Saturday, November 28, 2020

Day After

Weight report: We didn't have T.O.P.S., but at home, I weighed 126.6, a gain of two tenths of a pound from last week. I'm no mathematician, so I don't know what that is in ounces, but it's surely insignificant, so okay.

Yesterday, I got a sudden urge to "tidy up," to use Marie Kondo's phrase. I piled all my long, short, and Capri pants on the bed, then rolled them and put back in drawers. Did the same with all my tops; I'm thinking of weeding them out, though, and donating some to the thrift store. 

I then walked to the Market, Ralph's, and Wal-Mart for items ranging from grapes to body wash to underwear. Took a bus back, stopping at Von's for frozen raw jumbo shrimp. When I approached my door, I saw that Suzanne had hers open. We chatted and discussed our Thanksgivings; she had gone to her cousin's up north and stayed overnight.

 Had lunch, then whipped up (figuratively speaking) my tomato, onion, garlic, oil, vinegar, Italian seasoning concoction, which I put in my salad every day, and popped it in the oven. After that, I didn't do anything very productive. (But why would I have to be "productive," anyway?) I did dig out a Christmas project I hadn't gotten around to: large stamps--that is, the kind you press on to an ink pad, then on paper--and plain white note-sized paper. I was going to make cards and write personalize verses, but probably just to close family. We'll see if I get to it this year. 

Other than that, being in a melancholy mood, I read over some of my blog entries. That made me not melancholy, but practically suicidal (NOT literally). My mother used to say the feeling happened often  after a pleasant experience--she called it "the letdown." Well, who knows--she was right about a lot of things. And wrong about plenty, too. 

Things improved later, anyway, and now I'm back on an even keel. (We nautical types like to use that expression.) 😁 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...