Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Getting Settled And Gandhi

 I'm still digging out from under. Did a load of wash and a lot of food prep: chunked the huge cauliflower I had bought, seasoned, and put it in the slow cooker; scrubbed and cut two pounds of carrots and roasted in the oven; chopped two large onions and stowed them in the freezer. In the meantime, Betty called and we talked, plus I spoke to the Discover card people because of a bizarre happening. I got a letter from them saying an amount was overdue. How much? $3.00; with fees added, $4.50. After calling and being transferred to no fewer than five people, I got it straightened out, I hope. I'm most concerned that my credit rating, which is above 800, may go down. Will call the rating people today. Called Nancy and we had a long, good talk. She still is experiencing shortness of breath, although her hemoglobin and iron test okay. Her knee has improved with the shots.

After lunch, I bused to town. Stopped in a few shops and enjoyed being there; bought a DVD and a beer stein that can be put in the freezer; I needed it like a hole in the head, of course. According to "My Tracks," I did just three miles, but no prob, I was pretty active otherwise.

Home and I discovered there were still problems with the time. My laptop was somehow showing the time three hours later than it actually was. It was still on New Mexico time and, I guess, DST was involved. Luckily, I was able to fix it. Unfortunately, the "antique" battery clock in the kitchen seems to have given up the ghost. Must buy new batteries to test. But on the happier note: All three of the packages of clothes I had sent ahead arrived yesterday.

Sharon R. called. She's still having a problem with both her vision and her edema and hasn't been to T.O.P.S. in months. She also asked me to call Luisa, as yesterday was  her birthday.  Shortly after I got home, Suzanne rang my bell and we sat outside for a bit, catching up on each others' recent trips. She had gone to her niece's wedding in Idaho, just before I went to NM. Enjoyed chatting with her, as ever.

Family Medical, or whoever they are, called. I know I need to catch up with Dr. T. about the skin cancer on my nose, but when I called back, I was on hold for so long, I gave up. Will call again today.

Started watching the DVD Bugsy last night. It's okay, or would be if Warren Beatty wasn't such a ham. I'm intrigued and amused though, by Ben Kingsley playing a Bronx-accent gangster. He can't escape Gandhi, I guess.


1 comment:

Nunung said...
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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...