Friday, December 03, 2021

Old Haunts, My Hair, And Claude Monet

Back to my old haunts, I walked to The Market for tomatoes, onions, and so on, then to Wal-Mart for the face scrub I like, about two miles. While I was there, Betty's DIL, Robyn, called to ask if I'd get in touch with Carolyn to discuss the upcoming eighty-fifth (see later). One thing I forgot to get was a 2022 calendar; must do that. Bused home and made up my tomato/onion/garlic/seasonings roast, which I'll enjoy today in my salad. 

Before that, I crossed the street to the shopping center and Great Clips. That was a mistake. I think my hair looks like hell and, in fact, I complained so angrily in the shop another stylist tried to remedy it. I guess you could call it so-so, but that's the last time I go to that place.  

Julie called and will pick me up for T.O.P.S. this morning. I messaged (when did that get to be a verb?) Vera to ask if we--that is, Soaring Spirits--were meeting and no, but she suggested I gather some others and we could just go to lunch. Will do.

I suddenly looked at the calendar and realized Mike's birthday is on Sunday. The fact that I was away is no excuse and that threw me into gloom. I ordered something for him from Amazon, but this morning, I got a text that my payment was declined. I video-messaged him, we talked, and he soothed me. Called Ellen to discuss the complicated twin birthday party setup and she told me she was giving me a visit to L.A. to

Wow, wow, wow, and yippee! That will be wonderful! 

Called Carolyn and we had a long talk with much laughter and many tears--we both miss that central figure in our lives so much. Discussed the birthday gatherings. She called back later after she had talked to Steve and Robyn and this is how it tentatively shapes up: We'll do Betty's on either Saturday, the 18th or Tuesday, the 21st (actual day of birth) at Carolyn's in Santa Barbara, which Ellen and I will attend. (Mike and family are going to San Diego first and won't get here until the 22nd.) My side of the family and Carolyn and some of hers will "celebrate" (what's to celebrate?) at Ellen's on the 23rd. After Carolyn discusses the deal with Ellen, I guess it will be firmed up--or maybe not and who cares? I just want to get it over with. 


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