Olivia and we had a long talk. We agreed to get together in the spring. and, in the meantime, will keep in touch. Olivia's one of my friends of Mexican descent, although she was born here. I like her partly, but certainly not wholly, for that--hanging with only ethnic white bread people seems a little boring. I'm pleased that my friends include black, Latina, and gay, as well as those of Christian and Jewish persuasion, plus atheists and agnostics. As for east Asians--I have plenty of family for that! 

Did a little food prep: I save the water after I cook fresh vegetables on the stove, as it's full of vitamins and vegetables, as well as flavor. Put it in the slow cooker with rice and it came out tasty and healthy.  

Spent time ordering my free OTC items on-line from my supplemental insurance, SCAN. I like their system a lot better than I had Blue Shield. I ordered $98.00 worth, leaving a total of $12.00. This will roll over to next time, which BS did not allow.

Only down side of the day was my sleeplessness. I went to bed Friday night at my usual 9 and change, woke up at 2:30, and couldn't get back. I stayed in bed, though, until 4:15. After lunch, I took an hour nap, but I don't want that to become a habit. I've observed that my sleep pattern is pretty consistent: I get good sleep--almost invariably seven or so hours--for several weeks, then veer into what I did last night. I blame not getting my regular several hours of walking for the problem, but I hope to remedy that soon.   

Went to bed at 9:15 and got up at 4:45, so close to 8 hours--good!


Anonymous said...

Love, love those socks.

Mimi said...

And they're snuggly warm, too! (Pat R., is that you?)


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...