Friday, November 20, 2020

Talking And Walking

 A fair amount going on. After breakfast, I called Betty just to chat. I'm feeling guilty about being somewhat impatient with her lately, but she seems not to remember that. Called Nancy to tell her about talking to our mutual friend, Carolyn B. and Nance and I had a long talk. Later, Nancy texted to ask for her phone number, so I assume will call her.

After breakfast, I took the footbridge to the Hill Street library branch and dropped off some DVDs. Hopped the 11 bus to get to Bed, Bath & Beyond, as I want to get some new bath rugs and a few other things. I was surprised and disappointed that they didn't have much of a selection and nothing in the deep purple I wanted. I did see a gorgeous star spread and would love to have it. However, I really don't need it and it's expensive--maybe I'll hint I'd like it as a birthday/Christmas gift.

Didn't buy anything, but stopped at the Cricket store nearby. Talked to a nice young man named Dylan, who did something to fix a minor problem on my phone. I asked if I could call another country--no, but for five dollars, that could be added. Good news...

...but he then noticed I have the cheapie plan and pay only thirty bucks a month. In that case. I'd have to upgrade to the forty-dollar plan, plus the five, so it would be an extra fifteen a month. I don't see any reason to do that, so I think I'll ask El to use her phone to call my brother in Thailand.

Went from there to Target and got blueberries. It annoyed me no end that my Target card was rejected; I had called twice about it and was assured it was okay. This time, I wouldn't accept my pin. I paid with my debit card, but vowed to call them again...

...which I did when I got home. It turns out my pin was changed in September. I don't remember doing that, so what gives? Dunno, but after I was sent here and there, I changed the pin.

Walked to the Dollar Tree for something they didn't have. While I waited for a bus home, I called Jim and we made a date for lunch here tomorrow (our usual, out in the middle).   

After lunch, I walked to Smart 'n' Final and the other Dollar Tree and got what I wanted. Picked up lettuce at S 'n' F for lunch today and found my sugar-free caramels at D.T. Walked home, so I got in about five yesterday, which felt good.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...