Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Monday And Moping Around

A draggy Monday. It rained again, through the day, and this one was a little more robust than usual. Jim called early on and worriedly asked what I thought--should we still go for my birthday lunch? In truth, I wasn't too anxious to go myself, so we decided to postpone until next Sunday. We did have a good talk; Jim is much more forthcoming on the phone than he is in person.

Aside from that, a whole lot of nuthin' much. I called Rosa to see what time she wanted to pick me up today (for lunch, what else?) and she said 1:00, so that's good. Called the SCAN transportation benefit number and a Lyft will pick me up tomorrow to take me to the dentist. I'll take bus home, as Diane and I are meeting for lunch and I need to pack mine. To that end, I roasted one of the two tiny Cornish hens I had in the freezer. Had some for dinner and sliced down the rest for tomorrow's sandwich. 

Julie called to see if our postponed Santa Barbara trip and my birthday lunch was okay for me next Tuesday. It is and I then called Lora, who will be with us, too, of course, and asked about her unfortunate family situation. That's taking its sad course, I'm sorry to say. 

I stayed in the whole day, something I rarely do and heartily dislike. I was sure I'd have trouble sleeping, but happily, I just got up a 5:15--guess I'm being rewarded for a virtuous life.  

Note to Pat R.: Did you make the comment about my socks on Saturday's entry? Just wondering...

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Why to you have to be anonymous--are you actually a felon on the run? Please let me know via email and I'll never tell.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...