Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Bused to town at 10, so I could stroll Main Street and shop around. Found a nice black and white top, which I need like a hole in the head, so naturally bought it.  Went from there to a nearby supermarket for grapefruit, then met Noreen at the Himalayan, where we had some interesting food from Nepal. I ordered a vegan dish called "Aloo Cauli," which consisted of cauliflower, potatoes, tomatoes, and various exotic spices--very good.

We talked and talked, of course; Noreen remarked that she'd like to see "Poor Things" and I looked it  up when I got home. It's playing at various theatres around here so I'll track down if it's on when N. and I are both available. She plays Scrabble every other Saturday and pinochle on Mondays and I have various commitments pending, too. Will look more today.  

Since I keep different information and reminders here, I'm adding this about Nails D'Elegance: Nail person I like is Teresa who has a thirteen-year-old daughter. Hasn't been back to Vietnam for fifteen years. Parents both live here, also. 

Nothing scheduled today, which gives me time to turn my attention to IRS crapola. My accountant, Michelle, has been tooling around Europe--hope she doesn't stay there.  


Tuesday With The One I Lost

Lora and Julie picked me up at 10:00 and off we went to Santa Barbara. When we got to Villa Alamar, we found Betty in the activity room, along with some other residents. They were playing--or playing at playing--some kind of "match the color" game and there was a video of funny animal doings on the T.V. We sat and watched that for awhile, then took Betty outside to the atrium:
Sat and talked--well, we three talked and Betty sat there and mumbled a few words. Ever thoughtful Lora had brought her some fancy lotion and put some on her hands and arms. We then escorted her into the dining room for lunch and said goodbye. We were there less than an hour, which is always plenty for me. 

Drove to The Boathouse, a great restaurant overlooking the ocean, for lunch. Having ridden over on husband Dana's electric bike, Carolyn met us there. (Darn, I wish I had thought to take a picture with her, also.) After a good lunch and good talk, we left and were back in Ventura by 2:30.

Suzanne stopped over later and we chatted for a pleasant time. She had been on a Sisters of Mercy Zoom call, discussing the order's plans to lease some of its 40 acres upstate in Burlingame to the Mormons; those Latter Day Saints want to build an affordable housing complex on it. Rosa called me back and we made a tentative lunch date a few weeks from now. 

Lunch with Noreen today at the Himalayan restaurant in town. 

Tuesday, January 30, 2024


An at-home day, but that's okay,

I really didn't want to be away;

I did a lot of finance stuff,

Some of which was really tough,

And walked to Von's across the street

For veggies,only, not for meat,

But the best part of the things I did

(I mean it, folks, I do not kid):

Now that my foot's no longer sore--

I went and got a pedicure!

Monday, January 29, 2024


Jim picked me up out front at noon and off we went to Two Trees for my birthday lunch. It was beautifully warm and sunny, but Two Trees was jammed, with people waiting outside and a half-hour wait. Put our names in and went next door to Smart 'n' Final supermarket. I got some good stuff, including two pounds of cabbage (I'll cook and freeze some), then stopped at Dollar Tree for nail polish. We were finally called in close to 1:00 o'clock. I had a good cob salad, Jim an omelet (I had forgotten what a good breakfast place Two Trees is and next time will order that.) After a leisurely meal, we went back to  my place where we made mad, passionate love  😁 collaborated on a crossword puzzle. Actually, he gave me the clues, I responded, and he filled in the answers. 

Jim's condition--mental and physical, I'm afraid--seems to  me, has deteriorated alarmingly; He was able to answer almost none of the crossword and these were on a simple, fourt  h-grade level. He asked me about Facebook and we sat down in front of the laptop, as I tried to give him a rundown on its functions and uses. It was hopeless--from his questions, it's obvious he simply doesn't understand it. Even more alarming: he told me he is visited periodically by a nurse, who takes his vital signs. (I assume she's from the county, but significantly, he doesn't know.)

In addition, I've noticed for some time that he's very thin. He doesn't have a scale at home and told me the nurse was supposed to bring him one, but hasn't yet. I suggested he weigh himself on my scale and he did. Talk about alarming--at close to six feet tall and fully clothed, he weighed in at 129, just two pounds more than I do and I'm barely 5.2! I'm sure he would qualify for Meals On Wheels and maybe other programs, but the problem is, he has to initiate them and that seems unlikely. Months ago, I tried to pursue getting him help and got in touch with the county. I think, but am not sure, since the results are confidential, that's where the nurse is from. I'm debating with myself whether to wade in again or just to reinstitute having him over for lunch every week. 

Sunday, January 28, 2024


I spent the morning on food prep and paperwork. Washed, pared, and seasoned my four big apples, roasted them, and stowed three in the freezer, planning to eat the other as an evening snack.  Cooked up a big spaghetti squash, seeded it, and had half for dinner. 

I've decided to sell some of my glassware, so on the Facebook page, "Ventura Buy Sell And Trade" I listed this picture of the goods, which I'll sell for forty bucks:

Caption: Six martini glasses (I used them for daiquiris and Margaritas, too) and eight champagne/white wine glasses. These are not family heirlooms, but I've had them for many years. Honor your guests!

I also culled other items from the kitchen, which I'll donate to GoodWill. Aside from that, I did some filing and other boring stuff. Mike Facetimed me after lunch (evening where he lives) and I was sorry to hear Violet had been out of school for almost a week with the flu and that Paula had Covid, but not too badly.

