Saturday, January 13, 2024


 After last week's spectacular weight loss of 3.7, I bounced backward, so to speak, by gaining 2.4 at home and 1.1 at T.O.P.S. for weights of 127 and 125.7 respectively. This is not at all bothersome, as I'm still well within by desired range of 125 to 127. (Actually, last week, I slipped below at home, to 124.6.)

Anyhoo, we all gained, oddly enough, but Bobbi and Lora by just ounces. Chatted, then Lennie did a "program," so called, on which veggie is  most popular in the U.S. No surprises there, potatoes and corn lead the list, the two most caloric of common vegetables. I volunteered to do the program next week.

After my late breakfast, I turned my attention to sorting things to donate to GoodWill.  This is only what I've weeded out so far, clothing and Christmas stuff. The fan on the left will go, too. and there's plenty more to come:

Got a text from Suzanne inviting Vickie and me to Happy Hour at 5:00 either today or tomorrow. However, Vickie and I are going to Louis's birthday party today, and tomorrow, Vickie is booked, so after texting back and forth, we settled on next Friday, the nineteenth. Went over to Von's after lunch for milk and a few other staples, then just continued my eternal getting-rid-of chores. 

I was thrilled to see this on Facebook--about my grandson and his new job in Monroe, N.J.: 
The Pickleball Prince--so proud of him!


iloveac said...

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree with athleticism in his genes. Big time Kudos to Joel.

Mimi said...

Do you mean ME being athletic? Wow, I'm flattered, but I'm about as athletic as a cow. Actually, I seem to be usually badly coordinated--I never could hit a ball, or do anything else that required bodily skill. I could swim pretty well, but not in competition. I'm sure I could NEVER have twirled a baton, let alone throw it up and catch it!

Mimi said...

Oh, wait, you must have meant his GRANDFATHER, right?


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...