Saturday, December 11, 2021

Change: My Blog And The Dollar Store

AAGH! I changed the theme of my blog and now I'm not sure I like it, but guess I'll keep it for awhile. Julie picked me up for T.O.P.S. ; weighed in at 128.6 at home, for a gain of 1.2 and 127.0 at T.O.P.S. for a 2.5 gain. I'm perfectly okay with those, since I'm still within my comfort zone of 125 to 130. There were five of us and the meeting ran long, since talk roamed over all kind of non-related topics.

Didn't get breakfast until 10:30. After that, Olivia came over to show me a letter she was writing to SO-FI in which she told them she was hiring an attorney. I got a little more information about her problem, but it's still seems incomprehensible. She also mentioned that she had had brain surgery for a benign tumor a year ago. Hmm... 

After lunch, I bused to town and the library. Took the Monet book back and got Michael J. Fox'es latest No Time Like The Future. I noted they now have a "bookstore" in the library and picked up two Jonathan Kellermans (I can't help myself!) for a buck. When I went to the volunteer at the desk to pay, I discovered it was Lynn Wetzel, coordinator of docents at Dudley House. We had a nice talk and I told her I'd be in touch in January about conducting a tour. Amusingly, she expressed amazement that I was able to get into town from East Ventura. (I wonder sometimes whether people think taking a bus is some kind of wild and dangerous experience, like crossing the Klondike on skis.)

Got home and cut up mushrooms, oiled and seasoned, then popped them in the oven. At that point, my doorbell rang and it was Olivia. She brought me a birthday card, a small pine tree, a poinsettia, and a package of cookies. It was very sweet of her, but much, much too much. I must have her over for dinner one of these days, maybe with Julie and--hmm...Stella? Dunno, as I also want to have Suzanne, Vickie, and Mary before Christmas.   

I forgot to mention the other day, when I picked up a few things at Dollar Tree, I saw several items marked $1.25. I have no problem paying that for a bag of pretzels or whatever else, but this is DOLLAR Tree. For years, ever since the company was founded, every single item they sold cost one dollar. This change seems indicative of an unpleasant reality to me--for those struggling, in particular, of course.

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...