Sunday, December 05, 2021


Got a call from Jim in the morning, asking if today (meaning Saturday) was okay for lunch. Sure, I told him, as long as you don't get traumatized by the Christmas stuff all over the place. We chatted a bit and he surprised me by mentioning my birthday (he knew it was on the twenty-first) and saying he's like to take me to lunch. Sounds good and we'll talk about when later because I have a bunch of engagements coming up. He also mentioned he's worried about his evaluation at work which is tomorrow (Monday) and I don't blame him. 

I started going through the Christmas things, wondering all the while what possessed me* to acquire so much. Put some aside to donate and am still trying to decide about the majority of the things. Suzanne texted me, saying she'd like to hear about my trip and see pictures. She invited me to dinner and I'll go this evening.  

Jim came at his usual 12:30 and said several times he had missed me. He's very worried about the evaluation and I don't blame him. I know Academia and I know what the chair and others are trying to make happen. However, we had an enjoyable time. I made both chicken and hard-boiled egg sandwiches, one and a half of each, then said I couldn't eat the second half, so of course, Jim did. He ate most of the nuts, too, but skipped the pretzels. I then offered vanilla yogurt, which he enjoyed a lot. Jim is so thin--I honestly don't think he gets enough calories, so I'm glad to provide a little sustanence.  

*Another of my mother's mots. I assume it's based on theology and means "possessed by the devil" when one does something bizarre or evil. 

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