I forgot to mention that on Friday, Stella had called to see if I could meet for lunch. I told her I had other plans, but we'd get together soon. Yesterday, I toyed with the idea of calling her to offer the same, but just didn't feel like going out--an oddity for me, especially because it was a beautiful, lower-seventies, sunny day. 

I may be a little low emotionally; I've gotten in the habit of listening to music (of the Nat K.C. and Elvis genre) and also, some opera. I was  enjoying a Maria Callas aria when my eyes suddenly filled with tears. I just don't know why. 

Saturday, January 27, 2024


Home, I was an even 127, so same as last week; T.O.P.S. to 127.2. so down 1.5. (I didn't skip--virtuous me.)

After breakfast, I did some paper/computer work until I was picked  up at 1:15. We got my collection of formal glassware (martini and Margarita) down from a high cabinet. I kept two of each, just in case I ever have a romantic rendezvous 😁; the rest, I'll list on Buy and Sell Ventura. 

We had tentatively planned to hike up the somewhat steep incline behind city hall in town, but my foot isn't completely healed yet, and I think I overdid it on Wednesday. Instead, we walked The Promenade next to the ocean. It was windy, but wonderfully warm and sunny and we went about a mile and a half, all told. Lots of activity there, including strollers, runners, bikers, skate boarders, baby carriages, so it was very enjoyable. What has become a thing are "memorial gardens" in the planted areas where people commemorate loved ones with painted rocks. This is just a tiny portion of the hundreds there:  

Some Other Me must had added the one in the middle left below for my husband, Pat--GO EAGLES!

On the ocean side, there are more, including a departed's surfboard:
As for the surfers still above ground, they had to painfully inch their way over the rocks and wood debris that were washed up by the recent storms:

 After, went went into town and stopped at a few shops. I found an artificial plant that looks real (well, it is real, since you can touch it and feel it, right 😁?), bought it and will use it to fill in bare spots on the patio. Home about 5:00, we dropped off our stuff, then went to Jasmine Thai for dinner. 

That's just the bare bones of yesterday, but it was a fun day and so enjoyable 😊.                                                                                                                                                                       

Friday, January 26, 2024


 As it turned out, Julie didn't pick me up at 5:00 for the BCNN dinner group. She called in the morning to say that her cousin, who recently broke his hip, asked for her assistance, as his wife in in a wheelchair. She was apologetic, but to tell the truth, it was okay with me. I go out a lot and, although I enjoy the BCNN eat-out groups to an extent, missing some is not a problem 

Did a color wash, went over to Von's for fresh spinach and a few other things, then to CVS for medication, then walked down Victoria Avenue to The Market....

...and that was a mistake. My foot had felt fine--no discomfort at all--for several days, but I guess I shouldn't have attempted the mile and a half walk. Halfway there (the point of no return), the side of my foot suddenly starting hurting. It wasn't terribly painful, just ached a bit. I managed to get to the store, but took the bus home. Once I put slippers on, it was no longer sore. 

Put off dinner to shower, then prepared the spinach (olive oil, vinegar, garlic) and had it with Voila! Chicken Alfredo. Mediocre, if you ask me.  

Darn--I've been sleeping so well for a week or more, but last night, I was very restless. Finally conked out, but I didn't get enough. I'm contemplating actually skipping T.O.P.S. and going back to bed. 

Thursday, January 25, 2024


Busy day. Courtesy of my new insurance, SCAN, the Lyft driver picked me up at 7:20 and took me to Zak Dental for my 8:10 appointment. Since it's only about 20 minutes away, I was pretty early, but that was okay,  as I had time to complete the paperwork (actually, internet work). As it turned out, I was there for two hours while I had x-rays, a consultation, regular teeth cleaning, deep cleaning with laser, and a gum treatment. No major problems and I have another appointment in April. 

When I inquired, I was told that Dr. Zak owns and operates twelve "Zak Dentals" in southern California. He actually still keeps his hand in (in your mouth, that is 😁) and occasionally does some procedures. I still kind of miss Dr. Babbitt, but I like this place and its staff okay. I especially like the location, directly across from the transit center and mall--I stopped at BevMo for a six pack of IPA.  

Home, I had planned to do my balance exercises (I usually do them right after breakfast), but found I had no Internet. Re-booted, it didn't work, called Yandoo Communications, they rebooted remotely, and it didn't work for them, either. They said they'd send somebody at 3:30. 

Met Diane at the library place at 1:00 and we had our usual good talk. She brought me a partial bottle of grapefruit wine and I had a few sips; took the rest home. I left at 3:00 so I could get home in time for the technician. I was, he came, but by that time, the Internet was back up, so no problem there.

I had some chicken meatballs in the freezer and prepared them with a large can of crushed tomatoes. Had some for dinner without pasta and they were okay. Refroze the rest for another day. Did my balance exercises after. Besides what the p.t. gave me, I added to my regimen the Jessica (Somebody)  video; her moves are considerably more challenging. 

Dinner with the BCNN group tonight at Prime; Julie will pick me up at 5:00.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024


Got my 73-page lease via email and spent time electronically initially every single page. For some reason, it didn't allow me to add my contact information and I have questions to ask, but will ask about them later. 

On a more agreeable note, I received two shipments: a large, heavy box containing my OTC choices for this quarter and a smaller one from Amazon with the folders, calcium citrate, and ibuprofen I had ordered. Wow, I had filled out the forms only two days ago--way to go, Scan and Amazon. 

