Thursday, January 11, 2024

Wednesday And Dudley House

Cleaned up some mundane paperwork in the morning, then took my cart and walked to The Market.  On the way, I met up with a woman walking toward with her adorable grandbaby strapped to her chest. (Why wasn't that the way we carried our babies? It makes so much more sense.)  I admired Baby Ella and we chatted, exchanged info--she's from New York and will go back today, but will return. She texted me later she'll get in touch when she returns in a few weeks. Good--I like to make new friends. 

Got a call from Primary Medical; Dr. Ficks has acquiesced to my request (demand?) to have a Zoom consultation instead of me having to go all the way there just to talk. Yes, I now have the portal to portal Uber benefit, but it's still a pain to have to be there in person.

Julie called to ask if I'm available next Thursday, the 18th for she and Lora to take me to my birthday lunch. Yes, I'm available and we'll go first to see Betty in Santa Barbara, then to the Boathouse restaurant. This is on a kind of crag way up overlooking the ocean and I've always wanted to go there, so am looking forward.

Spent time with the Chop Wizard preparing the peppers and several of the onions for a stir-fry. Damn, I thought I had a few pounds in the freezer, but I don't. I'll go over to Von's to get some today. 

Jim picked me up at 5:45 and we went to the Dudley House annual meeting and potluck. As a docent, I've been leading tours there for five or six years and always take Jim to the meetings. Here are some pics of the gathering, including the program on the notorious Ma Duncan case: 

I wonder if it's only in California that men now keep their hats on inside.
The speaker with slide; it shows Frank Duncan and his mother who was the last woman executed for murder in California. Who did she kill via hired killers? Frank's wife. 
The woman on the left is the great-granddaughter of Benjamin Dudley, who had the house built in 1892.
Lynn Weitzel, director of docents, who signed me up for October.

My Molloy's Irish cream went over big and was gone by the time the meeting was over. Didn't get home until 9:00; skipped T.V. and went directly to bed. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...