Sunday, November 29, 2020


Incredibly, I slept until 7:30 yesterday. I've been waking up lately at midnight or so, then having trouble getting back to sleep. This happens periodically, but should stop after a time.  I guess I needed the extra sleep, but I then didn't feel like breakfast until 9:00, so was off my usual schedule. 

Walked to Wal-Mart to exchange something, then caught a bus home. I don't even remember what I did until lunch, but after that, I took bus to Telephone Road, then walked to Barnes & Noble (about two). I wanted to get a "Forgot Your Password," which I did. I'm on my third one (over several years), as I keep crossing out and changing.

Going home, I intended to bus to the transit center, then take another bus home. However, nothing was coming, so I decided to walk. I did, to Thille Street, then noticed the bike/walking path I've seen before, but never tried. This time I did and was surprised that I got slightly lost, because it didn't lead where I thought it would. However, I corrected, got to Victoria Avenue, and was oriented properly after that. That was at least two more miles.

Called Jim when I got home and we had a nice chat about each other's Thanksgivings. He was with friends, but of course, I have no idea who they are, how he knows them, if they're male or female, married, straight, gay, from outer space or anything else. When I ask him a direct question, he'll answer it, but only just that question. "How many were at dinner?" "Four." Even I don't always feel brash enough to probe further. He did divulge that he had had two pieces of pie, which is downright decadence for him.

We also discussed wine, which we both like. When we have lunch together, though, he doesn't drink alcohol; says he only drinks wine with dinner. He's into the red mostly, but likes the whites, too, as I do. We made a date for lunch on Thursday, as usual, here in the middle of the complex.

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