Monday, December 27, 2021


Ellen and I mostly just lazed around early on after Greg went to work.  Had lunch, then we took a walk around the neighborhood, but boy, it was chilly--51 degrees in both Ojai and Ventura. It was a bright and sunny day, but we could see snow on the high hills in the distance. 

El made an appointment at the Apple place in Santa Barbara for 2:30 today and she'll pick me up at one-ish. I'm going to see some kind of guru who will guide me through the intricacies of the new phone.  Too bad that Mike and family will leave for San Francisco early, so we won't get to see them again while they're here.

Arrived back at my place about 4:30, said goodbye to my dear girl, then spent forty-five or so unpacking and putting away. Jumped in the shower, after which, I had one of my sketchy dinners: baby potatoes, crystal pickles, and iced tea. Did the Sunday crossword, but at six pm, it didn't feel right. (Am I a creature of habit? Bet your booty I am.)

Back in my own bed with my electric blanket (heaven!), I slept well. Happily, I'm able to do the same at Ellen's. 


Pat said...

The photo you included yesterday is wonderful. Your granddaughters are beautiful young ladies.
Glad you got an iPhone....we can now talk face to face with only works apple to apple. I need to refresh mine. Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas and birthday...very busy but just the way you probably love it.

Mimi said...

Thanks, Pat. Yes, I loved it, but it was all too short. Mike and family are on their way to San Francisco now.


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...