Monday, January 08, 2024


I was picked up at 9:30 and off we went to Santa Barbara. We sat and chatted with Mike, Paula, and Violet (Vivian had flown back to Hawaii on Friday), who showed us some of the sea glass she had gathered on the beach: 

We then piled into the van and drove to the Mission. Strolled around the rose garden and visited the gift shop (didn't go into the church part, as mass was going on), and took some pics:
Violet and Paula.
Some old coot.
Violet on fountain.
After that, it was the Santa Barbara pier, a place I've always liked. We strolled around, noted the  Norwegian cruise ship in the harbor:  
and lunched at Moby Dick:
One side of the table.
We got back to the AirBnB just in time to greet niece Carolyn and great-niece Claire. Chatted for a bit, then the five of them left to take the steep, rocky incline to the beach. I was tempted, but for once, made a prudent decision and didn't go. Nor did Paula and that was good, as she and I played Scrabble, then chatted a bit until they returned. By that time it was dark and chilly. The rest of the gang came in, we visited for a time and were sorry to hear some bad news for nephew Finn, Carolyn's 22-year-old son. He was visiting Francine, yet another niece, in San Francisco, and had his car stolen. Worse, he had left his wallet inside. Had to take the train home to SB while the insurance company investigates. Carolyn and Claire left about 5:30 and we followed a short time later. Mike and family leave the day after tomorrow and I hope to meet up with them once more. Long day, but a good one, and incredibly, I turned in at 9:00 and slept until 5:00.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...