Wednesday, November 25, 2020


 After getting the call from the dentist's office, I realized I had time on my hands, so I spent an hour or so cleaning the kitchen counters, dusting, and so on. This morning, the rep from SCAN is coming to fill me in on their supplement. I doubt if it would be better than what I already have (Blue Shield of California), and I'm more interested in their dental plans.

Finished my domestic chores and walked to the market for romaine, a nice acorn squash, and onions. Walked both ways, so covered three. After lunch, I bused to town and stopped in a few shops; bought pajamas, and a kid's game, which I may give Betty for Christmas or our joint birthday. I got another about one and a half, maybe two miles in, so that was good.

Called Ellen to tell her the buses don't, after all, run on Thanksgiving, so we'll have to devise a new plan. She volunteered to pay for Urber or Lyft, but the one time I used the former, the charge was thirty-five dollars. Think I'll see if I can find a friend or friend of a friend to do it for twenty. I'd rather give one of them the money, anyway.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...