Friday, November 13, 2020

Money Matters

I loaded the shipment to Singapore AND the little box for Japan in my cart, added the two books I was returning to to library, and set off first to the P.O. I used the P.O.'s "one cost box" (international) for the former and that cost was $77.50. The P.O. guy said if I used my own box, it would be only $63 and change. So, of course, I went home, removed the contents, found a regular box, re-packed it--NOT! Hey, I'm getting reimbursed and I wasn't about to spend anymore time and effort on it.

I had also put in a small box the bag of Atomic Fireballs that older son in Tokyo wanted. I  had bought them for a buck at the Dollar Tree and asked what the postage would be--seventeen dollars and a bit! Is he getting them? Only if he comes over and picks them up.

From there, I walked to the Hill Street branch of the library, as the DVD I requested months ago (Once Upon A Time In Hollywood) was finally ready to be picked up.  However, I had forgotten they were only open from 1 to 6, Monday through Thursday, and it was 12:30 when I got there, so I called Betty to chat for a half or so. Picked up the DVD and left off a few the loaner books, then walked home over the bridge footpath. 

I made an appointment to see Angie, the billing supervisor at Johnson Dental, next Tuesday. I'm going to try to negotiate a lower cost for the damn work I have to have done. Scrubbed and cut up a pound or so of carrots and put them in the slow cooker with some quartered tangerines and a little cinnamon. I then bused to Target at the mall and got blueberries and Dave's Killer Bread, the only kind I buy.

Stopped at Von's for romaine on the way home. Back on campus, I  saw neighbor Michelle outside in the middle and we talked--she, as ever, more or less hysterical about the rise in the utilities bill. 

Speaking of bills, I called the electric company, furious that I was charged a total of $45.27 for the period of October 7 to November 5--although I wasn't here the entire month of October!  It seems there's come kind of charge just for having a meter, plus this and that more. I tell you, one of these days, the revolution is coming and the powers-that-be have only themselves to blame.


1 comment:

Nunung said...

Assalamualaikum Mbah menawarkan bantuan... Punya masalah??
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👉Transfer janin
👉Penglaris usaha.DLL
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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...