Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Busy And The Bus

Fairly busy day. I walked to Telephone, then bused* to WinCo. Got just a few things there, then took the 11 to the mall and Trader Joe's. There I was able to find wild-caught salmon--at a hefty price--but Greg won't eat farm-raised. He doesn't eat sugar or flour, either--thinks they "feed" cancer. I did get a small lemon cake and later, used  the blender to make a kind a blueberry slurry. I'll warm that and we'll put it on the lemon cake; heavy cream, too, and will whip and put that on top. Naturally, Greg doesn't have to eat it--I have grapes, too.

Late again for lunch and didn't eat until after 2:00. I did prepare the butternut squash: removed the seeds and put the halves in the oven. After an hour, they were cooked enough to remove the innards and store in the fridge to heat up for dinner. Can't decide whether to add a salad. I hate to serve dinner without a green veggie of some kind, but I also have potatoes, which I'll wash, quarter, season, and cook in the oven. Maybe I'll just let them languish in bland land.

Got ambitious after dinner and wrapped the boys' gifts to send off to Jersey. I'll walk to the P.O. after breakfast. Jim called and we chatted. He was concerned that there may not be a parking spot at the entrance tonight. I told him to call me when he's about to turn into the complex and I'll open the gate so he can park in my spot. He reminded me he doesn't have a cell phone, only a landline (!). Changed that to say call me when you leave and I'll meet you out there in ten minutes. 

* I love the bus company! Below is the 21, all decked out for Christmas, plus it's free for all during the holiday season. (All of them are free for me all the time, due to age.)

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...