Saturday, January 20, 2024


Weight: Home, no change from last week; T.O.P.S, a gain of 1.1, up to 128.7, but no prob. Sharon gave me a thank-you note for the present I gave Lewis and asked me to give Vickie hers. I did the program, based th these books, plus the Sugar Blues one. It was received well and we had some good discussion: 


My former neighbor, Olivia, called, but I missed it. She left a message and will get back to me. I did the same when I called her back. 

Noreen called, asking about this year's poetry T.O.P.S. contest, for which she'll submit a verse. I doubt if I will this time, but maybe. We made a date for lunch at the Himalayan on the thirty-first. 

I didn't get breakfast until after 10:00, then added a few more items to the donation pile. Okay, more than a few, I guess: 

Hard to believe, but this is only the bare tip of the iceberg, compared to what I still want to clear out. 

I was picked up and we made several trips carrying the donations to the car. For various needs and errands, we drove to Lowe's, Target, Ace Hardware, and CVS, then finally to GoodWill. Unloaded everything and got a receipt for income tax purposes. Home, said goodbye, and made an appointment with the Costco hearing aid people for February 16 at 3:30; told to arrive fifteen minutes early.

By that time, it was almost 5:00 and time to go over to Suzanne's for Happy Hour. Did so, Vickie came  and we talked for about an hour and a half. I excused myself after some good talk, as Mike had told me he'd facetime, which he did, and we had a nice virtual visit. 

Today, Saturday, is the first in a while I haven't had some kind of activity planned. Now that I have some momentum going, I think I'll continue to choose what beloved, priceless, irreplaceable items I can get rid of. Or maybe, I'll just veg out? Nah.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...