Showered, washed my hair, and dressed to meet Rosa out front. She picked up at 1:00 and we decided on Finney's Crafthouse. Rosa had never been there, but I have many times and I like it a lot. I noticed this sign on a table near ours and got a kick out of it--my sentiments, exactly!

Got a Chief Peak IPA and was obscurely pleased when Rosa also ordered a beer.  Most of my friends either don't drink at all or stick to lady-like wine or cocktails. Nothing wrong with that, and I like them, too, but rarely indulge. Beer contains much fewer alcohol and I don't want the little buzz I enjoy to be an overwhelming roar. 

Roaa and I proceeded to have a long, intimate conversation, filling each other in on our dissimilar backgrounds. She is 69, a retired teacher, long divorced, with one son, a police officer in Oxnard, three grandchildren, and a tendency to low self-esteem. She talked about her birth family and I was fascinated by the fact that her father, after he emigrated from Mexico, eventually earned a doctorate (can't recall in what discipline), (She also said he was "a womanizer.")  We laughed--ruefully, as the saying goes--over the fact that we both often second-guess ourselves and have much too much a tendency to self-blame.

Didn't get home until almost 4:00 and nothing much else of note went on yesterday. Now it's 4:49 and I'm wondering why in the world I made an 8:00 appointment with my new dentists this morning. Am being picked up by Lyft between 7:20 and 7:30, darn it. Lunch at 1:00 with Diane and I hope to get an hour nap in before I walk to the library place.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Monday And Moping Around

A draggy Monday. It rained again, through the day, and this one was a little more robust than usual. Jim called early on and worriedly asked what I thought--should we still go for my birthday lunch? In truth, I wasn't too anxious to go myself, so we decided to postpone until next Sunday. We did have a good talk; Jim is much more forthcoming on the phone than he is in person.

Aside from that, a whole lot of nuthin' much. I called Rosa to see what time she wanted to pick me up today (for lunch, what else?) and she said 1:00, so that's good. Called the SCAN transportation benefit number and a Lyft will pick me up tomorrow to take me to the dentist. I'll take bus home, as Diane and I are meeting for lunch and I need to pack mine. To that end, I roasted one of the two tiny Cornish hens I had in the freezer. Had some for dinner and sliced down the rest for tomorrow's sandwich. 

Julie called to see if our postponed Santa Barbara trip and my birthday lunch was okay for me next Tuesday. It is and I then called Lora, who will be with us, too, of course, and asked about her unfortunate family situation. That's taking its sad course, I'm sorry to say. 

I stayed in the whole day, something I rarely do and heartily dislike. I was sure I'd have trouble sleeping, but happily, I just got up a 5:15--guess I'm being rewarded for a virtuous life.  

Note to Pat R.: Did you make the comment about my socks on Saturday's entry? Just wondering...

Monday, January 22, 2024


Did my Sunday morning stuff: once-a-week pill, changing bedclothes, and crossword. After breakfast, I putzed around for a bit, then walked over to Von's for veggies and calcium citrate. They didn't have any, but I had nice chat with the pharmacist, a lovely young woman, born in Washington state and of Vietnamese extrication. When I told her I've been there, she confessed that she never had and we laughed about it. Went to CVS for the calcium citrate, but have to ask Dr. F. a question about it. 

Diane emailed me at her usual early time. She and I will do our "lunch at the library" thing on Wednesday and she'll bring grapefruit wine for both of us. (Grapefruit wine? Have I died and gone to heaven?)

Spent several hours in the kitchen; slow-cooked two pounds of carrots with olive oil and Italian seasoning; blanched and "frosted" a head of cauliflower I had just bought and popped it in the oven; and chopped three onions to store in the freezer. I had a fourth onion, which I was going to discard, as it had grown a stalk, but impulsively, I planted it in the patio instead: 


Ellen called and we had a good, long, mother-daughter talk. She assured me onions would grow from my plant--what fun! Why buy onions when you could grow your own? Of course, I love onions and eat a lot of them, so soon, I hope to have a whole field!  😄 


This email came today from a member of my women's club: 

Dear BCNN Members,  I don't like sharing this update but believe in sharing reality. I was in ICU with 104 fever and blood pressure 40/? - will probably be discharged tomorrow to home hospice. That is expected to be a very short time - days or a bit longer. I have not eaten this year and there is no current way to safely give me nutrition due the cancer shutting down my digestive system. I weigh 100. I wonder what grade I was in when I weighed that. I'm ridiculously weak and exhausted but at peace with God's plan for me.Many of you know I do crafty stuff and have lots to share. I will set up a couple days for people to choose a piece or a couple for a small home Vincente. I am very fragile and may need you to step out of the room a bit to let me de-stress. It's a hospice environment; some ugly stuff - but it is what it is and I'm making the best of it. I never know what my day will be like. Text Christi at 714 345-8945 to see if it's ok.  Carolee Winslow


I was just stunned at this. I know Carolee only slightly, but she's always been friendly and kind to me.  She was president of the club a few years ago (there are more than two hundred members) and recently took over The Yearbook, which includes pictures and bios of members. Carolee is tall (it was terrible to read she now weights a hundred pounds) blonde, and attractive, always dressed nicely, and is very outgoing. I wrote her back to ask what I could bring her and/ or do for her.

