Thursday, December 02, 2021

Settling Back In

Busy, busy, busy day, but a good one. I unpacked and did no fewer than five loads of wash, stripped and re-made my bed, went through the mountainous pile of mail Suzanne had collected for me, and otherwise occupied myself. Walked over to Von's twice; the first time for tangerines, milk for my oatmeal, and the Ventura Star. Later, I picked up romaine, shrimp, beer, and a few other items. I was so busy, I actually forgot to have lunch. (Never thought I's see the day I'd forget a meal!)

Had a hassle with that newspaper from hell, the Ventura County Star. I had discontinued delivery while I was away and now called to have it restarted after the month's hiatus. Damn, I got the most infuriating runaround from two different "representatives." I pay $42.29 per month for that rag, but was now told the charge would be $29.01 and that I have a credit of $69.86. Why and how all this works is beyond me. However, I looked at my bank account and saw I am again being charged $42.29. Will call them back today.

Ellen called on her way home from work and we had a nice chat. I hope I can get to see her over the weekend. Had fresh shrimp (well, frozen, but uncooked--the ones you buy already cooked are a curse on mankind) carrots and carrots for dinner. I plan to walk to The Market and Wal-Mart for other provisions this morning. 

Called Jim last night and we talked for fifteen or so. He said had missed me several times and I was pleased that he was able to do so without getting tied into knots--nor, for that matter, putting a romance context on it. He's in the throes of finals for the semester, so I asked him to let me know when he's available for lunch.

Slept soundly all night, which feels so goodHowever, since I couldn't keep my eyes open, I went to bed at 8:30 and got up much too early at 5:15. I'll try to modify that at least to 9:00 and get up no earlier than 6:00 or, preferably, 6:30. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...