Monday, November 30, 2020

Carolyn B. And Co-Vid

I tend to be a hopeless procrastinator when it comes to mundane things and filing is no exception. I finally got around to it and now my "business" stuff is pretty accessible. Of course, I had earlier done my Sunday crossword, a good one. Walked over to Von's for romaine and the big mushrooms I like to roast, then had lunch.

After, I bused to town. Stopped in several shops and bought two more DVDs. The one I'm watching now is called Secret Window, one of Stephen King's. I probably read it and I think I've seen the movie before, but am not sure. (Don't think that doesn't worry me, considering my sibs' problems.) Johnny Dep is pretty good in this and I like the movie--well done and really scary.

While I was waiting for the 10 bus to start up, I was surprised, but pleased, that Carolyn B., Nancy's and my former happy hour partner, called me. Her eyes are still a problem, but we had a good chat for ten or so. When the bus starts up, though, I can't hear, so said I'll call her when I got home. I did, and we talked for another half hour. Carolyn never--never--goes out. Her children, both in college, go to the supermarket for her. She's only 59, but says she's at high risk for CO-VID, as she has diabetes.  

I'm not sure if "high risk" means you have a better chance of acquiring the disease or if you'll probably die of it if you get it. Since the survival rate is something like 99%, especially for the non-elderly and those without other conditions, maybe it isn't as worrisome as some other problems. Or maybe it is--I'm completely at sea about the whole thing, especially whether the cure is worse than the disease. Just dunno.

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