Tuesday, December 28, 2021

"Up In The Air" In More Ways Than One

Ellen and I had planned to go to the Apple store in Santa Barbara, but she called at 10:00 to say she had a backache, so had postponed until today. Actually, that suited me better, as it was raining and I didn't feel like going out, anyway. 

Called Jim to see if he was available for lunch--he was and I started looking around to see what I could feed him. I hard-boiled two eggs and got out of the freezer chicken, rolls, and crystal pickles. Served these along with the chocolate-covered nuts I had made and he devoured most of it. Naturally, I also had red wine for him, German beer for me, plus we each had small glasses of port.

After Jim left, I did something truly decadent I haven't done for years: I sat down and turned on the television during the afternoon!  Watched the DVD of one of my favorites movies, an oldie (2010) but goodie, Up In The Air. It has to do with some aspects of human resources (after so many years at Rider, I can relate), plus has a bittersweet love (or lust) story and is just a treat. 

Later in the day came unsettling news: Ellen called to tell me that my nephew, Wes, who's visiting Carolyn from Chicago, has come down with COVID. His fiancĂ©e and three daughters are also there and we had hoped to see them before they leave. This puts the kibosh on that, of course, and unfortunately, Mike and family had been with them at Carolyn's on Monday. With El on the phone, I PMed him, now in San Francisco, and we discussed the situation.  We decided not to go the the Apple store until--well, later some time. Mike and family are scheduled to fly back to Singapore on the thirty-first. 

Damn this disease and I'm hoping Carolyn and her family, plus Mike and his family, escape it. 

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...