Friday, January 19, 2024


Got Connections , which I don't always. It's a good thing you actually have to solve only three "sets" of words, so the fourth is automatic. Annoyingly, the last set, which I would never have put together initially, consisted of "blue, green, white, and yellow." The answer: Colors in Brazil's flag. Now who in the hell would know that, except for Brazilians? (Mumble, mumble, grr, grr...😡)

Spent a lo-o-n-g time re-sorting the Christmas decorations and taking them into the living room, ready to be hauled to GoodWill. I forced myself to add several more pieces, even including my Santa Claus towels (what was I thinking!?), pretty metal sleigh (Santa would have been uncomfortable), and lots of other kitschy stuff I'll never miss. I also put back in the high cabinets the Xmas stuff I want to keep. 

Talked to Jeanne Painter and to Muckie Datesman. I enjoy hearing from both of them now, but if I had thought I'd be so friendly with either just a few years ago, I would have laughed. In Jeanne's case, "a few years ago" total seventy, to 1954, when she and I graduated from Holy Spirit.  We more or less hung out in the same crowd, but were never close. As for Muckie, she was one of Betty's closest friends. I always liked her, but we were never in the same group--she was a year ahead of us in high school and her and Betty's best buddies were mostly R.N.s, out of Misericordia or elsewhere. I'm glad to have 

As for the proposed trip to Thousand Oaks with my new "friend," as mentioned, I asked if she could pick me up at Thousand Oaks Mall and got this reply:

"Wow! I am sorry but I will not be able to be your driver.  It’s more responsibility than I am comfortable with. So, I can extend my invitation to lunch for a second person if you know one who would be appropriate - hope that will work out."

I first wrote back that I'd ask a friend, but I called Sharon and she said Katie  had picked up somebody a while ago and had had some kind of problem. Damn, if she thinks that way, she doesn't appeal to  me anyway. So-o, I sent her a second email:

"Katie, on second thought, I think I'll skip. I'm not sure what 'responsibility' you think is entailed here, but your mention of being my 'driver' is somewhat insulting. I'm perfectly healthy and strong, I just don't happen to drive anymore. We don't seem to be compatible, so let's just forget  it. Have a good life."

To that, she responded, "Fine," so that's that. I immediately called Jim to arrange for my birthday lunch, and we're going to Two Trees on Monday. 

After dinner, I spent time firming up my T.O.P.S. presentation for today and you can be sure, reviews will be posted here.

Battlefront note: Horrors! These varmints were back in my patio and made a mess: 
The destruction they caused:
😠😠😠 They're monsters, but how to get rid of them?!!?  😠😠😠

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...