Monday, January 29, 2024


Jim picked me up out front at noon and off we went to Two Trees for my birthday lunch. It was beautifully warm and sunny, but Two Trees was jammed, with people waiting outside and a half-hour wait. Put our names in and went next door to Smart 'n' Final supermarket. I got some good stuff, including two pounds of cabbage (I'll cook and freeze some), then stopped at Dollar Tree for nail polish. We were finally called in close to 1:00 o'clock. I had a good cob salad, Jim an omelet (I had forgotten what a good breakfast place Two Trees is and next time will order that.) After a leisurely meal, we went back to  my place where we made mad, passionate love  😁 collaborated on a crossword puzzle. Actually, he gave me the clues, I responded, and he filled in the answers. 

Jim's condition--mental and physical, I'm afraid--seems to  me, has deteriorated alarmingly; He was able to answer almost none of the crossword and these were on a simple, fourt  h-grade level. He asked me about Facebook and we sat down in front of the laptop, as I tried to give him a rundown on its functions and uses. It was hopeless--from his questions, it's obvious he simply doesn't understand it. Even more alarming: he told me he is visited periodically by a nurse, who takes his vital signs. (I assume she's from the county, but significantly, he doesn't know.)

In addition, I've noticed for some time that he's very thin. He doesn't have a scale at home and told me the nurse was supposed to bring him one, but hasn't yet. I suggested he weigh himself on my scale and he did. Talk about alarming--at close to six feet tall and fully clothed, he weighed in at 129, just two pounds more than I do and I'm barely 5.2! I'm sure he would qualify for Meals On Wheels and maybe other programs, but the problem is, he has to initiate them and that seems unlikely. Months ago, I tried to pursue getting him help and got in touch with the county. I think, but am not sure, since the results are confidential, that's where the nurse is from. I'm debating with myself whether to wade in again or just to reinstitute having him over for lunch every week. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...