Saturday, December 04, 2021


Julie picked me up for my first T.O.P.S. attendance in more than a month. I was pleased to weigh in at 125.4, a loss since the last meeting of 1.9 pounds. It was a pretty enjoyable meeting--only Lennie and Bobbi were there besides the two of us--although as usual, we talked about anything but the reason we meet. 

Leader Lennie sings and Julie and I decided to attend her concert on December 11th. Julie bought out twenty-dollar tickets on the spot and I know it's going to be hard to get her to accept reimbursement, but I'll insist. She also said she wanted to take me to lunch for my birthday (fine by me) and when I mentioned I was going to look over my enormous store of Christmas decorations, she said she'd take me to the thrift store to donate. I want to do that this coming week, so people can buy before Christmas and the charity can make money. Didn't get home and have breakfast until 10:30.  

I did indeed dig out the decorations and it's incredible how many I have. I'm going to go through them and donate all that aren't family ones (actually, I have very few of those). And here it is: the seasonal crapola I managed to accumulate, plus the outfit I wore last year to Ellen's for Christmas. Note the Christmas angel behind the door, too--something I'll definitely keep.

After I finished that chore, I walked to Smart 'n' Final for veggies (a huge yam and a butternut squash) and to Dollar Tree next door for a few items. There and back totaled three miles, a good walk. After lunch, I planned to bus to town just to be there after the long time away. However, when I got to the transit center, which is at Pacific View Mall, I decided to look for a desk calendar, instead. Found one at Target, but decided it was too big. I browsed in a few other stores, but then thought I should measure the size I have, as I want that size. 

Brother Larry called with some questions about the family lore and pictures I had given him when I visited. I was surprised when he said he hadn't known Aunt Marie was married to Howard Reifsnyder. He was her first husband; he died young and she then married Howard Biddle. Anyway, I sent Larry a picture of Howard. He also asked about our grandmother's age when she died. I had thought Mom said her mother was only 45, but the death certificate which I also sent him says she was 53. Hmm...the gravestone says she was 53; sent Larry a pic of that, too. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...