Monday, November 16, 2020


 After the usual Sunday stuff (the crossword was annoyingly obscure), I tidied up a bit. Ellen came a little after 1:00 and we took our lunches outside. For the first time (I had always gone to the middle with others), we sat in the little area close to my apartment. It was very warm out, I'm glad to relate, and it's well shaded, so enjoyable.

We had a good talk. I always enjoy hearing about her triumphs and trials regarding home-teaching and I'm happy when she shares. We made tentative plans for Thanksgiving, too. El left about 3:00 and I then impulsively decided to bus to town. Didn't get there until almost 4:00 and I just visited a few shops. Bought a DVD of The Painted Veil which I think is a remake of an early movie.

It took an age (well, 19 minutes, which in Busworld is an age) for the 6 bus to come, but it did and at the transit center, I was able to board the 21 for home almost immediately. Had a fresh tuna steak and veggies for dinner.

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