Tuesday, November 24, 2020


BREAKING NEWS:  I had posted this about an hour ago at 6:45 am. Just got a call from the dentist's office, saying my 11:00 appointment today had to be cancelled. Why? Because Dr. K's wife just went into labor. Was I upset or disturbed over this? Hell, no, I feel wonderfully liberated. Made an appointment for December 10.

Stripped and re-made the bed and did a large white wash, then a smaller color one. This took most of the morning, along with my lo-o-n-g put-off chore of organizing and neatening up the miles of chargers and other wires I have. I think somebody sneaks in here when I'm asleep to add them.

Got a call from the SCAN health insurance person and she'll come here tomorrow. I doubt if I can improve my plan, but thought I'd look into it, especially for dental.

Walked over to Von's for lettuce and shredded cheese; I confess I also bought a jar of salted peanuts. After lunch, I walked over the footbridge to Kimball to put in a book and DVD at the Lending Library.  As I neared it, I was delighted to see my friend, Diane. When I told her where I had been in October, I was thrilled to hear she and her son had hiked the Grand Canyon, twenty miles from the south rim to the north! She's very active in the Sierra Club and hikes frequently, not only here, but in Europe.    

Anyway, we sat on a bench and talked for a good forty-five minutes. One of these days, I'll join her and the others at 7:00 am to walk the circumference of the park, as I used to do. We said goodbye and I walked a few yards further, then who hailed me but Carolyn S.   She was also a Kimball walker and we talked for fifteen or so. The last time I saw her, her daughter was hoping to become pregnant and now she told me the baby, her first grandchild, is due in two weeks. Happy news.

I didn't see anything I wanted to read (and I have enough books for the next two years, I think), but left off my donations. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...