Sunday, January 21, 2024


A great event: It rained! Okay, it was a half-hearted drizzle, but it was wet. I braved the deluge to walk over to the mail place and get mine, now being able to put on my shoe. Speaking of: After my mail sojourn, I stayed in the rest of the day, trading my shoes for snuggly high socks, as it was chilly: 

Did I say chilly? No, it was frigid--got down to 55 degrees!

I received a nice note from my tenant in response to my email about the rent increase and providing proof of age to the management company.  She accepted both and added: "Thank you for always being considerate.  We surely do love living here." I responded, "You love living there? I love having you there."

Returned the call of former neighbor Olivia and we had a long talk. We agreed to get together in the spring. and, in the meantime, will keep in touch. Olivia's one of my friends of Mexican descent, although she was born here. I like her partly, but certainly not wholly, for that--hanging with only ethnic white bread people seems a little boring. I'm pleased that my friends include black, Latina, and gay, as well as those of Christian and Jewish persuasion, plus atheists and agnostics. As for east Asians--I have plenty of family for that! 

Did a little food prep: I save the water after I cook fresh vegetables on the stove, as it's full of vitamins and vegetables, as well as flavor. Put it in the slow cooker with rice and it came out tasty and healthy.  

Spent time ordering my free OTC items on-line from my supplemental insurance, SCAN. I like their system a lot better than I had Blue Shield. I ordered $98.00 worth, leaving a total of $12.00. This will roll over to next time, which BS did not allow.

Only down side of the day was my sleeplessness. I went to bed Friday night at my usual 9 and change, woke up at 2:30, and couldn't get back. I stayed in bed, though, until 4:15. After lunch, I took an hour nap, but I don't want that to become a habit. I've observed that my sleep pattern is pretty consistent: I get good sleep--almost invariably seven or so hours--for several weeks, then veer into what I did last night. I blame not getting my regular several hours of walking for the problem, but I hope to remedy that soon.   

Went to bed at 9:15 and got up at 4:45, so close to 8 hours--good!

Saturday, January 20, 2024


Weight: Home, no change from last week; T.O.P.S, a gain of 1.1, up to 128.7, but no prob. Sharon gave me a thank-you note for the present I gave Lewis and asked me to give Vickie hers. I did the program, based th these books, plus the Sugar Blues one. It was received well and we had some good discussion: 


My former neighbor, Olivia, called, but I missed it. She left a message and will get back to me. I did the same when I called her back. 

Noreen called, asking about this year's poetry T.O.P.S. contest, for which she'll submit a verse. I doubt if I will this time, but maybe. We made a date for lunch at the Himalayan on the thirty-first. 

I didn't get breakfast until after 10:00, then added a few more items to the donation pile. Okay, more than a few, I guess: 

Hard to believe, but this is only the bare tip of the iceberg, compared to what I still want to clear out. 

I was picked up and we made several trips carrying the donations to the car. For various needs and errands, we drove to Lowe's, Target, Ace Hardware, and CVS, then finally to GoodWill. Unloaded everything and got a receipt for income tax purposes. Home, said goodbye, and made an appointment with the Costco hearing aid people for February 16 at 3:30; told to arrive fifteen minutes early.

By that time, it was almost 5:00 and time to go over to Suzanne's for Happy Hour. Did so, Vickie came  and we talked for about an hour and a half. I excused myself after some good talk, as Mike had told me he'd facetime, which he did, and we had a nice virtual visit. 

Today, Saturday, is the first in a while I haven't had some kind of activity planned. Now that I have some momentum going, I think I'll continue to choose what beloved, priceless, irreplaceable items I can get rid of. Or maybe, I'll just veg out? Nah.

Friday, January 19, 2024


Got Connections , which I don't always. It's a good thing you actually have to solve only three "sets" of words, so the fourth is automatic. Annoyingly, the last set, which I would never have put together initially, consisted of "blue, green, white, and yellow." The answer: Colors in Brazil's flag. Now who in the hell would know that, except for Brazilians? (Mumble, mumble, grr, grr...😡)

Spent a lo-o-n-g time re-sorting the Christmas decorations and taking them into the living room, ready to be hauled to GoodWill. I forced myself to add several more pieces, even including my Santa Claus towels (what was I thinking!?), pretty metal sleigh (Santa would have been uncomfortable), and lots of other kitschy stuff I'll never miss. I also put back in the high cabinets the Xmas stuff I want to keep. 

Talked to Jeanne Painter and to Muckie Datesman. I enjoy hearing from both of them now, but if I had thought I'd be so friendly with either just a few years ago, I would have laughed. In Jeanne's case, "a few years ago" total seventy, to 1954, when she and I graduated from Holy Spirit.  We more or less hung out in the same crowd, but were never close. As for Muckie, she was one of Betty's closest friends. I always liked her, but we were never in the same group--she was a year ahead of us in high school and her and Betty's best buddies were mostly R.N.s, out of Misericordia or elsewhere. I'm glad to have 

As for the proposed trip to Thousand Oaks with my new "friend," as mentioned, I asked if she could pick me up at Thousand Oaks Mall and got this reply:

"Wow! I am sorry but I will not be able to be your driver.  It’s more responsibility than I am comfortable with. So, I can extend my invitation to lunch for a second person if you know one who would be appropriate - hope that will work out."

I first wrote back that I'd ask a friend, but I called Sharon and she said Katie  had picked up somebody a while ago and had had some kind of problem. Damn, if she thinks that way, she doesn't appeal to  me anyway. So-o, I sent her a second email:

"Katie, on second thought, I think I'll skip. I'm not sure what 'responsibility' you think is entailed here, but your mention of being my 'driver' is somewhat insulting. I'm perfectly healthy and strong, I just don't happen to drive anymore. We don't seem to be compatible, so let's just forget  it. Have a good life."

