Saturday, December 18, 2021


It was a good day, starting off with a misassumption of mine: After two dinner parties in quick succession (and I freely indulged, of course), I was sure I had gained weight. No--at T.O.P.S., I weighed in at 126.7 for a loss of 1.8 and home, the scale went to 125.6 for a whopping three pounds off. I should probably consider the former my actual weight, as my scale has been acting weird lately, but hey, 1.8 isn't too shabby, either.

Got home and accompanied Olivia to the office while she handed in her leaving-the-place letter. Nobody was there but the cute boy secretary, Aidan (it's refreshing to see a guy in that role) and there was little interchange. When we got back, Olivia asked me if I'd like a plant. Well, sure, and she brought down a very large and beautiful jade plant. 

Didn't get breakfast until 11:00, then walked to The Market for paper towels and napkins. After lunch, I bused to town, which was hopping already--on Friday evenings, they have music--and I took the Michael J. Fox book back to the library. I asked whether live presentations were again going on in the gathering room and it seems they are. I've resolved to contact the head librarian after Christmas and make my proposal to present "What Even Happened To The Babies?" which I did in several venues in Jersey.

Stopped in a shop to buy muffin tins (I've decided to make nut peanut butter cups to give for Christmas here and there) and started chatting with a woman doing the same. She's from New Zealand, name is Colleen, and we hit it off together. I gave her my card, asked her to get in touch. For some reason, I just forgot to put her number on my phone, so I hope she contacts me.

Home, I stopped at Vickie's, who had called me. Her friend had been over and had made pasta salad and a hot pasta dish and Vickie insisted to giving me some. Will have it for dinner tonight.

After I ate, I showered and washed my hair, preparing for my birthday lunch today, courtesy of Jim. He called when I had just gotten out and we had a long talk, heavily geared to philosophers, philosophy (especially existentialism, natch), but with a nod toward the high price of stuff at Von's. I'm working on a little name rhyme for him, too.

Called Ellen and we firmed up plans for the coming week: She'll pick me up on our actual birthday, Tuesday, and we'll drive to Santa Barbara to be with Betty and her family. I'll stay over at her place, then go to L.A. on Wednesday for the Monet experience. 

I'm still debating whether to invite Julie, Olivia, and possible Noreen for--yes, a little dinner party. Well, if so, it'll have to be tomorrow; the rest of the time will be all family.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Pat, those entries that supposedly got dozens of comments were news to me. Clearly, they were all or almost all electronically generated and Blogger posted them. I have NO IDEA why this happened or how I can avoid it. I'm still trying to get back to the simple format (or "theme," as they call it) I had for so long, but can't seem to get there. I hate this setup and will keep trying to change it. In truth, of course, your comments are usually the only legitimate ones. I also dislike having to "approve" them; if they're from you or anyone else I know, I'd just want them to be posted without my approval each time. Of course, that's how those 40+ comments got on!


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...