Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Monday And My Left Foot*

From my Sunday entry: "Bused home and something else happened that occupied the rest of  my day until 6:30--will fill in later."  As promised, here's the fill-in:

I boarded the bus at the mall and fell. I won't go into detail, but I hurt my left foot. Managed to limp home from the bus stop, but noticed the foot was swollen and sore. Thought I'd wait and see, but finally decided it was better not. Rang Suzanne's bell and she took me to the emergency room at  Community Memorial. They x-rayed and luckily, no bones are broken; nurse wrapped it and they gave me a "flat shoe." Home at 7:00, thanks to Suzanne, who's such a doll, she brought me a chicken sandwich from Subway for dinner.

I debated whether to keep my hair appointment, but decided it was essential, so took my cane and limped over there. I think Maria did a good job this time:

I notified my children about the foot accident and via email we also discussed the hearing aid thing, which I've resisted for some time. Will explore possibilities. 

My friend, Lorraine, called to say she hadn't seen me lately--I often pass her in the middle when I walk over to Von's, but haven't lately. We had a good talk and will meet up one of these days. 

Texted Vera to ask if she'd pick me up for the Soaring Spirits dinner last night. Considering my foot, I didn't want to walk to the bus stop, especially in the waning daylight. She would and she did; she's a good friend. Got to Stone Fire Grille at 6:00, sat with non-stop talker Gayle, Trump-lover Lendle, Lisa, who's lost weight and looks ten years younger, and new member, 31-year-old Kim, whose husband took his own life a year ago. There were fourteen of us and we had a good time. 

Foot is still slightly sore and somewhat swollen, but has improved:
The really alarming thing is the state of my pedicure--that's serious!

Birthday lunch today, courtesy of Noreen. We're meeting at Lure, in town and I think I'll be okay taking my cart, instead of the cane. Slow and easy does it. 

*Not the movie. 😁


patti rogers said...

Rosemary…sorry to read about your foot. Looks painful. Did the ER tell you to Ace, Ice and Elevate it? They should have applied the Ace so only the toes are exposed. Gotta push all that fluid back to where it belongs.

Mimi said...

I was told about elevate and ice. As for the Ace, the injury is on the left side, so maybe that's why they didn't wrap it higher. Anyway, it's much better now, although still slightly puffy. I haven't even had to take anything for pain--it's just a little sore still.

Anonymous said...

I didnt’t mean for it to be higher but further down your foot to prevent the edema. Glad it’s getting better.

Anonymous said...

In other words…begin to wrap just above the toes and work upward. However, by the time you read this you may no longer need the ace.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...