To that, she responded, "Fine," so that's that. I immediately called Jim to arrange for my birthday lunch, and we're going to Two Trees on Monday. 

After dinner, I spent time firming up my T.O.P.S. presentation for today and you can be sure, reviews will be posted here.

Battlefront note: Horrors! These varmints were back in my patio and made a mess: 
The destruction they caused:
😠😠😠 They're monsters, but how to get rid of them?!!?  😠😠😠

Thursday, January 18, 2024


At nine am yesterday, I received a text from Lora to the effect that she was unable to go to Santa Barbara today. She and Julie were going to take me to see Betty, then take me to lunch (for my birthday) at The Boathouse, overlooking the ocean. Unfortunately, a serious family situation had come up. I've been aware of this continuing problem for some time and believe me, nobody should have to endure what she has. Anyway, she asked if we could go another time. That's fine by me--it wouldn't matter to Betty and never will again--and okay with Julie, so we'll plan something for later. I called niece Carolyn to tell her and we had a good, long talk. I'll let her know when we're able to go.

I was still trying to find a schedule for Bus 50 so I can get to Thousand Oaks to see my new acquaintance, Katie. I printed one out from the web site, but it didn't come out right and I couldn't read it well. Called and asked where I could get one--City Hall and the Ventura Visitors Center, I was told and they're both in town. Paked my lunch and bused to the transit center to go there, but a Vista bus came in and the driver gave me a schedule. However, I went into town, anyway. It was pretty chilly and overcast, but reasonably comfortable, and I ate my lunch in my usual spot across from the mission. Here's the fountain and mural across from the mission which I like so much:  


It has a Chinese theme, as so many settled there after working on the newly-constructed railroad. A short street nearby is called "China Alley."

I didn't stick around, but left right after my lunch, getting home before three. I then spent several hours on still more clearing out and packing up my GoodWill donations. Now one side of the living room is full of boxes and bag and there's much, much more to come.

I then remembered I had committed to doing the program for T.O.P.S. this week and--oops, that's tomorrow. I already have quite of bit of material chronicling the dangers of our abysmal nutritional downslide, thanks to the proliferation of fast food, processed food, sugar-added food. Teamed with a lack of exercise and other life habits, the rise of obesity, diabetes, and other ailments is horrendously apparent, especially among children.  Just as militarism is now thoroughly normalized due partly to slogans ("be all you can be," "thank a soldier"), so is eating one's way to the grave. I spent some time on formulating the program and will firm it up today. 

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Did a color and, then a white. After, I spend ages trying to find a schedule for the 50 bus to get to Thousand Oaks on Monday. I did, but could hardly read it, so downloaded, then enlarged. I'll have to call Katie to see if she can pick me up when I get to T.O. Left to meet Noreen for lunch after that.

I reminded myself to tell Noreen about the young woman I met on the Airporter going to L.A.X. for my flight to New Mexico. This was in my December 16, 2023, entry on this blog when I was in New Mexico:

--A neat thing happened yesterday--besides getting here in this beautiful place--was the trip to LAX via the Airporter. A girl named Catherine and I struck up a conversation. It turned out that she just graduated from Thomas Aquinas College, in Ojai, and that she works as a server at Lure Fish House, where I've been often. I gave her my card, as I often do with compatible people I meet and maybe I'll see her again.--

Got there early, went in, and was greeted by the server. I asked to sit outside, she led me there, then turned to me and said, "Are you Rosemary?" I hadn't recognized her, but yes, it was Catherine and she recognized me! We hugged and exclaimed over that, then chatted a bit. I was sorry to hear that next month,she's moving back up to Sacramento, her hometown. She didn't elaborate, except to say it had something to do with her living arrangement. Maybe I'll get to Lure again before she leaves.

Noreen came and we both had rockfish for lunch, plus sides and she Chardonnay, me an IPA. We talked and talked and stayed for two hours. Before we left, I introduced her to Catherine, then C. and I took a selfie:

That is a truly horrible picture of me--even worse than my usual!

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Monday And My Left Foot*

From my Sunday entry: "Bused home and something else happened that occupied the rest of  my day until 6:30--will fill in later."  As promised, here's the fill-in:

I boarded the bus at the mall and fell. I won't go into detail, but I hurt my left foot. Managed to limp home from the bus stop, but noticed the foot was swollen and sore. Thought I'd wait and see, but finally decided it was better not. Rang Suzanne's bell and she took me to the emergency room at  Community Memorial. They x-rayed and luckily, no bones are broken; nurse wrapped it and they gave me a "flat shoe." Home at 7:00, thanks to Suzanne, who's such a doll, she brought me a chicken sandwich from Subway for dinner.

I debated whether to keep my hair appointment, but decided it was essential, so took my cane and limped over there. I think Maria did a good job this time:

I notified my children about the foot accident and via email we also discussed the hearing aid thing, which I've resisted for some time. Will explore possibilities. 

My friend, Lorraine, called to say she hadn't seen me lately--I often pass her in the middle when I walk over to Von's, but haven't lately. We had a good talk and will meet up one of these days. 

