Wednesday, December 22, 2021


A busy two days and I'm only going to quickly skim through all that went on. It was, incidentally--or maybe not so incidentally--two really good days. But I'm writing this at 7:30 pm on Wednesday night and boy, am I tired. Will add some tomorrow. 

Tuesday, 12/21: Ellen picked me up and we arrived at niece Carolyn's in Santa Barbara about 12:30. Carolyn wasn't there, as she had gone to pick Betty up.  Finn, 20, and Claire, 15, along with Calvin (woof!) until they got in. Betty's DIL, Robyn, arrived shortly thereafter. Unfortunately, Betty's son, Stephen and grandson, Dexter, didn't come--didn't feel well. We had presents, then lunch. Carolyn had bought a big long sandwich (below) and Ellen brought salad and wine. We had those and enjoyed them, then Carolyn brought out the yummy lemon cake, which Claire had made with two candles on it. The song was sung, candles outed, and that was the party. 

Carolyn, Ellen, and I took Betty back to her place, where a little birthday celebration was held--standard there, I think, and probably at every other such facility. 

(Carolyn and Ellen took lots of pictures of Betty and me together, but I'll have to add them later.)

Anyway, now I'm 85. Doesn't feel any different than being 84. 
I got birthday calls from brother Larry, Jim, Vickie, and others, plus lots of birthday wishes posts on Facebook. 
I'll have to finish this later, as it's 7:20 and I'm tired. I'm writing it on the day after our birthday, this is, Wednesday, December 22. 

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...