Thursday, November 05, 2020

Lunch With Jim And Felicity Huffman

I finally got around to putting in the wash the clothes I had shipped home from NM; they weren't dirty, just wrinkled. I then spent a long time looking through albums, files, and drawers, trying to find my mother's wedding picture. I thought it would be nice to send my great-niece a copy, since I won't be going to her wedding in Jacksonville. I simply couldn't find it--I know it's here somewhere. I did find my parents' marriage certificate and will copy that, too, but it's no good without the pic.

Later, I made lunch and packed it into my insulated carrier along with a can of beer, and met Jim near the pool at 1:00. We ate and, as ever, talked and talked, this time about dentistry, religion, Marx and communism, Herbert Marcuse and his take on life, and similar topics. It was a good session, as ever, and I was glad to see Jim again.

He left about 4:30 and I walked over to Von's for lettuce. When I settled in for my daily hour of TV watching, I put in the Transamerica DVD.  I had heard it was good and boy, is it--I didn't know Felicity Huffman had it in her.  

1 comment:

Nunung said...

Assalamualaikum Mbah menawarkan bantuan... Punya masalah??
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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...