Texted Vera to ask if she'd pick me up for the Soaring Spirits dinner last night. Considering my foot, I didn't want to walk to the bus stop, especially in the waning daylight. She would and she did; she's a good friend. Got to Stone Fire Grille at 6:00, sat with non-stop talker Gayle, Trump-lover Lendle, Lisa, who's lost weight and looks ten years younger, and new member, 31-year-old Kim, whose husband took his own life a year ago. There were fourteen of us and we had a good time. 

Foot is still slightly sore and somewhat swollen, but has improved:
The really alarming thing is the state of my pedicure--that's serious!

Birthday lunch today, courtesy of Noreen. We're meeting at Lure, in town and I think I'll be okay taking my cart, instead of the cane. Slow and easy does it. 

*Not the movie. 😁

Monday, January 15, 2024


Diane called at nine to say she was experiencing some dizziness and wanted to postpone our lunch date. That was okay with me, actually, because it was chilly and we had planned to eat behind the library. We then proceeded to talk for some time, filling each other in or our pursuits of the last few weeks.

We said goodbye then I washed the sheets, re-made the bed, dusted and mopped the hard floors, and washed the throw rugs. Made a sandwich, packed it and a Blue Moon, and took off for the mall. Ate in the middle there, then went to Target for grapefruit, nail polish remover, and coffee filters.

Home, I started going over the SCAN OTC brochure and deciding what to order. I have several questions for them, too, and will call today. Bused home and something else happened that occupied the rest of  my day until 6:30--will fill in later.    

Two more pics from the party for Lewis:

Some of his extended family gathers as he's about to cut the cake.
With no interest in the party, little grandson, Jackson, hugs Mom. On Lewis's right is his and Sharon's daughter, who's a DNP at Community Memorial Hospital:
Any reader who knows what "DNP" means gets a prize! (I had to look it up.)

James Crayton texted me last night to tell me that his brother, Bennie, Suzanne's and my former neighbor, has died. Memorial service will be in March in L.A. and he'll keep me informed. 

Sunday, January 14, 2024


The birthday party for Lewis was a lot of fun. Vickie and I got there about 2:15 to find Cheryl and her husband, George, already there. Later, Lennie came in and, besides Sharon, that was all from T.O.P.S. I know Lora had been planning to go, but she didn't; not sure why.

There was enough food for seventy or eighty people, I'd say: chicken, pork, ribs, a New Orleans-type sausage and seafood medley, salad, macaroni and cheese, turkey sandwiches, and more, plus several desserts and soda. I asked for a beer and Lewis got it out of his personal stash, a bottle of Modelo negra-(name seems appropriate). Here are some pics from the party:

A semi-T.O.P.S. table: Vickie with back to camera and from her left around the table, Lennie, Michelle, Cheryl's husband, George, and Cheryl.
On the patio. HA--it was Lewis's seventy-fifth.

From left: Michelle, Vickie, Michael, Sharon, her son-in-law, and Cheryl's husband, George.
Connie, one of Lewis's four sisters. I had a great time talking to her, as she's had some stage experience.
Also fell into conversation with Katie, who lives in a posh "retirement village" in Thousands Oaks. (She has three bedrooms and two baths.)  When I got home, I found an email from her, inviting me to visit for lunch and we arranged for me to go next Monday, the 22nd. This will just be a visit, not a tour. 
Hostess Sharon with Michelle, who had been in our T.O.P.S. group for several years. 
And here's a mix of the Rex family, some children, some grandchildren, and some of Lewis's sisters.

The party had started at 2:00 and we said goodbye about 4:30.Vickie then drove me up to see Vista Del Mar, 'way up in the hills, where she worked years ago. She and Mary lived very close to it and the views are spectacular:
So--a fun day.

Note to self: I just ordered printer ink from Canon, using my new BOA credit card. I will be "cash rewarded" two hundred bucks if I charge a thou in the first three months, which is easy, since I charge almost everything. I've done this before with three other cards, so in April, will have been "rewarded" with a total eight hundred bucks. Since I never carry a balance, there's no downside for me, so why not?

Saturday, January 13, 2024


 After last week's spectacular weight loss of 3.7, I bounced backward, so to speak, by gaining 2.4 at home and 1.1 at T.O.P.S. for weights of 127 and 125.7 respectively. This is not at all bothersome, as I'm still well within by desired range of 125 to 127. (Actually, last week, I slipped below at home, to 124.6.)

Anyhoo, we all gained, oddly enough, but Bobbi and Lora by just ounces. Chatted, then Lennie did a "program," so called, on which veggie is  most popular in the U.S. No surprises there, potatoes and corn lead the list, the two most caloric of common vegetables. I volunteered to do the program next week.

After my late breakfast, I turned my attention to sorting things to donate to GoodWill.  This is only what I've weeded out so far, clothing and Christmas stuff. The fan on the left will go, too. and there's plenty more to come:

Got a text from Suzanne inviting Vickie and me to Happy Hour at 5:00 either today or tomorrow. However, Vickie and I are going to Louis's birthday party today, and tomorrow, Vickie is booked, so after texting back and forth, we settled on next Friday, the nineteenth. Went over to Von's after lunch for milk and a few other staples, then just continued my eternal getting-rid-of chores. 

I was thrilled to see this on Facebook--about my grandson and his new job in Monroe, N.J.: 
The Pickleball Prince--so proud of him!

