Tuesday, December 07, 2021


Something interesting happened yesterday.  I slept well, getting up at 6:00, did my usual morning stuff, including this blog, and was about to get dressed when my neighbor, Olivia, called at 7:30 (she knows I get up early.) She asked if she could come by and ask me something. Sure, come ahead, and she did.

She asked me to go with her to the office so I could witness that she delivered some papers to Bianca, the manager--oops, I forgot, she's "community director" (gawd, give me strength!). She then outlined a long and complicated story about Edison, the electric company and So-Fi, the huge corporation that owns the apartment complex where we live. It seems that Olivia, after her divorce, had rented her apartment, but didn't move in for several months and somehow, So-Fi paid the electric bill. She said she keeps asking them how much she owes, plus got in touch with Edison, but errors were made and so on. The upshot is that she got an eviction notice on Friday. It's just impossible to even attempt to repeat the problem accurately, but I think that's the gist. Anyway, I met her at the office at 8:45 and can indeed state that she gave the secretary (Bianca was busy) a large envelope of papers which, presumably, chronicles the problem. While I waited, I took a few pics of the newly renovated common rooms. I asked if they were available to rent and was told "not yet"--it's been three years! Anyway, it's quite attractive:

But WHY, oh why, can't I get the picture of the kitchen area to come up? I just don't understand it, and it's annoying the hell out of me. Maybe I'll try tomorrow...

After the office visit, I cleaned up a bit, then set off for Office Max and WinCo. Walked down Victoria, but skipped the 11 bus and walked the full distance of four miles. It actually felt good, as I hadn't be out on Sunday. Got printer ink, spinach, yogurt, and other edibles. Bused home.

I then spent several hours continuing the Christmas decoration campaign. Put some in the "donate" pile and kept others. Called Julie and we settled on Thursday for her to take me to the thrift store, then to lunch in Ojai. Called Elder Law about the trust thing and they'll send me more paperwork to complete and return. Called Ellen and we chatted. Called Jim and found that his evaluation, set for yesterday, had been postponed until next Monday because the chairperson was sick. He said he had been called only ten minutes before it was scheduled. He was pretty down about it, thinking it would be over with now, and I don't blame him.  

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