Thursday, December 09, 2021


I again walked to WinCo and Office Max, and this time deviated first to Barnes & Noble, then to  Michael's, covering about five miles. I was looking for stick-on letters for the pacifist poster I made for my window. Couldn't find them in either store (as with so many things, there's a supply problem), but I got ink and a 2022 calendar. Took the bus home. Didn't get there and have lunch until after 2:00, but that was okay. After, I worked on a pacifist poster, which I put in my window.

Went to get the mail and when I returned, my down-the-building  neighbor, Olivia, walked up and I invited her in; darned if she didn't bring me two more avocados and a package of biscotti. I asked if there was anything new on her problem with SO-FI, but not yet. She stayed about an hour, though, and we had a long talk. I found it surprising that when it comes to both religion and politics, her ideas and beliefs are very close to mine. She's 65, is divorced, has two daughters, both married, but no grandchildren, and is of Mexican descent. That last is why I was surprised at her (not "liberal"; Biden is pretend "liberal," fer cryin' out loud), but with radical ideas. Anyway, it was interesting to say the least. I want to have her over one of these days for lunch or dinner and get to know her better. 

Speaking of youngsters in their sixties, Julie called in some consternation because of the predicted weather today: good grief, it's supposed to RAIN! I just stepped out to get the paper and yes, the sidewalk is wet! Don't know whether to call the police, the National Guard, or city hall...

Okay, I'll stop. I guess she'll call me to discuss whether we should go to take my stuff to Good Will or wait. Had a good vegan dinner of bean stew, carrots, and the last of the yam; slept well, too.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...