Friday, January 12, 2024


Had breakfast, then Primary Medical got me on video messenger with Dr. Ficks at the agreed time of 8:30. I'm always startled when I see her, as she looks like a cute little, blonde sophomore, but I assume she has a medical degree. 😉 

Cute little doc had good news: My latest tests show that not only are my bones stable, but they have improved. Not sure if I put that right, but Dr. F. was pleased and so was I. I don't have to see her again for another year, so that's good--I'll just keep taking the alendronate once a week and eating my broccoli. 

The rest of the day wasn't so agreeable. I spent hours--and I mean that literally--on the phone straightening out the SCAN new insurance questions, including the dental and vision part. As I mentioned, I was disappointed in "losing" Dr. Babbitt (teeth), but I did sign up for Zak Dental, which is right across from the transit center, so that should work out okay. I even made an appointment for my first visit: 8:10 am on the 24th. Also, called Uber and arranged for transportation to get there. No return trip, as I'll visit the mall after and bus home. At least, I was happy to learn I can still go to Maramar with my eyes. 

In between all the crapola, I made two dates: Diane and I will do our "lunch at the library" thing on Sunday and Noreen will treat me to my birthday lunch on Tuesday. As mentioned before, Julie and Lora will do the same next Friday, when we go to Santa Barbara. I still have Jim's birthday lunch to arrange and I'm trying to think of a relatively inexpensive place. The ones that are really "inexpensive"? I'd rather starve. 

Strolled over to Von's for ground turkey and some nice honeycrisp apples. That galvanized me to do a considerable amount of food prep. Before dinner, I made roasted cauliflower, turkey stir-fry, and baked apples (they look like doughnuts, but I swear, they're not)!

 I had some of the stir-fry and cauliflower for dinner and an apple for a later-night treat.

T.O.P.S this morning and this time, I know I've gained. In addition, I have a busy, food-filled week coming up: Saturday, birthday party for Louis;
Sunday, library lunch with Diane;
Monday, dinner with Soaring Spirits;
Wednesday, I think, but am not sure, BCNN Happy Hour;
Thursday, Santa Barbara, Betty, and birthday lunch, courtesy of Julie and Lora.
AAGH!! but also, YAY!!

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Wednesday And Dudley House

Cleaned up some mundane paperwork in the morning, then took my cart and walked to The Market.  On the way, I met up with a woman walking toward with her adorable grandbaby strapped to her chest. (Why wasn't that the way we carried our babies? It makes so much more sense.)  I admired Baby Ella and we chatted, exchanged info--she's from New York and will go back today, but will return. She texted me later she'll get in touch when she returns in a few weeks. Good--I like to make new friends. 

Got a call from Primary Medical; Dr. Ficks has acquiesced to my request (demand?) to have a Zoom consultation instead of me having to go all the way there just to talk. Yes, I now have the portal to portal Uber benefit, but it's still a pain to have to be there in person.

Julie called to ask if I'm available next Thursday, the 18th for she and Lora to take me to my birthday lunch. Yes, I'm available and we'll go first to see Betty in Santa Barbara, then to the Boathouse restaurant. This is on a kind of crag way up overlooking the ocean and I've always wanted to go there, so am looking forward.

Spent time with the Chop Wizard preparing the peppers and several of the onions for a stir-fry. Damn, I thought I had a few pounds in the freezer, but I don't. I'll go over to Von's to get some today. 

Jim picked me up at 5:45 and we went to the Dudley House annual meeting and potluck. As a docent, I've been leading tours there for five or six years and always take Jim to the meetings. Here are some pics of the gathering, including the program on the notorious Ma Duncan case: 

I wonder if it's only in California that men now keep their hats on inside.
The speaker with slide; it shows Frank Duncan and his mother who was the last woman executed for murder in California. Who did she kill via hired killers? Frank's wife. 
The woman on the left is the great-granddaughter of Benjamin Dudley, who had the house built in 1892.
Lynn Weitzel, director of docents, who signed me up for October.

My Molloy's Irish cream went over big and was gone by the time the meeting was over. Didn't get home until 9:00; skipped T.V. and went directly to bed. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Tuesday: Goodbye Day

Mike, Paula, and Violet came over at 11:00 and we went off to Barnes & Noble. Violet wanted to get a book by a particular writer, but they didn't have it. Mike had asked if a store nearby had suitcases--they needed another to go back to Singapore--and I  mentioned I was planning to donate a large one I no longer need (I bought a new one before I went to New Mexico). Did he want it? Yes, he did, and it was in Ellen's shed, so we drove over to Ojai. El was at school, of course, and Greg was out, but we all have keys. Chatted for a bit, then discussed where to go for lunch. 

Mike, the compulsive type like his crazy mother, looked various eateries up and thought we should check out a few, stopping first at the Ojai Kitchen. I had been there once, but at a kind of funeral home seminar years ago, so wasn't familiar with the menu. We looked, decided it was okay, and ate there. It was surprisingly good, not readymade and out-of-a-can stuff, but actually made to order and well done. Three of the five of us got breakfast (although it was almost one) and declared it as good as any they'd had. What was particularly notable was that the orange juice was freshly squeezed. I got a sandwich with sweet potatoes fries, shared them around, and we agreed they were about the best we'd had.   

After that culinary adventure, we went back to Ellen's to chat a bit, but soon Mike and his contingent had to leave, as Paula had a meeting at 3:00. They fly back to Singapore today and what a wrench it alway is to say goodbye; yesterday was no exception. Took this pic, showing from left, Cessy,  Paula, Violet, and Mike:
(Cessy, a notorious prima donna, refused to sit on the couch.)

