Wednesday, November 04, 2020


I got a text from my tenant, telling me the house should probably be power washed. She sent pictures of the siding, and yes, I guess so. I texted my guy, Bill, and asked him to take a look and give me an estimate.

Got a lot more done, including paying bills, calling the dermatologist office (he and I will consult on the phone on Friday). Also dealt to an extent with Blue Shield; they did get my application for dental insurance, so I'm in, I guess. That doesn't mean my extensive upcoming procedure will be completely covered--far from it--but it will chip off some of the cost. Also cleaned up the patio a bit, trimmed the daisy and so on, but must do more.

Called my brother to tell him--reluctantly--that I wouldn't be going to his granddaughter's wedding on the twenty-first.  I just can't face getting on another plane, for one thing. Besides, with their huge family (there are about thirty people in the wedding party alone), I don't think I'll be missed. Larry and I had a good talk, though.  

Took off for WinCo after breakfast. I walked to Telephone Road, intending to take a bus the rest of the way, but none came, so I continued on. This totaled roughly three and a half miles, which was fine by me. I did take a bus back to the transit center, then another home.

Back to de-packing from the trip: I still haven't finished, but finally opened the three large packages of clothes I had sent from NM. I had washed them first, but they came out all wrinkled, of course, so I'll put them n the wash again. 

What remains is 1. going over the presents I bought and deciding what goes where--most will be Christmas presents; 2.) putting in various designated suitcases and bags, the various smaller bags (jewelry case, etc.) I took; and 3. most prominently, calling Lisa of Johnson Family Dental to make an appointment and nail down the cost. At the same time, I'm going to do my darndest to negotiate a lower cost. (My policy is, "Everything's Negotiable" and it surprises me how so few people take that to heart.) 

I'm looking forward to seeing Jim here for lunch today.


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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...