Monday, December 06, 2021


I got a fair amount done yesterday--some of the things had been hanging on since before I went to Jersey. Prominent among them was sorting out the idiotic amount of Christmas decorations I have and packing them up to donate. That took quite awhile. So did vacuuming and dusting, as well as emptying the vacuum and sweeper; took them and the waste basket on the patio, so did it with no mess.

I acquired a nice tapestry of an angel last year; unfortunately, it has to hang on a rod and 1.) I have no rod and 2.) I have no place to hang it. I decided to see if Suzanne would like it; if not, out it goes with the rest of the donations. Later: Suzanne didn't want it, but it occurred to me it could hang on the rod my Thanksgiving tapestry's on. I put it on the door with a wreath and it doesn't look bad.

Had dinner at Suzanne's. She made a nice soup with lentils ad a rather odd, but okay "salad" consisting of a yam/bean mixture topped with shredded carrots. That's right down my alley and I thought it was good. I had texted her I'd bring my own drink (and glass)--a beer, of course, and she was fine with that. She served a dessert of apples, nuts, grapes, and some kind of creamy something. It was yummy and I had two portions. We talked a lot about our families and also, psychoanalyzed Jim and a man in her "faith group." Guess we both should have gone to shrink school.

Ellen called after I got home and we just chatted a bit. I'm still not exactly sure what will go on with the birthday thing and I don't really care. Mainly, I just want to be with her, Greg, and Mike and his family. I don't give a damn about cake or presents. 

I made a note to myself for today: I must call Julie, Jim, the attorney for the trust thing, and the office to get one of the guys to close my bathroom window. (It's one of those small rectangular ones up high over the shower and I can barely reach it, let along slide it closed. I had opened it last spring and forgot about it until it started to get chilly here.) Also need to get the Monet bio from the library in town, a calendar, printer ink, and nail polish.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...