As ever, I hated saying goodbye to my far-flung family, but had to. At least, Violet will be back for camp in the summer and, presumably, Mike will be with her. I was driving home, then remembered the  Dudley House annual meeting and potluck is tonight. Damn, what should I bring? I thought of going to Von's for dip ingredients, but then remembered the Irish cream I had made for Christmas gifts. I still had one bottle left and decided to take that instead and made up the label. BTW, this is considerably bigger than it looks here: 

Oops--I forgot to add this picture of Julie and me on the Promenade after the BCNN lunch at Feeney's on Monday. Sent it to her and noted she looks like a movie star:
Me? Just alive and kickin', but you ain't seen nothin' yet.

Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Julie picked me up and we drove to town for the BCNN lunch at Finney's. We parked down on the Promenade next to the ocean and walked there--maybe three quarters of a mile and it felt good in the sun. Had a good time with about twenty attendees and the Caesar salad and IPA. Bridgette came over to us after and jabbered--she's a jabberer with a German accent--about how she found a terrific cheese display at Smart 'n' Final. We walked her to her car and Julie, intrigued by the cheese info, asked if I wanted to go down to S 'n' F and see if we liked it. Sure thing, and we did. I did like it and I bought pme to give Louis at his birthday party on Saturday. Sharon doesn't want gifts, but this is just a token and I know he likes cheese:                                                                                        

I also some picked up some cod, which I haven't had for a while, but frozen, not fresh. Had it for dinner and it was so-so, and some beautiful blueberries. Didn't get home until after 3:00.

Called Primary Medical to see what gives with my new insurance. Yes, it's finally approved and there seem to be no more obstacles to my endocrinology appointment. However, I was told I'll be put on the cancellation list, as Dr. Ficks is booked for the next month--damn! I said to have Dr. Ficks call me--oh, no, heaven forfend, doctors doesn't call anybody except to tell them bad news I was told her bookie (the one who books her appointments) will. I want to know what this appointment entails. If she'll simply talk to me, we can do that over the phone. Of course, I haven't heard back from the bookie yet.  

Got a text from Mike that they'll be coming tomorrow to Ventura, their last day in California; Violet wants to go to Barnes & Noble---great! I'll be picked up and meet them there. I have a gift card for Chaucer's in Santa Barbara, so probably will not buy at B & N, but it's good to be there.

Monday, January 08, 2024


I was picked up at 9:30 and off we went to Santa Barbara. We sat and chatted with Mike, Paula, and Violet (Vivian had flown back to Hawaii on Friday), who showed us some of the sea glass she had gathered on the beach: 

We then piled into the van and drove to the Mission. Strolled around the rose garden and visited the gift shop (didn't go into the church part, as mass was going on), and took some pics:
Violet and Paula.
Some old coot.
Violet on fountain.
After that, it was the Santa Barbara pier, a place I've always liked. We strolled around, noted the  Norwegian cruise ship in the harbor:  
and lunched at Moby Dick:
One side of the table.
We got back to the AirBnB just in time to greet niece Carolyn and great-niece Claire. Chatted for a bit, then the five of them left to take the steep, rocky incline to the beach. I was tempted, but for once, made a prudent decision and didn't go. Nor did Paula and that was good, as she and I played Scrabble, then chatted a bit until they returned. By that time it was dark and chilly. The rest of the gang came in, we visited for a time and were sorry to hear some bad news for nephew Finn, Carolyn's 22-year-old son. He was visiting Francine, yet another niece, in San Francisco, and had his car stolen. Worse, he had left his wallet inside. Had to take the train home to SB while the insurance company investigates. Carolyn and Claire left about 5:30 and we followed a short time later. Mike and family leave the day after tomorrow and I hope to meet up with them once more. Long day, but a good one, and incredibly, I turned in at 9:00 and slept until 5:00.

Sunday, January 07, 2024


After breakfast, I spent four hours taking down, hauling out, and sorting Christmas decorations--keep or toss! Now WHY I had so many and WHY I kept buying more is beyond me.  It's just unbelievable how much I have. I separated out about half of it to donate, but I know I should get rid of more. I'd love to sell some of it, but I guess this isn't the time of year to do it. 

Texted Mike to see if he was available yesterday. After back and forth with him and other family, we decided to meet today. We'll drive up there and see what kind of fun we can have. Ran into Mike Upstairs (these Mikes are taking over the world!), thanked him for the papaya and avocados, and had a nice chat. He and Lisa had been back east for Christmas where they have family.

My far-off friend and sister blogger, Pat R., was kind enough to discuss some aspects of communal living with me and we talked for an hour on the phone. I'm still exploring other options, of course, and I'm not wildly enthusiastic about The Townehouse (as I emailed to Pat, especially that  "e"), but it's a possible destination--the next being the grave, I guess.

The Townehouse has been in existence for many years (fifty? sixty?) and is privately owned by a guy named Jay Issacs. I met him when I took Diane to their Poseidon Adventure event (with wine and nibbles, of course) last year. I found an article, with picture, about that event. Incidentally, it's written in a truly idiotic, wide-eyed teeny-bopper style I haven't seen since high school. Also, the headline reads that it was a "smashing hit," but the correct expression is "smash hit." Okay, I'm a nitpicker, but anyways (that's a joke!), the evening was great fun:

Note to self: Leah will be away in St. Lucia from Jan 8 to 15. Her 31st birthday is Jan 10.


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...